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The Journal of Lioconvoy
Random things I'd like to remeber, Lioconvoy is the name I go by elsewhere online.
Passed On
I had some things to say on the subject, but the more I think of it the more I just can't write about it. Some of it's personal and other things I know are just my opinion. I didn't make this journal to b***h and complain. I hate people who can't see past how others have wrong them and just dwell on things forever. I know there are some subject where I'm like that myself, but I really need to overcome that.

It's hard sometime though because poeple will do things to reopen the wounds I'm just trying to let heal.

One thing I can't believe is the people that say they don't hold grugdes. It seem almost impossible to me, inhuman. When some one hurts you it's just so easy to lash out in return. I can't see too many poeple having the mental strengh to just hold that instint back forever.

It makes it harder to believe when you see the same people who have said over and over that they forgive you talk about you behind your back.

Maybe it's just easier for me to see the negative side of things. I like to think I'm optimistic, but maybe I'm just fooling myself.

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Community Member
commentCommented on: Tue Dec 07, 2004 @ 10:31pm
Hi Bob/Recca,

I know what you mean --;! There are some people whose actions I could never forgive mainly because they have NO remorse whatsoever in what they did scream ! They are forever in my Axis of EVIL! There are also some people though whom I have forgiven, and now, we're friends, I hope ^^;!

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