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JJ's Velvet Book

JJ Neufmois
Community Member
Sechszehn: a price to pay or act of mercy(Friend or Foe pt2)

Exotic_Memories: my name is stacy lol
vampiric_goth: hi neuf
Exotic_Memories: my boyfriends not here
x_JJneufmoiS_x: patrick
vampiric_goth: uh
x_JJneufmoiS_x: i had a message for you
vampiric_goth: dunno your name lol
ShoShune: vamp is Patrick xD
Exotic_Memories: lol
vampiric_goth: shh
ShoShune: xD
vampiric_goth: chill aqules
ShoShune: i'm going to Pat rick
Exotic_Memories: grrrrr
x_JJneufmoiS_x: *sigh* oh dear
ShoShune: xD
Exotic_Memories: im short money still
vampiric_goth: whats the message neuf
un-loveable: huh?
x_JJneufmoiS_x: is your mail unblocked by other messages
x_JJneufmoiS_x: ?
un-loveable: wut did i miss?
vampiric_goth: shrugs
vampiric_goth: let me check
Batash enters the chat.
un-loveable: hmm
un-loveable: ...
Batash: Hey Ppl
un-loveable: bored
un-loveable: hello
x_JJneufmoiS_x: hey
Batash: What's Up
ShoShune: lol
un-loveable: the sky
un-loveable: no wait
ShoShune: cieling
Batash: lol
un-loveable: the ceiling then the sky
un-loveable: oh wait
x_JJneufmoiS_x: i'm in hell right now, but i won't let it get to me*
un-loveable: roof after ceiling and before sky
Batash: Y U In Hell
ShoShune: I'm just about on the verge of a nervous breakdown^6
Exotic_Memories: i jsut drew part of my tattoo
ShoShune: ^^*
Batash: Awesome
un-loveable: hmm?
Exotic_Memories: hi batash
x_JJneufmoiS_x: that's just a metaphor batash
x_JJneufmoiS_x: *
Batash: Oh You Were Right
Batash: I Know
Batash: Im Just Stickin To Words
x_JJneufmoiS_x: XD ok
ShoShune: i'll just be ignored^^
Batash: P5 U Were Right
un-loveable: *softly starts smacking head against slot machiene*
Batash: What's Wrong P1
Exotic_Memories: lol
x_JJneufmoiS_x: i can't say. i'll only be labeled as a damn emo for my complaints
Exotic_Memories: *prowls
Batash: Ok
vampiric_goth: I responded neuf
x_JJneufmoiS_x: thanks
un-loveable: *with each hit whispers* bored
Batash: Np
un-loveable: bored
Exotic_Memories: lol
Exotic_Memories: ill send you a link lol
ShoShune: well..add me if you want...
ShoShune: i gtg
ShoShune: night
Exotic_Memories: http://i16.photobucket.com/albums/b37/Lady_tryystania/06-20-06_0154.jpg
Batash: P5 She Dumped Me Over Birthday Gift
vampiric_goth: bye dante
ShoShune leaves the chat.
Exotic_Memories: i think that may be the base of my tattoo
Batash: Ok
x_JJneufmoiS_x: it's not about that patrick
__neko__babe__ enters the chat.
vampiric_goth: then what?
__neko__babe__ leaves the chat.
vampiric_goth: come on I want to help in anyway
x_JJneufmoiS_x: it's just these stupid mistakes of mine
vampiric_goth: everyone makes mistakes
vampiric_goth: I make horrid mistakes
vampiric_goth: all the time
Exotic_Memories: i make alot of them
vampiric_goth: and I learn and grow from them
un-loveable: *hits head again* bored
Exotic_Memories: more then the average person
x_JJneufmoiS_x: shedding tears, going off of on everyone because of my so-called emo behavior
Fyni enters the chat.
x_JJneufmoiS_x: and now i'm paying the price
vampiric_goth: I make atleast one big mistake a day
x_JJneufmoiS_x: and it was too high
un-loveable: bored
un-loveable: T OR D??
vampiric_goth: don't think that others opinions should matter to much
vampiric_goth: a lot of people in this world are iggnarant bastards
un-loveable: nvm
Exotic_Memories: dare
Batash: P5 My New Tattoo Is Gonna Be A Large Dragon Going Across Chest Shooting Fire
vampiric_goth: I was one of THE most made fun my person in school next to the specail ed students
Fyni leaves the chat.
un-loveable: i dare u to kiss a guy u like
vampiric_goth: special*
x_JJneufmoiS_x: then i guess i have no place for my friends anymore. that doesn't mean you pat
Exotic_Memories: umm
Exotic_Memories: *kisses dameon
vampiric_goth: just because they taunt you and shun you doesn't mean you should pay the ultimate price
x_JJneufmoiS_x: i meant those i can't seem to trust anymore, even the one closest to me
Batash: You Should Beat Them That's What I Do
vampiric_goth: I have a lot of friends that I don't trust even close ones
un-loveable: *growls* WHERE IS THE SON OF A b***h?
Batash: They'll Learn To Shut Up
Exotic_Memories: different dameon
x_JJneufmoiS_x: even the close ones?
vampiric_goth: even the close ones
Batash: Not Them
x_JJneufmoiS_x: hmm, but this one was special
vampiric_goth: my best friend I can't even trust with some things
Batash: Same
vampiric_goth: and we have been friends for many many years
x_JJneufmoiS_x: she was like a big sister to me. she'd never harm me. i just hope she wouldn't
x_JJneufmoiS_x: *
Exotic_Memories: lol
x_JJneufmoiS_x: or at least*
Batash: My School I Used To Get ******** With By Everyone But I Started Kicking a**
un-loveable: i'm confused?
Batash: Now They Know
vampiric_goth: and my best friend is like my big brother but hes hurt me
vampiric_goth: k dameon
x_JJneufmoiS_x: i see v.v
Exotic_Memories: ?
Exotic_Memories: im lost
Batash leaves the chat.
vampiric_goth: Im trying to help him and your not helping much
un-loveable: *eyes glow red*
vampiric_goth: ok then
x_JJneufmoiS_x: sorry, exotic, and everyone if i'm bringing you down to my level
vampiric_goth: he has stood by me in the good and bad times
vampiric_goth: and I wish all my friends were like that
vampiric_goth: but they aren't
vampiric_goth: and I can't change that
Exotic_Memories: well, the thing is, someone said dameon, but my dameon is a different one
un-loveable: *sits in corner*
x_JJneufmoiS_x: my grandmother told me the same, patrick
Exotic_Memories: *curls up on the couch
x_JJneufmoiS_x: that you can't change human nature.*
vampiric_goth: yep
Exotic_Memories: nope
vampiric_goth: I learned it the hard way
x_JJneufmoiS_x: so did i
vampiric_goth: I was shunned and pushed away for many many years
un-loveable: *rapidly changes from angel to dark angel*
x_JJneufmoiS_x: well, thank you very much patrick
Exotic_Memories: i was shunned too
vampiric_goth: but now Ive changed the way I approach the situation
vampiric_goth: no problem
x_JJneufmoiS_x: at least someone would stop to help me rather than leave me out to die alone crying
vampiric_goth: now almost everyone is my friend even if I don't trust them with anything
un-loveable: i would stop ya
Exotic_Memories: yep
un-loveable: *stops on good angel*
vampiric_goth: Id never let my friends off high and dry
x_JJneufmoiS_x: thank you
un-loveable: *eyes go normal shade of blue grey*
Exotic_Memories: brb, whats the name of the room?
vampiric_goth: I just couldn't live with myself knowing I could have done something but didn't
vampiric_goth: its vampires and pets
un-loveable: hmm
Blackangel_863 enters the chat.
Exotic_Memories: ok
Exotic_Memories: ill be brb
Exotic_Memories leaves the chat.
Blackangel_863 leaves the chat.
vampiric_goth: k
un-loveable: ...
x_JJneufmoiS_x: well if you're wondering, un-loveable. i'm a vampire in a way
un-loveable: is this an rp?
un-loveable: ohk
x_JJneufmoiS_x: kinda
ToshiroMifune enters the chat.
vampiric_goth: not to my knowledge
un-loveable: ppl at my school call me Spider
ToshiroMifune: hey
x_JJneufmoiS_x: hey
un-loveable: muffin?
Roronoare Zolo enters the chat.
Roronoare Zolo leaves the chat.
Exotic_Memories enters the chat.
Exotic_Memories: back
vampiric_goth: but knowing that I atleast tried even if it didn't make a diffrence is better then knowing I could
vampiric_goth: have done something and didn't
un-loveable: wb
Exotic_Memories: danke
x_JJneufmoiS_x: *nods*
Exotic_Memories: *rolls on back
un-loveable: muffin
ToshiroMifune: i dunno wut ur sayin but soundz like u did good
un-loveable: muffin?
ToshiroMifune: *lays on side*
x_JJneufmoiS_x: he was trying to help me
vampiric_goth: like with my gf she does drugs and Im trying to get her to stop
ToshiroMifune: o
Exotic_Memories: i know what your gf is oging through
Exotic_Memories: kinda
vampiric_goth: she says no matter what I do she won't stop
ToshiroMifune: ya my friends parents r doin dat stuff and its ruinin his life
Roronoare Zolo enters the chat.
Exotic_Memories: im attempting to get rid of somethign that about as addictive as crack
ToshiroMifune: o man
Roronoare Zolo: good morning lady
Exotic_Memories: not as dangerous, but just as addictive
vampiric_goth: but its like what the song scars says Im summing it up but atleast I tried and you need to fix it
vampiric_goth: if I can't help
Exotic_Memories: morning me?
un-loveable: which lady?
Roronoare Zolo leaves the chat.
un-loveable: idiot
Exotic_Memories: my old name was lady_tryystana
x_JJneufmoiS_x: ah
un-loveable: oh
ToshiroMifune: o
un-loveable: ok
Exotic_Memories: hai
sails000 enters the chat.
un-loveable: bye
ToshiroMifune: cya
un-loveable leaves the chat.
x_JJneufmoiS_x: bye
vampiric_goth: bye loveable
Exotic_Memories: lol
sails000: hiiiiya^^
ToshiroMifune: well g2g
Exotic_Memories: bye
ToshiroMifune: cya
x_JJneufmoiS_x: bye
Roronoare Zolo enters the chat.
vampiric_goth: bye
Exotic_Memories: hola
ToshiroMifune: u keep doin good vampiric
ToshiroMifune leaves the chat.
Roronoare Zolo: hi lady
vampiric_goth: but do you get what Im saying neuf
x_JJneufmoiS_x: yes
Exotic_Memories: i need a pencil sharpner
Roronoare Zolo: oh no good
vampiric_goth: cause even if you have no friends out there that will help Ill always be here to help
Roronoare Zolo leaves the chat.
sails000: ooohhh isnt that sweet
vampiric_goth: even if the others leave you behind
x_JJneufmoiS_x: i'm grateful, patrick...thank you
vampiric_goth: its no problem really
vampiric_goth: Im glad I can help you like you helped me
vampiric_goth: cause you saved me life
x_JJneufmoiS_x: at least i have somebody thanks to you
vampiric_goth: cause if you wouldn't have even tried I wouldn't be helping you now
sails000: and now a kiss huh
x_JJneufmoiS_x: *nods*
x_JJneufmoiS_x: *over to sails* huh?
vampiric_goth: and I owe you my life
vampiric_goth: and this is the least I can do to help
sails000: you have to kiss him because he is sooo helpfull ^^
x_JJneufmoiS_x: *blushing*
x_JJneufmoiS_x: i'd only scare him sails
vampiric_goth: will a hug subsitite?
sails000: no way
x_JJneufmoiS_x: yes, pat *gives him a hug*
vampiric_goth: *hugs back* no problem man
pussycat gal enters the chat.
vampiric_goth: Ill always be here to help through the highs and lows in the light and dark k neuf
x_JJneufmoiS_x: k
sails000: wait are you a boy neufmoi
vampiric_goth: yes
x_JJneufmoiS_x: yes
pussycat gal leaves the chat.
sails000: O.o
sails000: oh oh now i get it
vampiric_goth: yeah
x_JJneufmoiS_x: were you expectining me to be something esle? XD
x_JJneufmoiS_x: else*
sails000: maybe a woman
skyhealer enters the chat.
x_JJneufmoiS_x: lol
vampiric_goth: brb 1 sec
x_JJneufmoiS_x: i get that a lot, sails
x_JJneufmoiS_x: but it's ok
x_JJneufmoiS_x: k pat
skyhealer leaves the chat.
sails000: then change your hair
x_JJneufmoiS_x: lol no i won't. my avi was suppose to take after kadaj from FF advent children sorta
sails000: who is this kadaj again
vampiric_goth: well I g2g
x_JJneufmoiS_x: k bye, pat
vampiric_goth: cya later
vampiric_goth: Ill be on most of tomorrow so if you need me
x_JJneufmoiS_x: kadaj is a sepiroth clone from the FF7 movie, sails
vampiric_goth: just pm me
x_JJneufmoiS_x: k
Exotic_Memories: back
x_JJneufmoiS_x: wb, exotic
vampiric_goth: bye exotic
vampiric_goth: I g2g
Exotic_Memories: bye
vampiric_goth: c you guys later
Exotic_Memories: bye
vampiric_goth: night
x_JJneufmoiS_x: goodnight
vampiric_goth leaves the chat.
sails000 leaves the chat.
Exotic_Memories: lol
x_JJneufmoiS_x: hmm? what is it?
Exotic_Memories: i dunno, they all left
x_JJneufmoiS_x: *sigh* yeah they did
Exotic_Memories: whats up?
x_JJneufmoiS_x: nothing really
x_JJneufmoiS_x: don't worry about little old me
Exotic_Memories: lol
Exotic_Memories: whats going on?
x_JJneufmoiS_x: i've had enough sympathy to have everyone be angry with me
Exotic_Memories: huh?
x_JJneufmoiS_x: i've been moody as of late
Exotic_Memories: who hasn't?
x_JJneufmoiS_x: and everyone keeps calling me emo because of it
x_JJneufmoiS_x: which pissed me off
Exotic_Memories: eh, emo is a style of life, not being emotional like everyone says
Exotic_Memories: just cuase thats what its been made into
x_JJneufmoiS_x: either way having that label slapped onto me and having friends turned against me
Exotic_Memories: that sucks
Exotic_Memories: been there done that
x_JJneufmoiS_x: had sucked the life out of me
x_JJneufmoiS_x: but not so much
Exotic_Memories: its their loss
x_JJneufmoiS_x: i'm trying however the best i can to live through that hell
Exotic_Memories: im curious, have you had physical side effects?
x_JJneufmoiS_x: side effects what do you mean?
Exotic_Memories: like stomach aches?
Exotic_Memories: fatigue?
x_JJneufmoiS_x: no why?
Exotic_Memories: alot of times, moodyness can be explained by physical problems
x_JJneufmoiS_x: just feeling a little empty because i'm without a job
Exotic_Memories: yeah, i could see that happening
x_JJneufmoiS_x: let alone been told that i was suppose to have a brother or another sister
Exotic_Memories: miscarriage?
x_JJneufmoiS_x: y-yes
Exotic_Memories: i know how that feels
x_JJneufmoiS_x: i thought my sisters were just pushing my buttons until my dad told me everything
Exotic_Memories: im supposed to have another brother
x_JJneufmoiS_x: y-you do?
Exotic_Memories: yeah
Exotic_Memories: he would have been twenty a little over a week ago
x_JJneufmoiS_x: my brother/sister he would be about the same age as my youngest
x_JJneufmoiS_x: sister*
Exotic_Memories: how old is your youngest sister?
x_JJneufmoiS_x: 7 years old
Exotic_Memories: ah
Exotic_Memories: i have a tattoo in my brothers memory
[.H o r r o r T r a m p.] enters the chat.
x_JJneufmoiS_x: she's a handful but she's my sister*
Exotic_Memories: yep
[.H o r r o r T r a m p.]: Eh?
x_JJneufmoiS_x: it's nothing horror
[.H o r r o r T r a m p.]: Miss me Exotic?
[.H o r r o r T r a m p.]: Lol
Exotic_Memories: yeppers
[.H o r r o r T r a m p.]: Hehe ^_^
[.H o r r o r T r a m p.]: This room has been up for almost 10hrs...
[.H o r r o r T r a m p.]: /secolor 556688
Exotic_Memories: lol
[.H o r r o r T r a m p.]: Hmm...
Exotic_Memories: and ive been in it for alot of that
[.H o r r o r T r a m p.]: oh..
[.H o r r o r T r a m p.]: Better...
[.H o r r o r T r a m p.]: That you have..O.o
Exotic_Memories: lol
Exotic_Memories: does it say?
kimonou enters the chat.
[.H o r r o r T r a m p.]: Does what say what?
Exotic_Memories: how long ive been in there?
Exotic_Memories: here*
[.H o r r o r T r a m p.]: Oh..No...
Exotic_Memories: lol
kimonou leaves the chat.
[.H o r r o r T r a m p.]: But it would be cool if it did though...^_^
x_JJneufmoiS_x: eh what's wrong?
[.H o r r o r T r a m p.]: I will stick with this one...>.<
x_JJneufmoiS_x: well, thank you exotic for speaking with me i mean
Exotic_Memories: yeah, how old are you?
x_JJneufmoiS_x: 19
Exotic_Memories: cool, im almost 19 myself
[.H o r r o r T r a m p.]: ..O.o
[.H o r r o r T r a m p.]: >.>
[.H o r r o r T r a m p.]: <.<
Exotic_Memories: i got my tattoo for my brother, you could do something similar
Exotic_Memories: lol
[.H o r r o r T r a m p.]: Nobody knows my age...>.<
x_JJneufmoiS_x: heh and to think you'd mock me for what i just told you, exotic
Exotic_Memories: what?
Exotic_Memories: you think i would mock you for what?
Exotic_Memories: pm me
x_JJneufmoiS_x: no i mean
x_JJneufmoiS_x: watching a grown man by law fall apart infront of you and patrick
Exotic_Memories: eh, that not a big deal at all, we all do it
x_JJneufmoiS_x: i'm glad i'm not singled out here*
Exotic_Memories: i wanted to get angel wings for my brother, but i got somethign smaller
x_JJneufmoiS_x: ah
x_JJneufmoiS_x: well, goodnight
Exotic_Memories: so i got kanji for older brother
Exotic_Memories: night

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