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what your problem? do you just need to read every title there is on gaia jease.
stuff that no one should have too know
dream from last night was interesting an introcit. i dont remember much of it but it starts out i was in a gigantic mansion so huge i couldnt find an enterance or an exit. in each room there was a task that had to be done and each task was by no means hard. in each room there were two old ladies. i guess they were there to give hints. well i wass in a hallway and i heard a voice telling my to enter the room that made ou most comfrtable. the hallway circled one giant red room i figured i was most comfortable entering it from the left side. immediatly when i walked into the room i was uncomfortable there was music coming from it that was a mix between violin and organ and EVERYTHING in this room was a deep shade of red exept for the old ladies in the corner drinking tee. ithis room was aroung three times larger than the dojo in every direction. i walked up two one of the old ladies and grabbed the chair in front of her table and she said "NO..... po wants to play" so i decided to talk to the other lady and when i touched the chair in front of her table she said "po...." and i tried the technique as if she were commanding me and then she smilled and finished "wants to play" "if you want to even talk to us let alone get out of here you must make it stop raining wther you use your will or your brains it is up to you. but either way you should relize that po wants to play" so i stepped back into the main part of the room and felt a little trickle of rain on my shoulder. i looked up to find a giant red paintind with thousands of tiny hold in it on the ceiling. and out of thos holds red rain started to trickle. it was getting heavyer and heavyer. "looks like po is playing upstairs" one of the ladies said and then i woke up.

edit_ there were three things that were obvious in that room a book that was upstair on a balcony and a phone and typewriter that were by the old ladys, i ran upstairs to get to the book when it was raining, there was nothing in it i wanted to protect it but i couldnt pick it up cuz it was stuck to the pedistool it was on like on of thos books you sighn your name on in hotels or museums., i closed it and woke up.

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Cio Karasu
Community Member
commentCommented on: Sat Jun 03, 2006 @ 05:33am

commentCommented on: Sun Jun 04, 2006 @ 11:58pm
"po wants to play" yeah, I heard that last week.

I wonder who is up for playing with po?

Miss Maija
Community Member
Miss Maija
Community Member
commentCommented on: Tue Jun 06, 2006 @ 05:24am
Okay...in my dream that I had 2 years ago...the mansion one that is kind of like yours...there was a wraparound porch that was totally enclosed...it was as close to outside as I could ever get. And there ws this kindly old uncle ben looking black man who kept carrying around an old black telephone.."if'n I wanted to use it"..and there was a bakelite radio playing some kind of old music...like billie holiday or duke ellington.

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