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Lilith's wacked out days & scary thoughts
My Journal, My place, My thoughts. IM strange I live in a strange envermant i have wacked out friends... and i write strange things....
OKay it is 6:55 Am. about 55 min ago a sound woke me a sound of someone screaming in pain. When i came fully awake to relize that i wasnt dreaming i jumped out of bed and ran upstairs. Wat i say scared me (i dont get scared easly) My dad was on the floor Howloring in pain. My mum was all half dead on wat to do. ONce my dad calmed down. We asked him wat to do. I wanted to call 911 that was my first impolce but Dad wouldnt let me. Then mum said were calling his friend that lives near by. I was scared, i thought my dad was gonna die. But when my mum asked me wat woke me i said "well s**t mum if u hear a bang then yelling hell what u gonna do lay there." I just sat there. My Dad was being an old fart he wouldnt let me mum call his friend. I said "******** mum dont listen to dad just call the guy." So she did. I went to shovel the drive way s**t theres snow knee high. I am like "ah ******** hell." SO my dads friend once finished talking to my dad got oout our snowblower to move the snow. I was happy with that cuz all i had was a ******** shovel and i dont like using the snowblower. But before my dads friend came around. I was holding back tears, cuz i had resently got over my brake down (that was sunday when it happend) and my depression wasnt as bad. But i couldnt hold them. My dad was saying he was alright but kept howlering in pain so I said "******** dad, ur in pain stay ******** still." And the thought of loseing my dad hit, and it hit hard. I started crying. BUt i left the room before my mum could do anything. Geez my dad could be stubborn. Hell, its the first time i actully felt that i cared for someone. I guess in the mist of perssure and worry it can really brake a person down, but i did just finish (partly) a depression and got over my brake down. Then this happens, i dont care what my dad says I am bringing a friend over incase we need help. Damnit... i hate crying...

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