Im bored.
My laptop Isnt working right. I cangelit only do three things on here. Gaia, movies, and edit my music. I need to fix this.
Im bored so a random story is in order.
One upon a dead and waste less land, filled with murderes and rapists, ciminals of every sort,
Was this boy and girl. the boy was 15. The girl 18. They were in love. But the dude knew he had lucked out. Like the ODDS of dataing an 18 year old? But dont get him wrong. the 15 year old, acted mature, and acoring to his girlfrind, a mature man, but still oved to be a teenager at times, which SHE either, enjoyed, regretted, or just stared. depending on her mood one day, They were frolicking acoss the field, when a tank showed up.
It killed them. The end.
sonic3ze · Thu Mar 20, 2014 @ 05:41am · 1 Comments |