Natasha Ybarra
Full name: Natasha Hope Ybarra
Race: Mexican
Age: Nineteen
Height: 5'6"
Requirements (when drawn)
-Large nose
-Full lips
-Long, straight hair
-Large butt and thighs
-Thick eyebrows
other aspects may vary
for reference to COLORS ONLY (not how she looks) click here
Hair - Light Brown
Eyes - Greenish/Brownish
Skin - Olive/Tanned
Shirt - Sky blue tube top with yellow pineapple pattern, yellow ruffles on top
Shorts - High waisted denim that are distressed at the bottom (distressed is optional in drawings)
Socks - Off white/Cream
Shoes - pointed heels
Necklace - Gold, thick necklace with a turquoise circular charm
Basket - Often carries a small basket-inspired purse
Other things - You can draw big hoop earrings on her and/or any other jewelry