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The journal of Kyanzaki that's what it is, and that's that....
Another A-Kon Gone
Well another A-Kon has came and gone, but I did manage to get some goodies from A-Kon, a full figurine collection from Black Cat, 6 Gundam Models (all from Gundam Wing...didn't have enough for any from Gundam Seed, a couple of Saturn Games, and Final Fantasy Tactics. Hey I met Kristine Sa...she's hot! Penicllin NANO was cool, although I didn't get to see the concert... crying (I wanted to make someone reeeealy jealous of me, although I should have gotten their autograph), I cosplay an original character, it almost looked like my Gaia Avatar, but I don't think they have a red dress shirt....anyway I had fun, and who knows what will happen next year...I may have a gf who's into anime and we can cosplay together! 3nodding but.... ninja are way cooler than pirates, except if they were ninja Pirates! or Pirate ninja

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