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Why Me!?!?
YAY! xd I went on tour again! It rocked! I got to meet so many ppl! I proformed @ Racine Christian School, they made me wear a bright orange shirt on stage, [bad idea], because when I got off the airline bus I herd, "I saw the orange one! Get her!" AH!!!! eek A stampede of 5th graders! They chesed me around the building! I hid behind the dumpster ninja and ran inside panting xp
The airline bus this year was cool. cool I acually got to watch tv on it and eat junk food. whee

ah....I remember last years tour.......ROFL! rofl
I was playing ultimate frisbee with my friends blaugh in a fenced in area. Steve ran behind the trees with the frisbee. We all herd an, "AHHHAHHAH!" He came out crouching with his hands together, laughing like a clown and screaming at the same time. lol scream gonk I was like, "Stave! Where did you hurt your hand exclaim question " And he said,"....It's not my hand...." talk2hand
LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Now I understud y he was laughin!!!!
HE ELECTROCUTED HIS NUTS!!! rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl

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