WhHOOoOoOOo itz summer finaly god it took forever!!!
what are you doing for summer? Me, im going to Colorado on 8th to 11th. only cus my paretns are think of moving there and they wanna cheak out the place first. then Mabe im going to the Bahamas to see me GrandmA. and of corse to get tanner then ever. im starting horseback ridding again. im going to the Gym 3 days a week mabe lose a few pounds before high school. whee i went to the mall on umm i think the 29 of may and i had a rockin time! meh frieds An, John, Anjum, Aryelle, Ken and meh of corse. we went to this shop called Kourage which is the most awesomeous place cus the have a couch in the back we sat there the whole time talkin to this guy that works there and his name is Bret owesomous guy ever he looks like the action fingure named fuss lol he looks just like him. he also looks like the guy from weezer the lead dude. except a little chuddyer. BUT HEY THATS Co0L THOUGH! right? So im going to the movies with Dillian on wensday ( may 31, 2006) it will be fun i think. MABE? yep Unless he is a gayfer. this paragrah might make you very bored so i will end it with my weekly horoscope.
HOROSCOPE CAPRICORN Remember my sign Your awesome focus on work is amazing, but you need to find time to tend to relationships and avoid friction. When your parents and friends start to complain that they never see you it's probably time to plan some family fun time. Make activity dates that get you out of the house and create good opportunities for communication. Consider renting a paddleboat or going on a long hike with someone important in your life.
Question of the week!!!!
If a cow laughed real hard, would milk come out her nose?
of corse milk would come out of his nose but only would chocolate milk when it is a black cow. you silly billys
Bre_Gazum · Tue May 30, 2006 @ 10:26pm · 1 Comments |