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JJ's Velvet Book

JJ Neufmois
Community Member
Sieb zehn: human nature (and the cliche in life issues)

x_JJneufmoiS_x: did i miss anything?
Burreto-kun: If you sprayed my glasses i would have killed you all.
x_JJneufmoiS_x: eh? o_O
x=Sanrei=x: Indeed.
x_JJneufmoiS_x: O_O
Kenichi Kinken: *takes Burreto's glasses and decorates around them*
Burreto-kun: -screams in terror-
Radioactive Sharpie leaves the chat.
x_JJneufmoiS_x: aren't you blind as a bat without them?
Kenichi Kinken: *puts them back on*
Burreto-kun: No i see alright with out them
Burreto-kun: -breaks keni's toe-
x_JJneufmoiS_x: *hisses* ouch
Burreto-kun: Don't touch meh specs
Kenichi Kinken: oww o.o
Kenichi Kinken: *goes to the doctors*
x_JJneufmoiS_x: *over to burreto* that must be one heavy shoe you're wearing o_O
x_JJneufmoiS_x: and i do mean hella heavy o_o
Burreto-kun: I wear combat boots from time to time.
Kenichi Kinken: sorry Burreto, forgive? :3?
x_JJneufmoiS_x: ouch >.<. been there done that
Burreto-kun: Hmpf.
Kenichi Kinken: i will get you new glasses? :3
Burreto-kun: NO!
x_JJneufmoiS_x: i remember gettting blisters wearing those damn things. the combat boots i mean >.<
Kenichi Kinken: ohh ok
Burreto-kun: My glasses! -clings-
x_JJneufmoiS_x: aww
Burreto-kun: -sits-
Kenichi Kinken: *sits next to*
x_JJneufmoiS_x: *air vent blows up on his shirt*....o_O
Burreto-kun: -scoots away0
Kenichi Kinken: *scoots close*
sexy_purple_kitty enters the chat.
Heatherlynn enters the chat.
Burreto-kun: Purple would you please leave?
Heatherlynn leaves the chat.
sexy_purple_kitty: y
Burreto-kun: Because this is a room for gay males. So please leave, thank you.
sexy_purple_kitty: im an guy in real life
sexy_purple_kitty: i just wanted an gurl cause im gay
Burreto-kun: I highly doubt that.
sexy_purple_kitty: i am
sexy_purple_kitty: so i can attract
sexy_purple_kitty: boy
x_JJneufmoiS_x: this is what happends when gaia doesn't allow males dressing in full drag v.v
x_JJneufmoiS_x: and....stuff
Daisuke_Hiwatari enters the chat.
x_JJneufmoiS_x: *over to daisuke* wow *_*
sexy_purple_kitty: so see i am an male in real life
Burreto-kun: I still doubt it.
Burreto-kun: And this is my room.
Kenichi Kinken: Dai looks like a chick :3
Daisuke_Hiwatari: Um hi jj
Daisuke_Hiwatari: Yuppers
Burreto-kun: So I'm asking you nicely to leave.
sexy_purple_kitty: who me
Burreto-kun: Yes you.
Kenichi Kinken: your like 12 arent you
sexy_purple_kitty: im an guy and u guys cant accept me u just dont beleiave
sexy_purple_kitty: no im 14 but i act like 12
Burreto-kun: I'm asking you to leave because you 1)probably arent male 2) speak in short hand
Daisuke_Hiwatari: me ish 13
x_JJneufmoiS_x: hmm? what is it dai? *snaps out of it*
Burreto-kun: and 3) I don't like you/
Burreto-kun: .*
sexy_purple_kitty: i am if i were and gurl u think ill be in here
Daisuke_Hiwatari: ....ahhhh
Burreto-kun: Actually I do.
Daisuke_Hiwatari: Yeah.... fangirls
sexy_purple_kitty: no
Kenichi Kinken: yes girls do that
Burreto-kun: Indeed they do.
Daisuke_Hiwatari: I see an ave. 12 a day
sexy_purple_kitty: i wont if i were an gurl
Burreto-kun: Just please leave.
Daisuke_Hiwatari: ..and they all act like you 3nodding
x_JJneufmoiS_x: o_O
sexy_purple_kitty: trust me this is the only room that will accept me crying
Daisuke_Hiwatari: ..I mea....erm
Burreto-kun: We don't accept you
Burreto-kun: We shun you.
Burreto-kun: SHUN!
Daisuke_Hiwatari: SHUN!!!!!
Kenichi Kinken: shunnnnn
sexy_purple_kitty: im an guy *please dont kick me out *
Burreto-kun: SHUN!
x_JJneufmoiS_x: look, just change your avi if so
Daisuke_Hiwatari: *Starts to walk in circles aroun purple chanting "shun"*
sexy_purple_kitty: i cant
Burreto-kun: -joins dai in chanting-
Kenichi Kinken: yes you can
Kenichi Kinken: go to my stuff
sexy_purple_kitty: u guys r mean and cant accept ur own kind
Kenichi Kinken: then equip items
x=Sanrei=x: Shun.
Burreto-kun: What kind?
x_JJneufmoiS_x: there's no shame in trying to attract men in the gender the gods gave you, kitty
Burreto-kun: Gay guys?
Kenichi Kinken: then delete characters
sexy_purple_kitty: if i were an gurl i wont be in an gay room
Burreto-kun: SHUN!
Burreto-kun: SHUN!
x=Sanrei=x: SHUN
sexy_purple_kitty: i cant it says i need 10000 gold
Burreto-kun: SHUN!
sexy_purple_kitty: to change my avi
Burreto-kun: SHUN!
x_JJneufmoiS_x: you could change it at anytime
Kenichi Kinken: how many times have you done that o.o
sexy_purple_kitty: and i thought that being an gurl avi thats will atract an guy to me
Burreto-kun: SHUN
x_JJneufmoiS_x: just delete the character and start over a new avi from scratch
sexy_purple_kitty: i tried 35
x=Sanrei=x: You'll attract straight men.
x=Sanrei=x: That's kidn of pointless.
Burreto-kun: -gets ready for fight mode-
sexy_purple_kitty: no i tell them im gay
Kenichi Kinken: *holds Burreto down*
Daisuke_Hiwatari: *Glomps purple* Me ish attracted...
x=Sanrei=x: Your logic fails.
Daisuke_Hiwatari: jk
Burreto-kun: -growls-
Daisuke_Hiwatari: lol sorry
sexy_purple_kitty: and my bf is gay
x=Sanrei=x: No, really?
sexy_purple_kitty: well he is bio
x_JJneufmoiS_x: *refuses to fight, but is familiar with the rules*
Burreto-kun: -flails- Let me at her!
sexy_purple_kitty: *crys
x=Sanrei=x: If you aren't a girl you may as well be.
Kenichi Kinken: kitty leave or Burreto will go crazy
sexy_purple_kitty: p3 and p4 is an gurl
Burreto-kun: No they arent you idiot
Burreto-kun: And it is very easy to tell.
sexy_purple_kitty: then im not
Kenichi Kinken: well p4 is
Kenichi Kinken: XD
sexy_purple_kitty: they look like gurls
Burreto-kun: Only their hair
sexy_purple_kitty: no there faces too
x=Sanrei=x: Yeah, because you can make male avatars look more feminine if you want.
Daisuke_Hiwatari: ..Im player 5
Burreto-kun: You can tell because the girls chin is much pointyer
sexy_purple_kitty: look at p5 face
x_JJneufmoiS_x: i'm not despite the hair
x=Sanrei=x: And the mouth is different.
Daisuke_Hiwatari: The eyes are dif
Kenichi Kinken: guys head is more rounded
x=Sanrei=x: Girls don't have my frown.
x_JJneufmoiS_x: right
x=Sanrei=x: I love my frown.
Kenichi Kinken: and guys dont wear lipstick
Burreto-kun: You fail!
Burreto-kun: Muahaha!
Burreto-kun: Now get out.
sexy_purple_kitty: my lips r pink because im .................*crys*and holds on to p5 dont make them let me leave im
Daisuke_Hiwatari: *glomps burreto* Wheeee!!!!
Daisuke_Hiwatari: ummmm....
Burreto-kun: O.O
Daisuke_Hiwatari: *feels very uncomfritable*
x_JJneufmoiS_x: just go please. we don't mean any harm
Burreto-kun: -kicks the female off-
Burreto-kun: Don't touch him!
x_JJneufmoiS_x: but rules are rules
sexy_purple_kitty: an guy and if im an gurl as they say then they r not gay
Daisuke_Hiwatari: .. Yeah no harm xD
Burreto-kun: What?
Daisuke_Hiwatari: Hey purple....
Burreto-kun: Did any one understand that?
x_JJneufmoiS_x: hmm?
x=Sanrei=x: Not entirely.
Kenichi Kinken: no o.o
sexy_purple_kitty: they r straight if im an gurl
x=Sanrei=x: That's another reason I don't like her.
x_JJneufmoiS_x: what is it?
Burreto-kun: GET OUT!
x_JJneufmoiS_x: why*
Kenichi Kinken: my brain hurts trying to understand it o.o
Daisuke_Hiwatari: Then Im straight and your a girl... GO!!!!
sexy_purple_kitty: im not an her got damn it im an guy *takes out sword and gets ready to fight
x=Sanrei=x: The horrible grammar/sentence structure.
Daisuke_Hiwatari: Im a fem
x=Sanrei=x: The inability to form cohesive sentences.
Burreto-kun: You arent even worth fighting.
sexy_purple_kitty: licks p1 leg
sexy_purple_kitty: im an boy kitty
Daisuke_Hiwatari: *transforms into a vampire and sommons my sithe*
Kenichi Kinken: o.o
Burreto-kun: Why did she lick me?
Kenichi Kinken: kill it?
Daisuke_Hiwatari: O.o;;
Burreto-kun: Good plan?
Burreto-kun: !*
sexy_purple_kitty: ur cute an ur turn an guy on
x=Sanrei=x: *pulls his baseball bat from behind his slot machine*
Burreto-kun: -takes out a fondue fork and jams it in purples ey-
Burreto-kun: eye*
Daisuke_Hiwatari: Purple... go harass the guys on black jack.... they're sexier
sexy_purple_kitty: no u guys r sexier and im an guy
x_JJneufmoiS_x: please, kitty, we don't want to hurt you or at least didn't mean , but you're making this difficult
x_JJneufmoiS_x: to*
Burreto-kun: I want to...
sexy_purple_kitty: kiss me right
Daisuke_Hiwatari: *kisses burreto to make him zip it*
x=Sanrei=x: No.
Kenichi Kinken: ewww no
x=Sanrei=x: Yuck.
Burreto-kun: Uwah!
Daisuke_Hiwatari: Play along....
Daisuke_Hiwatari: xD
Burreto-kun: -drools- whos playing...
sexy_purple_kitty: ok im out even though im an guy i have gravitation on my profile
Daisuke_Hiwatari: Me and...and...and
Burreto-kun: OK!
sexy_purple_kitty: zzzzzzzzzz
Daisuke_Hiwatari: BYE!!!!
Burreto-kun: Gravitation ISNT YAOI!
x_JJneufmoiS_x: it's shounen ai
Burreto-kun: Indeed.
x=Sanrei=x: I am convinced you are female.
Kenichi Kinken: sensitive pornography is yaoi XD
sexy_purple_kitty: i know but i like the way there gays a** look
x=Sanrei=x: There is nothing to deter me now.
Daisuke_Hiwatari: Plus alot of girls like Yaoi
Burreto-kun: Indeed
Burreto-kun: I know MILLIONS of girls know yaoi
sexy_purple_kitty: no im not an gurl my avi is but not me
x_JJneufmoiS_x: yup it's concentrated on the heavy stuff, sensitive pornograph is
sexy_purple_kitty: i dont know what yaoi is
Burreto-kun: I'm convinced you are a girl.
Daisuke_Hiwatari: Yaoi is gay anime porn
sexy_purple_kitty: how...................im telling u guys
Burreto-kun: Now leave.
sexy_purple_kitty: IM AN ******** GUY
x=Sanrei=x: Then start acting like one.
Burreto-kun: Dumb whore.
Daisuke_Hiwatari: ...Your ******** a guy???
x_JJneufmoiS_x: just show them a picture if this isn't working out, kitty
x=Sanrei=x: You only us AN when it preceeds a word that begins with a vowel.
sexy_purple_kitty: BOY AVIS
x_JJneufmoiS_x: that way they'll believe you*
Daisuke_Hiwatari: Im a boy with a boy avi
Burreto-kun: Actually i have proof Im male.
x_JJneufmoiS_x: same here
x=Sanrei=x: I'm a cat with a human avatar OMG.
x_JJneufmoiS_x: boy with a boy avi*
sexy_purple_kitty: if im an gurl then u guys r gurls with me
x=Sanrei=x: We're all fakes.
Daisuke_Hiwatari: Same here *looks down pance*
sexy_purple_kitty: yes
x=Sanrei=x: You argument is baseless and insane.
Burreto-kun: Purple if you don't get out then I'm bringing a mod in.
sexy_purple_kitty leaves the chat.
Burreto-kun: Muahaha.
Daisuke_Hiwatari: WHEEE!!!
x=Sanrei=x: Yay.
Lai-Lai enters the chat.
x=Sanrei=x: Lai! <3
Burreto-kun: Hey lai!
x=Sanrei=x: *hugs tightly*
x_JJneufmoiS_x: that's kinda cold, but rules are rules *shrugs*
Daisuke_Hiwatari: *jumps on burreto's back* Piggy back ride!!!!
x=Sanrei=x: Don't let her back in. o_o
x_JJneufmoiS_x: burreto*
Lai-Lai: Sanrei! Burreto JJ *hugs them all very tightly* Atlast I have found sane people
Daisuke_Hiwatari: .... Go go go
Burreto-kun: -screams and flails-
x_JJneufmoiS_x: *isn't sane to begin with v.v*
Burreto-kun: Off!!
Kenichi Kinken: i'm not sane? :3
Daisuke_Hiwatari: *falls of*
Daisuke_Hiwatari: *off
Burreto-kun: -slaps lai-
x_JJneufmoiS_x: relax, burreto, s/he's with us
Burreto-kun: I know.
Lai-Lai: XD
x_JJneufmoiS_x: oh?
Lai-Lai: its ok JJ I deserved to be slapped after what I did to him
x=Sanrei=x: <3
Lai-Lai: I did start it
Lai-Lai: *snickers*
x_JJneufmoiS_x: oh i see. poor thing
Kenichi Kinken: i say you do it again :3
Daisuke_Hiwatari: Congrats???
x=Sanrei=x: I showed him the drawing.
Burreto-kun: You're lucky I'm sexy as a lolita or I'd smack you somthin good.
Lai-Lai: lol It was the bloomers that made you smexy
Daisuke_Hiwatari: *jumps on burreto again* Piggy back Ride!!!!!
Burreto-kun: O.o
x_JJneufmoiS_x: *shrugs* at least you got the looks, burreto
Daisuke_Hiwatari: ...please???
Lai-Lai: hee hee hee!
Burreto-kun: -grabs dai by the wrist and judo flips him to the ground- hmmm nope.
Kenichi Kinken leaves the chat.
x_JJneufmoiS_x: damn o_o
blazin_boy247 enters the chat.
Burreto-kun: NO!
Daisuke_Hiwatari: *Crys do to the pain*
Lai-Lai: *applauds the martial arts demonstration*
Burreto-kun: KENI!
blazin_boy247: hello
Lai-Lai: out
blazin_boy247: i did
Daisuke_Hiwatari: *rolls onto my stomache and crys some more*
Lai-Lai: mm-hmm
Burreto-kun: NOW LEAVE!
Burreto-kun: please.
blazin_boy247: can i stay
Burreto-kun: NO
Lai-Lai: *picks up Dai and lays him on the couch*
Lai-Lai: poor wounded thing
blazin_boy247 leaves the chat.
Daisuke_Hiwatari: *smiles at lai* Thank you
n0-0b enters the chat.
Daisuke_Hiwatari: *a few more tears run down my face*
Lai-Lai: *pats Dai's forehead* next time no piggy backs
Daisuke_Hiwatari: but but.....
Daisuke_Hiwatari: *eyes water up*
Burreto-kun: -gives dai a piggy-
Daisuke_Hiwatari: PIGGY *clings*
n0-0b leaves the chat.
Lai-Lai: *takes a hanky and wipes away Dai's tears* there see all better
x_JJneufmoiS_x: *could no longer cry*
Daisuke_Hiwatari: yuppers
blazin_boy247 enters the chat.
Lai-Lai: now... *hugs San* your brothers are crazy
Daisuke_Hiwatari: *huggles lai* Thankies *huggles piggy again*
x_JJneufmoiS_x: brother? o_O
blazin_boy247: hey her chin is pionty
Lai-Lai: lol San Ryu and crush aremy adopted children
Burreto-kun: Thats an it blaz
Burreto-kun: Not a he or a she.
x_JJneufmoiS_x: how sweet*
Daisuke_Hiwatari: Thats not very nice
blazin_boy247: she is an gurl
Lai-Lai: but right now Ryu is on a personal Vendetta against Fel
Burreto-kun: NO! "gurl" is not a word
Lai-Lai: and he's acting stubborn and pigheaded
Burreto-kun: Use WORDS you idiot.
Lai-Lai leaves the chat.
x_JJneufmoiS_x: and me Ryu v.v
x_JJneufmoiS_x: Lai*
Daisuke_Hiwatari: Gar fel is a fu**ing dumba**
Lai-Lai enters the chat.
Lai-Lai: darn lag
Burreto-kun: I hate Fel but I want him to rape me XD
Daisuke_Hiwatari: O.o;;
Lai-Lai: I love Fel T.T
Burreto-kun: It would be totally hot.
x_JJneufmoiS_x: and don't forget me also Lai. Ryu's vendetta i mean
Daisuke_Hiwatari: burreto just wants his ding-a-ling up his butt
Burreto-kun: XD
Daisuke_Hiwatari: ^-^
blazin_boy247: can someone talk to e ..................im bored
Daisuke_Hiwatari: *glomps Blazin*
Burreto-kun: -pulls dai off- No.
blazin_boy247: *glomps gack*
Lai-Lai: JJ compared to Fel's Ryu's vendetta against you is a mere smudge on the map
Daisuke_Hiwatari: hmmm *jumps on blazin's back* Piggy back Ride!!!!
Lai-Lai: not even a smudge maybe a tiny peice of dust
blazin_boy247: *falls*
Daisuke_Hiwatari: Gah @_@
x_JJneufmoiS_x: *over to burreto whispering* wanting a taste of some of that demon booty, huh?
Burreto-kun: -whispers back- I like llamas
Daisuke_Hiwatari: Ewww *giggles*
blazin_boy247: *kisses p5*
Daisuke_Hiwatari: O.O
Daisuke_Hiwatari: *ish kissed*
x_JJneufmoiS_x: i meant what burreto wants from fel, dai XD
Burreto-kun: -pulls dai away-
Daisuke_Hiwatari: xD *ish pulled away*
Burreto-kun: Don't touch that dai, you have no idea where it's been.
Lai-Lai: ha ha ha
blazin_boy247: grabs p5 arms and french kisses him
Daisuke_Hiwatari: Ewwww
Daisuke_Hiwatari: O.o
x_JJneufmoiS_x: *cough* well *cough*
Burreto-kun: -kicks blazin in the stomach-
Lai-Lai: *grabs Blazin by the scruff of the neck* mind your manners boy
Daisuke_Hiwatari: Burreto help!!!!
Daisuke_Hiwatari: *crys*
Burreto-kun: BLAZIN GET OUT!
Daisuke_Hiwatari: *clings to lai's led*
Lai-Lai: *pets Dai's head* dont worry Lai wont let anything bad happen to you
blazin_boy247: no im sorry i just wanna talk to someone i bored
Lai-Lai: thats not reason to force a kiss on someone
Burreto-kun: That wasn't talking.
blazin_boy247: sorry p5 would u 4 give me
Lai-Lai: its a good way to get ousted you should be ashamed *wags finger at Blazin*
Burreto-kun: Say "no" dai.
Daisuke_Hiwatari: *clings to lai's leg looking scared*
blazin_boy247: no say yes
Lai-Lai: *picks up Dai* That would be a no
blazin_boy247: please im sorry
Lai-Lai: Out before I set you in your place
Daisuke_Hiwatari: ummmm *looks at burreto then a blazin and crys again pushing my face into lais shoulder*
Lai-Lai: *strokes Dai's head* shhhh sweetie its ok
blazin_boy247: im sorry p5 4 give me dont let then kick me out
Burreto-kun: GET OUT!
blazin_boy247: i wont speak to u anymore
Lai-Lai: Burreto are you the maker of this room?
Burreto-kun: I MAKE THEM!
Burreto-kun: Yes I made this room.
blazin_boy247: so he cant get his own rights
Daisuke_Hiwatari: *doesn't know what to do so stays still*
x_JJneufmoiS_x: aww, goodbye exotic booty *over to blazin* ^_^it'll come to pass
Burreto-kun: This is my room
Burreto-kun: I make the rules.
Burreto-kun: I decide who stays.
Lai-Lai: well since its your room if you tell blazen to leave
blazin_boy247: please p1
Lai-Lai: according to the rules of gaia
Daisuke_Hiwatari: Burreto is my friend... he only does whats good for me and the rest off us....
Burreto-kun: NO!
Lai-Lai: he has to leave or it is a reportable offense
Burreto-kun: Get out!
blazin_boy247: *crys *
Daisuke_Hiwatari: *clings to lai again*
x_JJneufmoiS_x: *over to Lai* insabordination?
Burreto-kun: I don't care if you cry.
Lai-Lai: *rocks Dai side to side* its ok hun
Daisuke_Hiwatari: xD
Burreto-kun: It actually makes me glad to see you suffer.
Daisuke_Hiwatari: *wipes tears away from my eyes with my arm*
Lai-Lai: Burreto if you created this room and you ask him to leave
Burreto-kun: So cry all you want, it only makes me smile.
blazin_boy247: please if i say anythig then i will get out
Lai-Lai: he HAS to go
blazin_boy247: y is everbody turning on me
Lai-Lai: because #1
x_JJneufmoiS_x: i have no choice
Lai-Lai: you spell horribly
Burreto-kun: Indeed
Daisuke_Hiwatari: *looks shocked and covers my head in lai's shoulder again*
x_JJneufmoiS_x: burreto's my friend also
Lai-Lai: #2 you force yourself on others in the room
Lai-Lai: #3 you
Burreto-kun: are
Lai-Lai: you're in our friends spot
Daisuke_Hiwatari: I missed ken
x_JJneufmoiS_x: just wait until most of us or a few are gone, blazin
blazin_boy247: i lost my parents and i am lonely know i need someone to talk to me and im always picked
Burreto-kun: SHUT UP!
x_JJneufmoiS_x: so please leave and be patient
Lai-Lai: go to the life issues board theyll coddle you there
blazin_boy247: everybody pickes on me
Lai-Lai: we'll pick on you more
blazin_boy247: and i live with my grand
blazin_boy247: parents
Burreto-kun: You're granny is a dumb old b***h.
Burreto-kun: and so are you.
blazin_boy247: my real parents r gone and i am left alone with
Lai-Lai: Mind the language
x_JJneufmoiS_x: everyone picks on me blazin, but i don't let that get in the way so much, so leave please
Burreto-kun: your*
Burreto-kun: Blazin.
Lai-Lai: *pats JJ* well some of us pick on you
Burreto-kun: I don't care if you live with your grandparents or people pick on you.
Burreto-kun: Boo hoo.
blazin_boy247: now im finally around other kids like me u guys dont accept me ur guys probably not gay any way
x_JJneufmoiS_x: it's ok Lai. it's human nature after all
Lai-Lai: *ahem* burreto? *points to the ignore button*
Daisuke_Hiwatari: Me ish bi
Lai-Lai: Me is Narcissist
Daisuke_Hiwatari: *looks proud*
Burreto-kun: -frenches blazin and pushes him down-
Burreto-kun: You dare challenge me!?
Daisuke_Hiwatari: Whats that big word mean lai???
Lai-Lai: it means Im in love with myself
Daisuke_Hiwatari: ohhhh
blazin_boy247: deosnt move
Daisuke_Hiwatari: Thats cool
Lai-Lai: Narcissis was the character in greek mythology who fell in love with his own reflection in a pond
x_JJneufmoiS_x: i'm sorry for doing this blazin but...
x_JJneufmoiS_x: *ignores blazin*
Lai-Lai: and then starved to death cause he wouldnt look away
Burreto-kun: Now get out of my room.
Daisuke_Hiwatari: O.o
Now ignoring blazin_boy247.
Daisuke_Hiwatari: Lai... don't do what he did.... please
Burreto-kun: -punches blazin in the gut-
Burreto-kun: GET OUT!
Lai-Lai: *hugs Dai* oh dont worry puddin' Im not gonna do that
Daisuke_Hiwatari: Good *huggles*
No longer ignoring blazin_boy247.
blazin_boy247: 8falls and looks at hi*touches mouth and trows up blood*
Daisuke_Hiwatari: Ewwww *closes eyes tightly*
Burreto-kun: Yay! I caused him pain!
Lai-Lai: Oh dear
Burreto-kun: -grabs his trusty fondue fork-
x_JJneufmoiS_x: *looking at blazin and shakes his head* .oO(i was just like that kid v.v)
Lai-Lai: *places a hand on Burreto's shoulder*
x_JJneufmoiS_x: in shame*
Burreto-kun: Huh?
Lai-Lai: thats enough
blazin_boy247: *falls out with blood in his mouth*how could he do that to me
Burreto-kun: It was very simple.
Lai-Lai: *walks over to Blazin and looks down at him* Out now
Lai-Lai: You arent welcome here
Daisuke_Hiwatari: Heyt blazin.. If yo uwant to talk... PM me.. no cybering...
Daisuke_Hiwatari: *hye *you
x_JJneufmoiS_x: *over to blazin* please. for us
Daisuke_Hiwatari: *hey
Lai-Lai: *looks over her shoulder* wasnt this the one that you were crying on my shoulder about
blazin_boy247: *gets up and walk to p1*puts hand on shoulder
Lai-Lai: just a second ago -.-
Burreto-kun: -shrugs it off- Don't touch em.
Lai-Lai: I wouldnt do that blazin
Burreto-kun: me*
Daisuke_Hiwatari: Yeah.. but me will only talk about his life....
Daisuke_Hiwatari: No kissing me or touching me....
blazin_boy247: i dont care what u guys say im use to it and im always getting beat up
Burreto-kun: But I play to kill
Lai-Lai: And if you are going to stay Im not gonna stop Burreto
blazin_boy247: i wont p5 i wont *falls by her feet*
Lai-Lai: O.o
Burreto-kun: O.o
Daisuke_Hiwatari: Im a guy and im in lai's arms
Lai-Lai: Dai is a boy
Lai-Lai: Lai is an it
x_JJneufmoiS_x: we're only kicking you out for your protection blazin. stop making this so hard
Burreto-kun: Burreto is a pie!
Lai-Lai: yay pie!
Burreto-kun: Wait...
x_JJneufmoiS_x: and we're missing a frien as well*
x=Sanrei=x: o_o
Lai-Lai: *licks Burreto* ...bean pie
x_JJneufmoiS_x: friend*
Daisuke_Hiwatari: Pie *falls out of lai's arms and runs over to burreto*
blazin_boy247: dont say that please
Burreto-kun: GET OUT!
x_JJneufmoiS_x: i have no choice
Lai-Lai: brb
blazin_boy247: *cralwa over to the guys plese eccept me8
x_JJneufmoiS_x: k
Daisuke_Hiwatari: Hey blazin.... I have had 7 friends die.... 3 right in front of me
Burreto-kun: I was hung street sign by my hair and all 4 of my grandparents are dead and so is my best friend
Daisuke_Hiwatari: My grandpa died infront of me... 3 weeks ago
Burreto-kun: We know pain.
Burreto-kun: And we are still better people than you.
blazin_boy247: *sits up and walks toward p1 please dont kick me out*see u guys have an lots of problems
Daisuke_Hiwatari: We know how it feels
x=Sanrei=x: My grandmother died in front of me, and it was very sudden.
Burreto-kun: -punches blazin in the neck-
Burreto-kun: Never speak to me like an equal,
Daisuke_Hiwatari: *huggles san* Me ish sorry to hear that
x_JJneufmoiS_x: my grandfather was dead for years when i was 14 and i never had the chance to say goodbye*
blazin_boy247: *sits there*
Daisuke_Hiwatari: Im 13
x=Sanrei=x: *huggled* It's all right.
Burreto-kun: Get out of my room now you pathetic waste of space.
blazin_boy247: *gets back up and touches p1 shoulder*
Daisuke_Hiwatari: Most people don't go through the pain have having to watch 3 friends die right in front of them
Burreto-kun: -grabs blazin's hand and breaks his finger-
blazin_boy247: my mom and dad was killed in front of me
Burreto-kun: I don't care.
Daisuke_Hiwatari: SO was my grandpa
Burreto-kun: SO was my best friend.
blazin_boy247: i thought u didnt like me p5
Daisuke_Hiwatari: I don't mind you.... it was just the kiss
blazin_boy247: u told me dont talk to u
Daisuke_Hiwatari: Burreto's word is law in here
Daisuke_Hiwatari: I never said that
blazin_boy247: *gets up and walks to p5 *yes u did
Burreto-kun: Mmmm.. bok choy.
Daisuke_Hiwatari: *shivers in fear* No i didn't
x_JJneufmoiS_x: burreto only have mercy on you if you do as he says, blazin
x_JJneufmoiS_x: will*
Burreto-kun: -flips out a kusari gama-
Daisuke_Hiwatari: Blazin... PM me to talk.... Other ways your shunded by this group
blazin_boy247: *falls at p5 feet*
Burreto-kun: My weapon of choice.
Daisuke_Hiwatari: Im giving yo ua chance and yet you don't take it
blazin_boy247: i will just convince hi to lets e stay
x_JJneufmoiS_x: *sighs and turns to burreto* you me to report for you ? v.v
Daisuke_Hiwatari: My names Dai not hi
x_JJneufmoiS_x: him*
Burreto-kun: I think he said "convince him to let me stay"
blazin_boy247: yeah
Burreto-kun: If you would be so kind JJ.
x_JJneufmoiS_x: alright
Daisuke_Hiwatari: No *clings to burreto's leg* I go with burreto
x_JJneufmoiS_x: i'm sorry for doing this, blazin
Daisuke_Hiwatari: If he says out... I say out
Burreto-kun: -is wearing his evil overloard outfit-
Burreto-kun: overlord*
blazin_boy247: no p5 dont turn on me
Daisuke_Hiwatari: ..Take my offer and PM me if yo uwant to talk
Daisuke_Hiwatari: *clings to burreto* ..help
blazin_boy247: ok i will
blazin_boy247: i have to add u hold on
Daisuke_Hiwatari: umm
Burreto-kun: If you PM him you have to leave.
Daisuke_Hiwatari: Yuppers
Daisuke_Hiwatari: I promise to reply to
blazin_boy247: see p5 he is using that against me
x_JJneufmoiS_x: *over to burreto* it's done v.v
Burreto-kun: Thank you JJ -kisses-
Daisuke_Hiwatari: One problem... me has to go
x_JJneufmoiS_x: *is kissed*
Burreto-kun: Damn it!
Daisuke_Hiwatari: Sorry
blazin_boy247: so if i leave u will leave to
Burreto-kun: Yes
Daisuke_Hiwatari: I have to get off the computer
Burreto-kun: Argh!
blazin_boy247: i added u
Daisuke_Hiwatari: I got it
Daisuke_Hiwatari: Bye *waves*
Burreto-kun: -hugs dai=
blazin_boy247: bye
Burreto-kun: Bye bye.
Daisuke_Hiwatari: *huggles back*
Daisuke_Hiwatari: bye burreto
Daisuke_Hiwatari: bye blazin
blazin_boy247: bye
Daisuke_Hiwatari: bye everybody else
Daisuke_Hiwatari leaves the chat.
The Slipper Whore enters the chat.
Burreto-kun: Blazin, you have nothing here now.
Burreto-kun: So leave.
blazin_boy247: yes i do
blazin_boy247: i have u
Burreto-kun: No, you don't.
blazin_boy247: *gets up and walks slowly to p1*
Burreto-kun: I would never lower myself.
The Slipper Whore: Good evening everyone!
Burreto-kun: -slaps blazin-
blazin_boy247: u dont have to ill come up
x_JJneufmoiS_x: oh hey slipper *looks away in shame*
The Slipper Whore: Hi JJ...
Burreto-kun: -laughs- You could never reach my level.
Burreto-kun: And now you get the ignore button.
blazin_boy247: *falls and stands gack up *p1 im use to it everyone beet
Burreto-kun: Bye bye dumb a**.
x_JJneufmoiS_x: i've sent you a message the other day slipper...
blazin_boy247: p4 r u there
Burreto-kun: Every one ignore blazin!
The Slipper Whore: What JJ?
Now ignoring blazin_boy247.
The Slipper Whore: Now ignoring blazin_boy247.
x_JJneufmoiS_x: i said i sent you a message the other day slipper
Burreto-kun: Slippy did you see the pic of me as a lolita?
Burreto-kun: XD
The Slipper Whore: What about?
x_JJneufmoiS_x: i didn't know whether or not your mail was blocked*
The Slipper Whore: Noooo! Show me!
Burreto-kun: http://i72.photobucket.com/albums/i195/sansig01/burreto.jpg
Burreto-kun: Sanrei drew it.
x_JJneufmoiS_x: oh my *blushing in chibi-mode*
blazin_boy247 leaves the chat.
Burreto-kun: God that kid was a moron.
RyuAkio enters the chat.
RyuAkio: "ello
x=Sanrei=x: Ryu. <3
RyuAkio: *clings his incestious brother*
Burreto-kun: "my parnts r dead durrr"
x=Sanrei=x: u_u;; *pets Ryu*
RyuAkio: *smiles*
RyuAkio: I'm joking San
x=Sanrei=x: I know.
RyuAkio: *clings some more* I love you dearly big brother
The Slipper Whore: My ex sister-in-law just got in a car accident
x=Sanrei=x: Love you too, cutie.
x=Sanrei=x: That sucks, Slip.
x=Sanrei=x: D:
Burreto-kun: My best friend died after he was in a car accident.
Burreto-kun: But hes always with me... except in the shower. He always stares at me nuts.
RyuAkio: My 'uncle' died this pass weeekend in a motorcycle accident
Burreto-kun: perverted ghostie.
x_JJneufmoiS_x: well, i'm going, burreto. someone here wouldn't want my kind to be around for too long
RyuAkio: JJ
RyuAkio: ******** stop it
x_JJneufmoiS_x: what now?
x_JJneufmoiS_x: you won
x_JJneufmoiS_x: end of story
RyuAkio: I dont care if you are in here or not
RyuAkio: *nuzzles San*
Burreto-kun: I know!
Burreto-kun: Lets have a knock down drag out fight!
x=Sanrei=x: *beeps Ryu's nose*
Burreto-kun: ryu versus jj!
Burreto-kun: Fighting naked.... in mud....
RyuAkio: I'm not fighing anyone
x_JJneufmoiS_x: either way i've caused you enough trouble
x=Sanrei=x: Brb
RyuAkio: You accuse me of turning Crush against you
Burreto-kun: -steals JJ's pants-
RyuAkio: San </3
RyuAkio: crying
x_JJneufmoiS_x: well, that can't be undone now. 'll just leave for your sake and everyone else's here
Burreto-kun: Awww
x_JJneufmoiS_x: since i can never be the man you wanted me to be
x_JJneufmoiS_x: expected*
RyuAkio: Ewww
RyuAkio: That sounded wrong
RyuAkio: = 3 =
x_JJneufmoiS_x: >.< dammit
x_JJneufmoiS_x: no in that sense >.<
x_JJneufmoiS_x: not*
RyuAkio: *shrugs*
RyuAkio: I dont care if you leave or stay
x_JJneufmoiS_x: fair enough
x_JJneufmoiS_x: but you get what i mean

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