Why? Why do people believe in this? There's simply no point.
I hear people all day long saying, "Praise God! Without him, I would be nowhere!". Wrong. It wasn't 'God' who got you were you are, it was you. You as a human being, without the help of some falsified higher power. I also tend to hear about how Jesus got them out of drug addictions. Downright stupidity. Did Jesus go to and pay for all those rehab appointments? Did Jesus help ease the pain of those withdrawel symptoms physically? No. You did. Stop saying his name, and place the pride into yourself. You're the one who did what you did, not Jesus, not God, but you.
Now, there is also this thing, this book, known to all as The Holy Bible. Basically, it's a load of bull that tries to tell you how to live according to the rules of God. Many people take this book literally, word for word, and don't think twice. Why? Mainly because their Christain parents force-fed the whole 'If you do bad things, you'll go to Hell' speech. Thus, they are to afraid to do anything that the Bible doesn't allow. So basically if you want to live in fear of going to Hell for the rest of your life, read the Bible and live it as if your soul depends on it. Of course, it was meant to do that in the first place. The Bible we have today, has been revised and revised again by the Vatican numerous times. They took out and altered passages that threatened their religion, might raise questions, or passages that simply didn't agree with their opinions. And also, in the Middle Ages, the story of Jesus' crucifixion was emphasized in order to force people to join Christianity by controlling their emotions.
Now, for my personal reason of why I don't believe in God himself. Basically, it's because there are too many. Ever since the dawn of time, people have been creating gods and goddesses to help them in their times of need or to help explain certain events. Everyone from the Pagans, the Romans, the Greeks, the Vikings, the Native Americans, the Egyptians, the Myans, the Aztecs, the ancient Japanese, the list goes on and on and on. And during those times, everyone thought that their religion was the true religion, all of them with their own sacred text, sacred people, sacred houses, lands, ideals, etc. But then these ideals changed as time went on, and eventually new religions began to arise in the form of cults. One of them was Christianity. Eventually, after a majority of the other religions have been wipped off the face of the Earth due to war, Christianity became a full-blown religion. Now, it is usually at this point people will tell me, "But those other religions faded away because this God is our true God! I mean, there havn't been any other religions since this one, so it must be true!". Wrong. The one reason those other religions faded away (besides various and numerous holy wars) was one of the ten commandments which read "Thou shalt not worship any other gods besides me". This installed fear into the hearts of people, making them think that if they continued praying to their current God, they would be horribly tortured by this new God, so they converted. This is also why there have been very few (almost zero) cases of new cults that turn into religions. This is mainly because both the public and officials who were raised by Christian ideals immediatley put a stop to them, for fear that other people (or they themselves) will break that commandment since the cult's god might actually seem more pleasing to them. People are just naturally afraid to go against the words of God, and fear is the one form of mental conditioning that living things seem to obey.
Humans are naturally weak spirited creatures, who need the comfort of a higher being/power to rule over their lives and give them a sense of direction. I'm fine with that part, everyone could use direction in their life. But it's when that belief in God starts interfering with their ability to enjoy and have fun in life, that they need to realize that he doesn't truly exist, and that there is no afterlife. This is all we get, so live it however you want, without the chains of something you've never even seen before.
I could go on even more, but my hands are getting tired so I'll just end it with this. Now, I'm not trying to turn any of you athiest or telling you to go steal stuff because God doesn't exist, I'm just telling you how I personally feel and why I do so. It's up to you whether you live your life and how you live it. Not me, not God, but you yourself, as a human being.
Rowhaan · Wed Jun 21, 2006 @ 07:49am · 1 Comments |