My Harry Potter Series Summary
-1 Voldemort: Imma kill this baby before he kills me! Harry: Nope! Cause love! Bye! Hagrid: ur a wizad arry Voldemort: Here's a stone that will keep me alive forever! Harry: Nope again! -2 Tom Riddle: hey Ginny: What a nice book~ Basilks: sssssss come ere Ginny: k Harry: Nope, imma stab the book bad ginny -3 Every wizard ever: Sirius Black what a horrible murderer!!!! Sirius: Nope Lupin: *werewolves* Harry: s**t! Sirius is my godfather! And he's innocent! I MUST SAVE HIM! Hermione: Here is this miraculous object that can fix any problem and is highly regulated yet somehow it was approved for me to use it for school and now lets do this time warpy s**t with it HOORAY! Dumbledore: Also buckbeak Ron's rat: Huzzah! I am the real killer! Bye children! Harry: oh s**t Sirius: ok bai audience: this was a real confusing one audience: yeah -4 Dumbledore: HARRY DID YOU PUT YOUR NAME IN DE GOBLET OF DEATH AND FIRE?!?!?!?! Harry: lol no Dumbledore: too bad. you doing it anyway Edward cullen: *dies* Voldemort: oh hai harry watch me rebirth Harry: ew byeeeeee -5 Dumbledore: Voldemort has risen again! Wizarding world: shut up dumblydooor u wrong Umbridge: I'm ruling this school now cause Alby gone cray cray Harry: ouch my hand Harry: lets create an army and break into the ministry and find out some s**t about old bud voldy Sirius: *dies* Harry: noooooooo -6 Harry: *suddenly loves Ginny* Tom Riddle of the past: hai slughorn wats a whorecrux? Sluggy of the past: Ah, child with pure intentions, a horcrux is a way to be immortal. also rly evil plez pass the pineapple sweets. Dumbledore: Voldemort is seven bits harry! kill all the bits! Harry: wat Draco: imma kill you dumbledore Snape: *kills dumbledore* Casey: *cries* Voldemort: BOOM BABY -7 Harry: I gotta destroy all mouldy voldy's horcruxes! FOR DUMBLEDOOORE! Harry: I'm leaving school! Hermione: 8O Harry, Hermione and Ron: *camps* Harry, Hermione and Ron: *camps* Harry, Hermione and Ron: *camps* Harry, Hermione and Ron: *destroys some horcuxes* Harry, Hermione and Ron: *camps* Harry, Hermione and Ron: *camps* Harry: hai guyz, I know we've been chasing these soul pieces, but hows abouts we chase the deathly hallows instead? idk could be fun Harry: *gains control of super powerful wand in the possession of voldemort* Hogwarts: *EPIC WAR* Neville: thanks puberty Voldemort: wow so glad i killed snape for this wand. yeah bby. Voldemort: Avada Kedavra haary pooter! elder wand: *reverses spell* voldemort: *dies* wizarding world: Hurrah! Harry: cool. well bye im off to marry ginny and call my children ridiculous names!