RPC - Thomas Varnal
Name: Thomas Varnal. Age: Twenty. Gender: Male. Height: 5' 5". Weight: 135 lb. Sexual Orientation: Pansexual. Origin: The house. Physical Description: Thomas is of middling height, but very skinny. His skin is whitewashed and pale and his eyes sunken deep into his head. His hair and eyes are both very dark, almost black. Despite looking malnourished, his skin is glossy and well cut and his eyes look healthy and sharp. He disguises his waifish figure with layers of ornate clothing. Dark velvet suits, crisp white shirts, long lace colors, colorful pocket squares, and heavy watch chains all help to distract from a natural appearance of an inconsequential person. Personality: Thomas is very quiet, verging on being unnerving. He watches everyone around him closely and takes everything in. He is very serious, despite his apparent youth, and takes pride in his responsibilities. He is very vain about appearances, though he tries to hide this affliction as he believes it runs contrary to expectations of his gender. He is also very lonely and tries to hide this as well, going out of his way to stay away from people so they don't detect how much he'd really like to be near them. A Little About Yourself: Thomas is the caretaker of the house. It is his job to let the people in and to help them with anything they could possibly need while they reside in the house. He finds all the people who cross his doorstep to be interesting and keeps detailed accounts of all of them in his journals. Despite how interesting he finds them, he does find it difficult to keep them out of all the places they're not supposed to go. Thomas enjoys domestic work such as cooking and cleaning and does so meticulously. He loves the house and loves taking care of it. He would never consider leaving. How'd You Get Here: Why, Thomas has always been at the house. There has never been a Thomas without the house and the house never was without Thomas.