Zwolf: ummm...movies and stuff?
Oral Sex with Zombies: Brb. Perfectly Purple: xD Emma_Bunton enters the chat. x_JJneufmoiS_x: back Perfectly Purple: ^^ x_JJneufmoiS_x: hey emma Emma_Bunton: hey nikku9898: hi Emma_Bunton: hi nikku9898: wazz up Emma_Bunton: nm, u? x_JJneufmoiS_x: *over to purple* say something. i don't care if you're going to scoff at me. just say something nikku9898: same old same old Emma_Bunton: oh x_JJneufmoiS_x: *looking at emma's avi* you uhh....don't have a scar do you? nikku9898: brb nikku9898 leaves the chat. Emma_Bunton: scar? x_JJneufmoiS_x: or is that just hair x_JJneufmoiS_x: ?* Emma_Bunton: it's hair Emma_Bunton: I didn't get a scar... x_JJneufmoiS_x: oh sorry about that n_n;; ashley1997 enters the chat. Emma_Bunton: np Oral Sex with Zombies: Back. x_JJneufmoiS_x: wb Perfectly Purple: I LOVE J POP *grooves* Oral Sex with Zombies: Thank you. x_JJneufmoiS_x: oh finally he says something ashley1997: bicth x_JJneufmoiS_x: what now? Perfectly Purple: who me? Oral Sex with Zombies: Bicth, eh? Perfectly Purple: usually when I come into a room, I focus on the people I talk to the most, so when Zom didn't talk, x_JJneufmoiS_x: she meant b***h Perfectly Purple: I didn't. Emma_Bunton: brb x_JJneufmoiS_x: oh ok then x_JJneufmoiS_x: figures ashley1997: mother fuker Perfectly Purple: Can you not spell? Perfectly Purple: xD ashley1997 leaves the chat. x_JJneufmoiS_x: *over to zombie* should i call Oprah incase of an emergency? Oral Sex with Zombies: I knew she meant, "b***h," JJ. Perfectly Purple: Win. Oral Sex with Zombies: I was making fun of her. Oral Sex with Zombies: Oprah? Ew. x_JJneufmoiS_x: unless you want me to get maury. god he's pure evil >< Oral Sex with Zombies: Maury's better than Oprah. Oral Sex with Zombies: He's at least not racist. x_JJneufmoiS_x: yeah good point PrinceDuckie enters the chat. Oral Sex with Zombies: I hate the looks Oprah gives to white people sometimes. PrinceDuckie: heello PrinceDuckie: ahahaha PrinceDuckie: WHAT x_JJneufmoiS_x: if only if he wouldn't hide behind a black guy so much whenever he can't handle an out of control x_JJneufmoiS_x: teen* PrinceDuckie: whoa Oral Sex with Zombies: Lol. PrinceDuckie: I feel left out PrinceDuckie: hahaha Perfectly Purple: *Sighu* x_JJneufmoiS_x: we were talking about talk show hosts Oral Sex with Zombies: Think of what Oprah'd do if she had out-of-control white teens on her show. xxx Rice Cracker xxx: I'm back. xD x_JJneufmoiS_x: who knows PrinceDuckie: ahaha x_JJneufmoiS_x: wb, rice PrinceDuckie: thats why she doesn't Perfectly Purple: I have to pee, but I don't wanna get up. x_JJneufmoiS_x: k Perfectly Purple: It's contagious! xxx Rice Cracker xxx: Thank you. x_JJneufmoiS_x: wait, ouch >.<* xxx Rice Cracker xxx: You must get up! Oral Sex with Zombies: Welcome back, Crackah/ xxx Rice Cracker xxx: >_ x_JJneufmoiS_x: XD oooh xxx Rice Cracker xxx: Thank you! Oral Sex with Zombies: My piss must have travelled through the world of white porcelain gods to you, Geo. biggrin Perfectly Purple: I knowww I'm honoured. Perfectly Purple: xD PrinceDuckie: um.... x_JJneufmoiS_x: XD Oral Sex with Zombies: :3 xxx Rice Cracker xxx: xD x_JJneufmoiS_x: *over to duckie* quack PrinceDuckie: who is the mummy looking person Oral Sex with Zombies: PrinceDuckie . . . I'm a little weird. D; Just roll with it. Perfectly Purple: *squeaks and plays with Zom Zom's pretty hair* x_JJneufmoiS_x: moi JJ PrinceDuckie: hhaa I'll try xxx Rice Cracker xxx: =DD PrinceDuckie: well mummy person Oral Sex with Zombies: ^^ -Pets Geo.- PrinceDuckie: you look kinda cool Perfectly Purple: *Purr* xxx Rice Cracker xxx: =3 x_JJneufmoiS_x: *in western accent* it's just a bee sting PrinceDuckie: hahahaah Perfectly Purple: Zoommm Oral Sex with Zombies: Yeeessss? Perfectly Purple: Do you have AIM D: cause I wanna leave the chatroom for a while. PrinceDuckie: uh oh PrinceDuckie: hahahah Oral Sex with Zombies: D: Yes, but I won't go on it. Oral Sex with Zombies: There're people there. Perfectly Purple: cause. after I pee, I'm gonna make my ramen, and then by the time I come back, I'm lost. Perfectly Purple: but ;-; Emma_Bunton leaves the chat. Perfectly Purple: Do you have MSN? Oral Sex with Zombies: Who. Like. Want me dead or something stupid like that. Oral Sex with Zombies: No. u_u I have YIM. Perfectly Purple: I do! Perfectly Purple: I have trillian xD I have everything. x_JJneufmoiS_x: whoaness Oral Sex with Zombies: biggrin My YIM is polnocny_liska. Oral Sex with Zombies: ^^ Perfectly Purple: I actually get to USE YIM. wow. xD usually it just sits there. Perfectly Purple: oooh its red and shiney @-@ Oral Sex with Zombies: o_o PrinceDuckie: gagaga PrinceDuckie: GAH GAH x_JJneufmoiS_x: o_o Perfectly Purple: on trillian Oral Sex with Zombies: . . . Perfectly Purple: MSN Perfectly Purple: is blue Oral Sex with Zombies: Oh. :B Perfectly Purple: AIM, yellow Perfectly Purple: YIM, red. Perfectly Purple: ICQ, green. Perfectly Purple: so on. little_ms enters the chat. PrinceDuckie: I came here by day Oral Sex with Zombies: Heh. PrinceDuckie: I left her in darkness Perfectly Purple: it's a major IM serrrverrr PrinceDuckie: and found you little_ms leaves the chat. PrinceDuckie: found you on the way Perfectly Purple: well xD have fun sweeties <3 I'll be off Oral Sex with Zombies: Bye for now, Geo. <3 PrinceDuckie: they are all leaving Perfectly Purple: bye bye <3 Perfectly Purple leaves the chat. Oral Sex with Zombies: So. Oral Sex with Zombies: How's about that FIFA World Cup? x_JJneufmoiS_x: *messing with duckie's facial expression* happy biggrin sad D: happy biggrin sad D:... PrinceDuckie: hahaha PrinceDuckie: my dad watches that alot xxx Rice Cracker xxx: =D Lol Oral Sex with Zombies: I was sad. Ghana beat Czech. D; xxx Rice Cracker xxx: Duckie... PrinceDuckie: yeah PrinceDuckie: hahaha PrinceDuckie: I like rice crackers PrinceDuckie: hahaha Oral Sex with Zombies: ALL-BRAN. xxx Rice Cracker xxx: =0 Oral Sex with Zombies: THAT'S THE CEREAL, CRACKAH. PrinceDuckie: ALL-BRAN x_JJneufmoiS_x: o.(O) PrinceDuckie: Imma add you oral zombie xxx Rice Cracker xxx: ...Do you like me... or....the food. PrinceDuckie: and rice cracker PrinceDuckie: and JJ something PrinceDuckie: I like you PrinceDuckie: hahaha Oral Sex with Zombies: What? samurai_inuyasha2011 enters the chat. x_JJneufmoiS_x: eh? PrinceDuckie: eh? xxx Rice Cracker xxx: hi PrinceDuckie: Imma add you now PrinceDuckie: mauhahahahahaha xxx Rice Cracker xxx: =3 x_JJneufmoiS_x: ok xxx Rice Cracker xxx: okii samurai_inuyasha2011: hey everyone xxx Rice Cracker xxx: hi samurai_inuyasha2011: were yall loking 4 cyber x_JJneufmoiS_x: omg i just watched a really funny yet kinda sad movie on lifetime PrinceDuckie: what was it? xxx Rice Cracker xxx: Cyber is made and ment for loosers. samurai_inuyasha2011: im sorry samurai_inuyasha2011: lol yes it is x_JJneufmoiS_x: it seems rather cute too. it's call Bruno PrinceDuckie: haha its a sad thing PrinceDuckie: BRuno PrinceDuckie: wait is it about a guy PrinceDuckie: who used to play football x_JJneufmoiS_x: no PrinceDuckie: then he gets in an accident PrinceDuckie: and becomes mental.... okay PrinceDuckie: damn PrinceDuckie: hahah xxx Rice Cracker xxx: =0 x_JJneufmoiS_x: it's about this little boy who's a Catholic school student with gender issues trying to fit in Oral Sex with Zombies: Damnit. x_JJneufmoiS_x: actually* PrinceDuckie: awww PrinceDuckie: thats sad x_JJneufmoiS_x: i know poor thing samurai_inuyasha2011: im out samurai_inuyasha2011 leaves the chat. Oral Sex with Zombies: I feel like dressing in drag and hitting on straight guys. PrinceDuckie: whoa whoa well whatever floats your boat xxx Rice Cracker xxx: =3' PrinceDuckie: hahaha Oral Sex with Zombies: I told you I was weird, Duck. x_JJneufmoiS_x: it was sad how almost everyone in Washington D.C. held up signs saying stuff like wear pants or PrinceDuckie: hahaha x_JJneufmoiS_x: go to hell* xxx Rice Cracker xxx: lol Oral Sex with Zombies: But you didn't believe me. D; WHY DIDN'T YOU BELIEVE ME? [/renandstimpyripoff] PrinceDuckie: aww thats mean Oral Sex with Zombies: So, anywho. PrinceDuckie: I believe you PrinceDuckie: hahaha Oral Sex with Zombies: What's mean? x_JJneufmoiS_x: and all that other prejudice s**t* PrinceDuckie: holding up signs PrinceDuckie: for drags to put on pants Oral Sex with Zombies: Oh. Oral Sex with Zombies: The church I'm going to join supports child molestation by priests and sodomy. <3 PrinceDuckie: to tell you the truth drags scare me... well if they are really manly drags xxx Rice Cracker xxx: ...=0 PrinceDuckie: I dunno maybe they wouldnt I mean I totally get why and who they are x_JJneufmoiS_x: and the little boys who were there are the worse in the movie Oral Sex with Zombies: How can a drug be "manly"? PrinceDuckie: like.... I dunno noticeably manly xxx Rice Cracker xxx: LOL Drugs are scarey... PrinceDuckie: like the whole low voice PrinceDuckie: and they look like women PrinceDuckie: but not the most attractive ones PrinceDuckie: I dunno xxx Rice Cracker xxx: =00 PrinceDuckie: I just like boys x_JJneufmoiS_x: sound like Mana poor guy PrinceDuckie: actualy boys PrinceDuckie: hahah Oral Sex with Zombies: Drugs? PrinceDuckie: Yeah Oral Sex with Zombies: I'm. Oral Sex with Zombies: Confused. PrinceDuckie: you mean drags x_JJneufmoiS_x: in drag but has a deep voice* PrinceDuckie: hahah Oral Sex with Zombies: Drugs are . . . substances. Oral Sex with Zombies: Not people. PrinceDuckie: hahaha AHHHHHHHHH Oral Sex with Zombies: Wow. PrinceDuckie: haha chill lovely PrinceDuckie: lovely PrinceDuckie: I dont use that word ever Oral Sex with Zombies: I'm not manly in drag. I'm 5'2'' on a good day and have hips. u_u PrinceDuckie: ahahaha PrinceDuckie: send me a pic PrinceDuckie: of you and drag PrinceDuckie: it might haunt me x_JJneufmoiS_x: i'm too masculine for my own good no matter how often i'd dress in drag T.T x_JJneufmoiS_x: irl PrinceDuckie: ahaha PrinceDuckie: I dressed in drag once, only because my ex thought it would be hilarious PrinceDuckie: and it was for a funeral parade PrinceDuckie: She said I looked better in her skirt PrinceDuckie: then she did x_JJneufmoiS_x: whenever i dress in drag, it would mostly be with kimonos and yukatas x_JJneufmoiS_x: in* lil_smilegurl enters the chat. x_JJneufmoiS_x: with black lipstick and the like in makeup* lil_smilegurl leaves the chat. Oral Sex with Zombies: D; I have too much going on right now. Bye, people. ^^ Oral Sex with Zombies leaves the chat. PrinceDuckie: whoaa PrinceDuckie: I miss them PrinceDuckie: hahaha x_JJneufmoiS_x: back x_JJneufmoiS_x: what did i miss? PrinceDuckie: people PrinceDuckie: left x_JJneufmoiS_x: ah PrinceDuckie: Im out of tokens PrinceDuckie: oh dear PrinceDuckie: I'll be back PrinceDuckie leaves the chat. x_JJneufmoiS_x: you wanna know what's another good gay/lez series i thought was good? xxx Rice Cracker xxx: OOH xxx Rice Cracker xxx: I HAVE TO GO x_JJneufmoiS_x: aw x_JJneufmoiS_x: ok xxx Rice Cracker xxx: bye xxx Rice Cracker xxx leaves the chat.