Its the first time I am doing a sort of a reference sheet/presentation for an oc, so feel free to make a suggestion to make it better blaugh

A sexy tough chick that likes to get her hands dirty in a fight while flirting with the victim twisted . Usually is always together with one of her black wolfs, Mist (Pup) and Shade (Adult). Loves to provoke mayhem with her bff Marta and with Docinho.

Marta is Sara's best friend, they love he same things and usually hang out almost every day although Marta is a demon. Marta is very intelligent and likes to be devious. Loves Black details and red frills.

Celeste a sweet angel that enjoys looking from the sky/heaven and protect humans and help her friends. She also enjoys to be around her sweet unicorn friends. She is always surrounded by tiny stars in the air and in her hair gaia_star

Calla is a girl that loves gold, luxury, party and to pamper herself! gaia_diamond Every time she goes out she hopes to have fun but deep down inside she's just looking for someone that will like her without all the richness she wears. Always wearing a little bunny hair clip together with a gold crown or a white ornate headband.Her bff is Alexia

Alexia loves 3 things: to dance, going to balls and having fun with simple things in life! She likes to hang out with Calla and to help her friends in fulfilling their dreams.

Rosette is a bubbly, happy and gentle soul emotion_kirakira she just loves nature, animals and flowers. Is always going for walks in the woods and likes to be around fawns, bunnies and wood critters. she is always with her basket or with a flower, but her preference is miniature pink cream roses and peonies.

Docinho, well she is flirtatious and likes to be a bit mysterious and deep... emotion_dealwithit likes cream colors, chocolate tones and red details. She just adores her dogs, "choco" and "chiki". Likes to go on walks with Rosette, her bubbling friend.