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Maeamian's Journal
The insane ramblings of a madman. However occasional.
Ummm... yay?
Wow, they put up a damn journal. Insane. Now all I need is something to put in it. I know! I'll do something totaly new and creative. I'll write about my day. Shut up. It's my journal I can be as unorigional as I want! So yeah, ummm. I woke up the same time as always. Too damn early. Went to school. Hung with Scott in the morning. We convinced Chaz that the frisbee team was playing a team from Anaheim. Dispite the wrong coast thing. Yeah, he isn't too bright. Went off to English, highlited sections from Hakagure. Went to math, played Pheonix. I know, it's such a frosh thing to do. Went to history with the Furher. It stunk. Then free block. Highlighted more of Hakagure. Went to eat. Went to Buisness, watched the Aprentace. Yay for wasted class periods. Then Chem, we took notes, not too thrilling. Then French, we had a quizz, easy as hell. Then Frisbee practice, Napoleon, the coach, wasn't there, so we had practice with Andre, the assistant coach, then we scrimmaged. I ******** up my left ankle, and scraped up both legs. Go me. First game's on next friday.

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