Song playing: Dir en Grey - RED.
Mood: Bored.
Yeah, today was pretty slow. I was late for school...again.
My religion teacher decided to come to school I had to do the test I missed on Monday.
I got an email from Chang...she's so scary. *shudders*
She wants me to go visit her in Barrie...I bet she'll set my hair on fire again.
For anyone who hasn't heard about Chang, press 1 and I shall explain.
I got home and did...nothing! Bwaa haha. XP
Actually, I drew for a while and watched some anime. That's about all.
No homework tonight...
This is what I was working on after school.
Just practising digital colouring. Needs more work. Enjoy. ^^;

Well, back to watching anime. Ja. <3
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