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After a while of silence, the slightly sobbing girl emerged from the rubble. There were now cuts and bruises on every bit of exposed skin, more and more getting added as she tried to stand up among the broken glass and sharp nails. A tear slid down her cheek and she gritted her teeth as it stung a cut on her cheek. She jumped around the rubble and finally found a relatively flat and painless board to stand on.

Her eyes scanned across the land as she stood with her mouth slightly open, unable to take in her surroundings. Her chest tightened and she felt as if she couldn't breathe, then she got incredibly dizzy.

From that point on, everything seemed a sort of blur, as if every event blended into the next, and it all happened so quickly her mind couldn't process it all at once. She could vaughly remember being carried out of the rubble that was only minutes before her home, and then she slept. She slept for days on end, having dreams about everything, and nothing at the same time.

Then she woke...And the first thing she saw was his face, leaning over her; Watching over her. She couldn't remember who he was, or why he was there. She just knew he was there for her, and she felt safer than ever.


In the middle of the night, I shot up out of the uncomfortable bed of the home I was in, dripping with sweat and my head pounding. Ever since I woke up one morning, I haven't been able to remember a thing about my life, but I have a feeling that my memories are making an appearance in my dreams..

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Community Member
commentCommented on: Fri May 26, 2006 @ 02:49am
Just to explain this a little, everything written in third person is a dream of the girl's, and everything written in first person is from the girl's point of view.

commentCommented on: Wed May 31, 2006 @ 02:19am
Hmm. Interesting. smile

Blaze Legend
Community Member
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