I'm am sick and tired of being taken for granted
Screw all of you who've done that
In other more exciting and happy news:
I successfully bought my shoes for my cosplay today. They're rather cute. I'll take pictures later.
I opened up a freebies shope where I plan on doing daily art at least between my Gaia-versary (which was on the 13th) until my birthday that's coming up soon. I'll add the link here in a minute.
I'm also hiring artists for twobellsilence's auction to help her with her minis quest, post here if you're interested or send me a PM and I can direct you to that thread. Either that or you can just hunt down my sig and the link is there.
Hope some of you are doing well =D
jenna_chan2 · Fri Jun 16, 2006 @ 03:04am · 1 Comments |