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JJ's Velvet Book

JJ Neufmois
Community Member
Drei zehn: sacrifice for a friend?

konton reihaido: *awats the stapler*
Konahaku: Hey, jj.
x_JJneufmoiS_x: hey
DBZJared: JJ ^_^
x_JJneufmoiS_x: did i come in at the wrong time?
DBZJared: *waves frum da couch*
x_JJneufmoiS_x: *waves back*
konton reihaido: this reminds me of the time sarron lost his contact lens
konton reihaido: :3
x_JJneufmoiS_x: so who said they're coming back in?
The Slipper Whore: They can't now.
x_JJneufmoiS_x: i know that. it's just i don't want to become a burden to anyone
The Slipper Whore: ::sits on Kona::
Konahaku: -squirms-
The Slipper Whore: I love you like a brother.
x_JJneufmoiS_x: hmm?
x_JJneufmoiS_x: me?
The Slipper Whore: Will you have my children?
konton reihaido: everytime i see that hair i get reminded of velan xD
The Slipper Whore: No, Kona.
x_JJneufmoiS_x: velan...
Konahaku: O'course.
konton reihaido: x3
The Slipper Whore: Think about what I said.
The Slipper Whore: "I love you like a brother, will you have my children?"
x_JJneufmoiS_x: it's been a while i think i've forgotten about this velan
DBZJared: **lounges on da couch, dwinkin hiz babybottul uf appole joose happily**
konton reihaido: really?
x_JJneufmoiS_x: i just don't know anymore v.v
konton reihaido: >>?
DBZJared: no kno wut no more?
x_JJneufmoiS_x: my mind's set on everything else right now
The Slipper Whore: Like.. Giving me babies?
konton reihaido: xD
x_JJneufmoiS_x: *sigh* velan...shmoo...all those people
konton reihaido: shmoo turned into an a** Dx
DBZJared: O_o
The Slipper Whore: Smoogy-doo is an assy-poo?
The Slipper Whore: **Shmoogy
konton reihaido: yupp
x_JJneufmoiS_x: *laughs nervously*
DBZJared: Smoogy iz my HaHa an heez a vury nice purson v_v
The Slipper Whore: Haha?
Konahaku: Shmoo is a good person.
Konahaku: -glare-
konton reihaido: he ignored me for the longest time
DBZJared: ( HaHa=brother )
The Slipper Whore: Oh.
x_JJneufmoiS_x: *over to kona* stop that right now, please
konton reihaido: we used to be good friends, then one day poof :3
Konahaku: -directs the glare towards the ground-
x_JJneufmoiS_x: oh my god i-i'm sorry
x_JJneufmoiS_x: v.v
DBZJared: ?
Konahaku: ?
DBZJared: wut for?
konton reihaido: >>?
x_JJneufmoiS_x: i've been seeing those kinds of dirty looks before
DBZJared: wut awe yew tawkin bout JJ?
DBZJared: **confused**
x_JJneufmoiS_x: it just bothers me, but i won't let it get to me so much
x_JJneufmoiS_x: the glaring
The Slipper Whore: ::climbs off Kona and crawls back to the couch, for more lounge-with-Jared time::
Konahaku: -stops with the glaring, flashing a smile towards jj-
konton reihaido: dude im used to glares, i get um all the time xD
x_JJneufmoiS_x: no you don't have to smile if you don't want to. it's me v.v
Konahaku: That's why. ^^
konton reihaido: *yawns*
konton reihaido: im gunna head out sence this is really boring
x_JJneufmoiS_x: it's not that. it's that my grandmother told me once before: you can't control human feelings and
x_JJneufmoiS_x: such*
x_JJneufmoiS_x: *was talking to kona*
Konahaku: D'aww. I'm fine.
x_JJneufmoiS_x: really?
konton reihaido: ok bye>>......
x_JJneufmoiS_x: bye
Konahaku: I was simply defending a friend.
x_JJneufmoiS_x: oh
konton reihaido leaves the chat.
x_JJneufmoiS_x: sorry
Ryoukai Seijin enters the chat.
Konahaku: Hiya, ryou.
x_JJneufmoiS_x: Ryoukai
DBZJared: **waves frum da couch** Hewo unkul Ryou ^_^
x_JJneufmoiS_x: *waves*
Ryoukai Seijin: *waves*
x_JJneufmoiS_x: reluctantly*
Konahaku: -sits by the couch where slipper and jared are, laying in front of it-
x_JJneufmoiS_x: *shrugs then sits down, listening to "turn back time" end of evangelion OST on his mp3*
The Slipper Whore: ::shifty eyes::
DBZJared: GAH sowwy, I dotta go ni ni **rubs hiz tired eyes**
The Slipper Whore: ::messes up Kona's hair::
x_JJneufmoiS_x: hmm? what's wrong slipper?
x_JJneufmoiS_x: oh nvm n_n;;
DBZJared: **goes round an gifs everybudy hugs an kisses ni ni**
The Slipper Whore: Want me to put you to bed, Jared?
x_JJneufmoiS_x: goodnight, pumpkin ^_^
DBZJared: **nods**
x_JJneufmoiS_x: *hugs the kid back*
Konahaku: G'night, jared.
Konahaku: -tries desperatly to fix my hair-
The Slipper Whore: ::picks up Jared and carries him to his room::
DBZJared: ni ni, luv yew guyses **clings to Sippur az she carries him, wavin to everybudy**
The Slipper Whore: ::sets Jared in his bed::
The Slipper Whore: Sleep tight, little one.
DBZJared: **hugs Sippur round da neck**
The Slipper Whore: ::kisses him on his forehead::
DBZJared: ni ni **lays down an cudduls wiff one uf hiz teddys**
The Slipper Whore: Door open or closed?
The Slipper Whore: ::walks to the door way::
DBZJared: cwacked a bit peez
The Slipper Whore: Ok, night!
DBZJared: **fallz aseep**
DBZJared leaves the chat.
The Slipper Whore: I want children.
x_JJneufmoiS_x: .oO(awwww)
Konahaku: Aw.
The Slipper Whore: Kona, Burreto, JJ...
Konahaku: hm?
The Slipper Whore: Babies?
x_JJneufmoiS_x: *is thinking of being a Gaian...er...father/mother?*
x_JJneufmoiS_x: hmm?
x_JJneufmoiS_x: but what about ilph
x_JJneufmoiS_x: ?
The Slipper Whore: He doesn't want children!
The Slipper Whore: It makes me sad..
Konahaku: Umm...sure?
The Slipper Whore: Wait, what?
x_JJneufmoiS_x: i'd love to help, but...i see you as a big sister. i'm sorry crying
The Slipper Whore: ::sighs:: I hang around gay guys, what do I expect...
Konahaku: Heh...^^;
The Slipper Whore: Kona, you're full blown flamming, right?
x_JJneufmoiS_x: *comforts slipper tearfully* s-slipper please...d-don't cry?
Konahaku: ?
Konahaku: Flamming...?
The Slipper Whore: Gay, Kona.
Konahaku: Yeah.
Burreto-kun: Whoa! I'm still here!
The Slipper Whore: Burreto!
x_JJneufmoiS_x: hey burreto
Ryoukai Seijin leaves the chat.
Konahaku: Slipper wants babies.
The Slipper Whore: You're a half-f**, right?
Burreto-kun: Huh?
x_JJneufmoiS_x: she's wondering if you're bi
Burreto-kun: Nope.
The Slipper Whore: ...
x_JJneufmoiS_x: s-slipper?
The Slipper Whore: Last chance is like Fel...
The Slipper Whore: Yes JJ?
x_JJneufmoiS_x: *blushing* i-i'll help...if you want me to
x_JJneufmoiS_x: ...
The Slipper Whore: ::kisses JJ on the cheek:: That's sweet.
x_JJneufmoiS_x: i know i'd be hated for this...but i'm doing this because you're my friend *sheds a tear*
The Slipper Whore: JJ?
The Slipper Whore: What's wrong?
x_JJneufmoiS_x: i just don't want to see you rejected that's all...*voice breaking up* and if you cry...
The Slipper Whore: I won't cry!
Zita G. enters the chat.
The Slipper Whore: Baby, I can wait.
The Slipper Whore: Calm down!
x_JJneufmoiS_x: *looking up at slipper* i-it can?
Zita G.: Hi Burreto
The Slipper Whore: You're my friend, don't cry. I'm not dying any time soon.
Konahaku: Plenty of time for babies.
Zita G.: hi everone
The Slipper Whore: Exactly
Konahaku: No need to have them this instant.
x_JJneufmoiS_x: omg you're right. you're absolutely right
x_JJneufmoiS_x: *hugs slipper*
The Slipper Whore: JJ, why were you so upset?
Zita G. leaves the chat.
The Slipper Whore: ::pets his hair::
Konahaku: -yawns, and continues to doze by the couch-
x_JJneufmoiS_x: you wanted children
x_JJneufmoiS_x: and i thought i might help
x_JJneufmoiS_x: if there's no one else
The Slipper Whore: JJ!
The Slipper Whore: I could get like.. 50 guys if I wanted
The Slipper Whore: You don't ever worry about me.
x_JJneufmoiS_x: o-ok *wipes away tears* i'm sorry
The Slipper Whore: I'm happy, cute, and avalible.
x_JJneufmoiS_x: i apologize for being like this. behaving like a damsel in distress n_n;;
The Slipper Whore: ::lays back down on the couch::
x_JJneufmoiS_x: *wiping away smudged makeup*
The Slipper Whore: No problem.
Konahaku: Slipper...
The Slipper Whore: Hm?
Konahaku: You stepped on me.
The Slipper Whore: I did what?
Konahaku: -is laying in front of the couch-
x_JJneufmoiS_x: *trying not to laugh*
The Slipper Whore: ::drops a snapple bottle on his head::
The Slipper Whore: Opps. Sorry about that.
Konahaku: -eyes tear up, lip quivers-
The Slipper Whore: Don't you get all mushy on me too,
The Slipper Whore: Men...
Konahaku: -goes and sits near fel's empty chair in the corner, sulking-
Burreto-kun: -sobs-
Burreto-kun: WAAAAA!
x_JJneufmoiS_x: burreto*
x_JJneufmoiS_x: need me honey?
The Slipper Whore: ::drinks her snapple::
x_JJneufmoiS_x: *gives burreto a hug*
Burreto-kun: -sniffles and clings-
The Slipper Whore: God, I hang around a bunch of women all day long.
Burreto-kun: XD
Konahaku: -dozes, leaning against fel's chair-
x_JJneufmoiS_x: XD
Burreto-kun: I'm just doin it to anny slipper
x_JJneufmoiS_x: *blushing*
The Slipper Whore: I know, you don't get upset much.
x_JJneufmoiS_x: me?
The Slipper Whore: ::tosses a pillow at Kona::
The Slipper Whore: No, Burreto.
x_JJneufmoiS_x: oh ^_^;;
The Slipper Whore: JJ, you're more emotional than me, and I'm a deffinate female.
Konahaku: -looks at the pillow with teary eyes-
x_JJneufmoiS_x: is that b-bad?
The Slipper Whore: Oh lord.
The Slipper Whore: No.
x_JJneufmoiS_x: huh? uh oh
The Slipper Whore: It's not.
x_JJneufmoiS_x: phew
Dogg Pound Puppy enters the chat.
Burreto-kun: -eats a sammich-
Konahaku: -sits behind fel's chair, where pillow's can't reach, and continues dozing-
Tsubaku enters the chat.
x_JJneufmoiS_x: i'll toughen up next time slipper
Dogg Pound Puppy: hey i cant see our avis
x_JJneufmoiS_x: or at least do my best*
The Slipper Whore: ::crawls off the couch, head first, crawling as quietly as possible towards Kona::
x_JJneufmoiS_x: *over to dogg* it takes a while
Dogg Pound Puppy: ok
Konahaku: -dozing-
Dogg Pound Puppy: can you see mine?
x_JJneufmoiS_x: yeah
The Slipper Whore: ::grabs Kona's butt::
Tsubaku: I like that biggrin
Dogg Pound Puppy: ok
Tsubaku: slipper whore
Konahaku: !
The Slipper Whore: Thank you!
The Slipper Whore: MORNING KONA!
Tsubaku: I'm serious ^_^:;
Konahaku: -startled from his doze-
x_JJneufmoiS_x: o_o
Dogg Pound Puppy: will cyber for gold im poor now
The Slipper Whore: EW
The Slipper Whore: Prostitute!
Burreto-kun: -slaps dogg-
Dogg Pound Puppy: haha
The Slipper Whore: Get it away!!!!
Dogg Pound Puppy: oww
Konahaku: Five more minutes, mommy...-bats sleepily at slipper-
x_JJneufmoiS_x: *over to burreto* i just saw a really scary avi lately o_o
The Slipper Whore: ::nibbles on Kona's ear::
Burreto-kun: Who?
x_JJneufmoiS_x: tomdabomb
The Slipper Whore: Morning morning morning morning!
Dogg Pound Puppy: addicted to slots
x_JJneufmoiS_x: funny but kinda creepy
Dogg Pound Puppy: good morning
x_JJneufmoiS_x: you'll see what i mean XD burreto
Konahaku: Nuuu...I dun want to wake up...
Burreto-kun: OMG
x_JJneufmoiS_x: XDD
Burreto-kun: XD
Dogg Pound Puppy: i stood up for 32 hours before and i was confuzed out of my mind
The Slipper Whore: ::wraps her arms around kona::
The Slipper Whore: ::coughs in his ear::
x_JJneufmoiS_x: *to burreto* it comes to show you. s**t happens on Gaia XD
Konahaku: Bacon? Where?
Dogg Pound Puppy: look at the pretty lights
The Slipper Whore: Atleast sit with me on the couch.
Burreto-kun: I WANT BACON!
x_JJneufmoiS_x: XD mmmmmmmmmm
x_JJneufmoiS_x: *nibbling on burreto's jester cap* umm mmumm ummm ummm
Konahaku: -sits with slipper on the couch- Bacon?
The Slipper Whore: Um..
Burreto-kun: -blushes- oh stop...
The Slipper Whore: I lied.
Konahaku: But...
Dogg Pound Puppy: *yawns*
Burreto-kun: -slaps slipper-
Konahaku: I'm hungry...
Dogg Pound Puppy: i'll make some bacon
The Slipper Whore: Well, I never actually said I had bacon...
The Slipper Whore: I DIDN'T I DIDN'T!
Konahaku: We don't want your dirty bacon, dogg!
Burreto-kun: LIES!
The Slipper Whore: I effing can't even eat bacon right now..
Dogg Pound Puppy: dirty?
Konahaku: WE want slipper's bacon.
Dogg Pound Puppy: i cant see slipper
Burreto-kun: ... that sounds so wrong.
The Slipper Whore: I'm hot.
The Slipper Whore: Look me up.
Dogg Pound Puppy: thats good to know
x_JJneufmoiS_x: *flapping the two sides of burreto's cap like wings* tweet tweet wheeee!!
The Slipper Whore: OH, so NOW he wants my bacon.
Dogg Pound Puppy: *flopping around on the floor like a fish out of water*
x_JJneufmoiS_x: O_O
Burreto-kun: Poor thing
Burreto-kun: Lets put it out of it misery
The Slipper Whore: Fish is nasty
Konahaku: -goes back to sitting behind fel's chair-
The Slipper Whore: Stabby stabby!
Burreto-kun: -shoots dogg-
The Slipper Whore: Nuuu!!!
Dogg Pound Puppy: *is dead*
The Slipper Whore: Kona-chu!
Dogg Pound Puppy: well your eyes look hot
x_JJneufmoiS_x: eek no! crying
Dogg Pound Puppy: but i cant see your avi
The Slipper Whore: Um..
Konahaku: -dozes-
The Slipper Whore: Haha, in my profile?
Dogg Pound Puppy: ohh mgs4
Dogg Pound Puppy: yeah
Burreto-kun: brb
x_JJneufmoiS_x: k
The Slipper Whore: ::cuddles Kona behind the chair::
The Slipper Whore: I won't let you be alone.
Konahaku: But...
Konahaku: The slipper smell conflicts with the fel smell.
Dogg Pound Puppy: *yawns and gets to sleep on the monitor*
The Slipper Whore: That's kinda odd, because my profile smells like Fel, so shouldn't I?
Konahaku: Mine does too. ^^
The Slipper Whore: ^_^
Konahaku: There's trace amounts.
Dogg Pound Puppy leaves the chat.
The Slipper Whore: Thank god
Konahaku: Yeah.
MechaAngelus enters the chat.
The Slipper Whore: Hello Mecha
x_JJneufmoiS_x: gyaaahh!!
MechaAngelus: yo
The Slipper Whore: Are you male
The Slipper Whore: *?
MechaAngelus: yeah
MechaAngelus: cant you tell? lol
The Slipper Whore: Are you bi?
MechaAngelus: gay
The Slipper Whore: Are you literate?
MechaAngelus: -.-
The Slipper Whore: Dun-dun-dun...

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