~Special News~
I am in the process of moving out of my parents' house. Should be simple, yes? Well, its not. I have no where to live, currently, and my okaasama (or, as I'm going to refer to her from now one, the "b***h-mother" wink has my laptop. Know what that means? Yeah, I won't be on as much as I'd like. u.u; The utter sadness of it all. I'd love to get on at school, but the school has this site blocked, because they're assholes like that.
So, yeah. Erratic schedule. Don't expect to see me everyday.
Good news: June 2nd my friend Teru and her band is performing at Lake Caroline in Caroline County, VA. If you live in the area and are willing to pay like, three dollars for admission, PLEASE DO SO! They're just starting out, but damnit! I think they effin' rock!