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View User's Journal

My strange brain home
poems, insights and what ever comes out. fear me!!
Made-up Profile
Username- Bloodyblade666
Name- Wolf
Age- 13
Rank- genin
Personality- often calm to a freaky point, very rarely letting her feelings control and actions. Loyal and a good friend, a bit insane.
Gender- female
Counterpart-(If any)
Race-1/3 wolf demon, rest human
Appearence-User Image
Bio- Born but raised by her older Brother Kyo, Wolf had a hard childhood. Haveing been born with the demon blood in her famity as a curse but on 200 years ago by a miko. Only her brother took it on himself and left the clan to raise his little sister with some kind of future in mind.
Useing this time alone, Kyo trained the young girl in the form of the blade and nigha skills.[/

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