Please meet Hasdofin,from Larvarin!!

Of course he must grow before you can see him. mrgreen
Look he grew!!! mrgreen Luffs him so much!! squee!!
fri May 26th 06

Hasdofin rp @ lava thread
*Hasdofin was busy trying out his little legs. The spindly limbs wanted to work exactly the way he did not want them to work.Still day after day he worked with them until soon he had his bearings on those legs.Working up to a good canter he made his way across the clearing to a sandy bottom. there he managed to rear at the sun,bearing down on him,so warm.Hasdofin wanted to greet the big sky eye.He would have liked to ask why it was not around during the chill of the night,but just then his friend,Elven found him,and he trotted triumphantly along with her.He was happy she had found him.It would be dark soon and he did not want to be alone after dark.
june 6 06
The following day Hasdofin woke to a misty fog all around.The coolness of the mists made him feel spriited more than normally.Hopping up he played running games with his shadow. Elven woke to watch the little colt in his endeavors to claim full function of his legs.She rose and began making some breakfast.Soon Hasdofin came over to see what she was doing.There she had prepared a little bowl of grains and seed tops from grasses. He ate hungrily. It was going to be a good day.The sun was partially poking out through the clouds and he had a full belly.Soon it would be time for more games with his shadow.