To you who tends to post in the auctions that I do, ignore me, and tend to suck up to all the 'good' artists:
=D Please get over yourself....Its really irritating that you're asking for things without really asking for them. It doesn't make you better of a makes you worse~
FOR EVERYONE ELSE: omg hiii~ If you guys don't really know and if anyone really reads this thing o__O; I've currently running two charity auctions, one for Phillis' ports and another for Kisu Kaite's Devils Tail~ D: Any help would be appreciated n__n try and drop in~ it's a lot of fun and a good amount of art ^^
I just recently started slaving myself to the corporate world =D working in a baby store which is awesome because I stand around and do a whole lot of...nothing while staring at cute little clothes and doodling things for my coworkers XD They're more amused by the fact that I'm working for them than going down the street to work as a graphic designer for whatever company is there~ Truth be told..I should go down there but whatever~ the atmosphere is too stuck up e___e; I prefer the laidback in the purple shirts of doom~
Yeah e__e; I dont really know what else to put here~ Hope you all are doing well n__n and hopefully I'll talk to you soon <3
Take care guys~
jenna_chan2 · Sat Jun 10, 2006 @ 12:24am · 3 Comments |