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My Journal and Personal thoughts Ill just type whatever i feel like typing and how i feel

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Ditto - Relaxed, Limber, 311224312631
Ditto - Modest, Imposter, 11127313111
Ditto - Modest, Limber, 203117317
Ditto - Brave, Limber, 1312313110
Ditto - Serious, Limber, 3173123263
Ditto - Bashful, Limber, 2617313186
Ditto - Brave, Limber, 1312313110
Ditto - Serious, Limber, 3173123263
Ditto - Rash, Imposter, 31272263115
Stunky (M) - Impish, Aftermath, 2817261414
Scyther (M) - Adamant, Swarm, 311518202620
Chingling (F) - Modest, Levitate, 15313131611
Hawlucha (M) - Lonely, Unburden, 21510101513
Haunter (M) - Bashful, Levitate, 19164152722
Bunnelby (M) - Lax, Pickup, 72625292515
Jigglypuff (M) - Docile, Competitive, 831173179
Jigglypuff (F) - Naive, Cute Charm, 3116281031
Jigglypuff (F) - Careful, Competitive, 313117103024
Jigglypuff (M) - Timid, Cute Charm, 192731312926
Jigglypuff (M) - Quirky, Cute Charm, 9311913312
Jigglypuff (M) - Lax, Cute Charm, 311431123123
Fletchinder (M) - Lonely, Flame Body, 27183163119
Fletchinder (F) - Quirky, Flame Body, 17313129216
Magmar (F) - Lax, Flame Body, 02629313112
Minccino (F) - Mild, Cute Charm, 7311911531
Minccino (F) - Naive, Cute Charm, 0313130824
Minccino (F) - Calm, Cute Charm, 2563131227
Mightyena (F) - Naughty, Quick Feet, 31829302031
Cacturne (M) - Gentle, Sand Veil, 31243110308
Larvitar (F) - Timid, Guts, 1930295
Larvitar (F) - Timid, Guts, 1930295
Vullaby (F) - Modest, Weak Armor, 3129531613
Frogadier (M) - Adamant, Torrent, 31273110931
Pupitar (M) - Impish, Shed Skin, 25213131231
Rotom - Modest, Levitate, 311110313131
Foongus (M) - Quiet, Effect Spore, 145285198
Aerodactyl (M) - Lonely, Pressure, 81642042
Shuckle (F) - Naive, Sturdy, 1933181331
Shuckle (F) - Naive, Contrary, 181413293131
Poliwhirl (F) - Serious, Water Absorb, 18122314314
Eevee (M) - Naughty, Run Away, 214313031
Eevee (M) - Docile, Anticipation, 311521161331
Croagunk (F) - Gentle, Dry Skin, 1011519275
Phantump (F) - Timid, Harvest, 31311951017
Pupitar (F) - Careful, Shed Skin, 191621143131
Pupitar (M) - Adamant, Shed Skin, 311821231531
Ditto - Adamant, Limber, 282349131
Seviper (M) - Naughty, Shed Skin, 173116223121
Seviper (F) - Naive, Shed Skin, 9312320531
Toxicroak (M) - Docile, Dry Skin, 171631141531
Toxicroak (M) - Gentle, Anticipation, 1431143119
Ferroseed (F) - Calm, Iron Barbs, 23196183131
Ferroseed (F) - Careful, Iron Barbs, 31101422312
Ferroseed (F) - Brave, Iron Barbs, 2831133110
Ferroseed (M) - Gentle, Iron Barbs, 31153116313
Magikarp (F) - Adamant, Swift Swim, 2924252018
Spearow (F) - Calm, Keen Eye, 30175203131
Spearow (M) - Bashful, Keen Eye, 3117661731
Spearow (M) - Hardy, Keen Eye, 21231313031
Spearow (F) - Hardy, Keen Eye, 212112313110
Woobat (M) - Hardy, Unaware, 431314298
Eevee (M) - Bashful, Adaptability, 0313183021
Eevee (M) - Serious, Run Away, 3113433112
Lampent (M) - Brave, Infiltrator, 6312981531
Lampent (M) - Modest, Flame Body, 31113118331
Lampent (F) - Sassy, Infiltrator, 24131431319
Lampent (M) - Lax, Flame Body, 31311611925
Xerneas - Impish, Fairy Aura, 1231313127
Pansage (M) - Impish, Gluttony, 56923820
Azurill (F) - Impish, Huge Power, 10203133131
Pancham (M) - Hasty, Mold Breaker, 3255155
Abra (M) - Brave, Synchronize, 71915232220
Quilladin (M) - Calm, Overgrow, 31311672331
Gabite (M) - Timid, Sand Veil, 31331121016
Dragonair (M) - Modest, Marvel Scale, 31231292531
Dragonair (M) - Impish, Shed Skin, 3182116831
Dratini (M) - Quiet, Marvel Scale, 31616312017
Druddigon (F) - Lonely, Rough Skin, 312827203119
Gabite (M) - Calm, Sand Veil, 3125312516
Dragonair (F) - Jolly, Shed Skin, 2531331309
Druddigon (M) - Relaxed, Mold Breaker, 41631102131
Dedenne (F) - Lonely, Plus, 312215319
Pumpkaboo (F) - Bold, Insomnia, 1431313117
Aipom (M) - Timid, Pickup, 2233124531
Pawniard (M) - Adamant, Defiant, 92931111031
Crawdaunt (F) - Naughty, Hyper Cutter, 3132131212
Floette (F) - Hasty, Flower Veil, 52431223112
Floette (F) - Bold, Flower Veil, 31143113275
Noibat (F) - Relaxed, Frisk, 1319303127
Noibat (M) - Careful, Infiltrator, 3313123266
Kirlia (M) - Calm, Telepathy, 421313127
Mawile (F) - Quirky, Hyper Cutter, 161231163119
Scatterbug (F) - Gentle, Shield Dust, 1615175525
Ditto - Rash, Imposter, 26132131319
Ditto - Hardy, Limber, 31109311322
Ditto - Naughty, Imposter, 222312731
Ditto - Brave, Limber, 311531162124
Ditto - Brave, Limber, 313117181713
Ditto - Quirky, Limber, 192630313127
Ditto - Modest, Limber, 4311013115
Ditto - Relaxed, Limber, 311216231
Ditto - Jolly, Limber, 313128178
Ditto - Naughty, Limber, 31313126930
Ditto - Calm, Limber, 311531183118
Ditto - Naughty, Imposter, 6630313118
Ditto - Sassy, Imposter, 313031152630
Ditto - Timid, Limber, 223128151831
Ditto - Sassy, Limber, 192831311225
Ditto - Lax, Limber, 18312633127
Ditto - Sassy, Limber, 29313161328
Ditto - Gentle, Imposter, 6831221731
Ditto - Careful, Limber, 31279312410
Ditto - Hardy, Limber, 331442931
Ditto - Hardy, Imposter, 311616202131
Ditto - Timid, Imposter, 9192883131
Ditto - Naughty, Imposter, 31218153118
Ditto - Brave, Limber, 31242031111
Ditto - Lax, Limber, 4531531
Noibat (F) - Quiet, Infiltrator, 9253051129
Marill (F) - Adamant, Huge Power, 13920271331
Shroomish (F) - Adamant, Poison Heal, 31231163131
Ditto - Modest, Limber, 12151620317
Ditto - Modest, Limber, 312826301931
Cranidos (M) - Hasty, Mold Breaker, 613242433
Swablu (M) - Bold, Natural Cure, 14830633
Skarmory (M) - Bashful, Keen Eye, 3133129279
Ralts (F) - Modest, Synchronize, 202020312031
Ditto - Serious, Limber, 3173123263
Ditto - Brave, Limber, 1312313110
Ditto - Modest, Limber, 203117317
Ditto - Bashful, Limber, 2617313186
Teddiursa (F) - Modest, Honey Gather, 31202192231
Froakie (M) - Sassy, Protean, 31313143131
Ditto - Naive, Limber, 293030313130
Froakie (M) - Adamant, Torrent, 31122431262
Charmeleon (M) - Brave, Blaze, 3131122969
Snover (F) - Mild, Snow Warning, 202551114
Ditto - Modest, Imposter, 11127313111
Goomy (M) - Sassy, Sap Sipper, 0141818148
Froakie (M) - Modest, Torrent, 31313171131
Froakie (M) - Modest, Protean, 31113131931
Shuckle (M) - Quirky, Sturdy, 31123123204
Pupitar (F) - Modest, Shed Skin, 15283311231
Vivillon (F) - Impish, Shield Dust, 271131242615
Vivillon (F) - Mild, CompoundEyes, 263014221713
Vivillon (F) - Brave, Shield Dust, 7234231427
Lampent (F) - Docile, Flame Body, 301010313117
Helioptile (M) - Bold, Sand Veil, 31263112931
Helioptile (F) - Quiet, Sand Veil, 10823153131
Electrode - Careful, Sound Proof, 381313110
Charmeleon (M) - Gentle, Solar Power, 31143141623
Spritzee (M) - Careful, Healer, 1933117311
Snorlax (F) - Brave, Immunity, 5333156
Smeargle (M) - Brave, Technician, 1310201224
Scyther (M) - Adamant, Swarm, 311518202620
Carbink - Quirky, Clear Body, 828111913
Carbink - Quirky, Clear Body, 828111913
Staravia (F) - Quiet, Intimidate, 8316213031
Bunnelby (F) - Adamant, Huge Power, 31131313110
Tauros (M) - Brave, Intimidate, 13419191713
Mantyke (M) - Quirky, Swift Swim, 17163163131
Litwick (M) - Naughty, Flame Body, 2072215216
Miltank (F) - Relaxed, Scrappy, 2621252329
Graveler (M) - Impish, Rock Head, 9121791018
Lombre (F) - Adamant, Swift Swim, 17182759
Bunnelby (M) - Lax, Pickup, 72625292515
Pawniard (F) - Modest, Defiant, 31828291625
Mantyke (M) - Quirky, Swift Swim, 17163163131
Gible (M) - Timid, Sand Veil, 3081121206
Magneton - Hardy, Sturdy, 929129629
Sandslash (M) - Adamant, Sand Veil, 1028441618
Skrelp (F) - Bold, Poison Point, 1913256121
Delibird (M) - Gentle, Hustle, 0162932324
Piloswine (M) - Jolly, Oblivous, 36121193
Torkoal (M) - Careful, White Smoke, 19123219
Pikachu (M) - Quiet, Static, 22726301910
Ditto - Naive, Limber, 15218121425
Shuckle (F) - Calm, Sturdy, 13223292628
Quagsire (M) - Lonely, Damp, 17173153027
Scyther (F) - Mild, Swarm, 71415221324
Jigglypuff (F) - Modest, Competitive, 1613810610
Venomoth (F) - Rash, Tinted Lens, 317131171
Xatu (M) - Modest, Magic Bounce, 31311310631
Azurill (M) - Careful, Thick Fat, 22311733131
Gurdurr (M) - Jolly, Guts, 517617195
Gurdurr (M) - Naughty, Guts, 13122118224
Druddigon (M) - Docile, Sheer Force, 3111524615
Scatterbug (F) - Hasty, Shield Dust, 2241281022
Delibird (F) - Impish, Insomnia, 1529631631
Sneasel (M) - Sassy, Inner Focus, 1563193131
Braixen (M) - Serious, Magician, 192131311510
Cloyster (F) - Gentle, Overcoat, 15312663127
Absol (F) - Sassy, Pressure, 19426263022
Froakie (M) - Jolly, Torrent, 202020202031
Diggersby (F) - Serious, Huge Power, 183125181831
Camerupt (F) - Sassy, Magma Armor, 31431242928
Bergmite (M) - Adamant, Own Tempo, 2841515320
Zigzagoon (F) - Quiet, Pickup, 291812211518
Clauncher (M) - Relaxed, Mega Launcher, 222526108
Beartic (F) - Calm, Snow Cloak, 313113161221
Sylveon (M) - Relaxed, Cute Charm, 21017141925
Klang - Calm, Clear Body, 31313252918
Frogadier (M) - Adamant, Torrent, 31273110931
Binacle (F) - Hasty, Tough Claws, 16112591127
Tyrogue (M) - Careful, Vital Spirit, 13131311917
Tyrogue (M) - Hasty, Guts, 13219313131
Pansear (F) - Docile, Gluttony, 62631215
Rotom - Modest, Levitate, 311110313131
Meditite (M) - Sassy, Telepathy, 311016317
Ivysaur (F) - Rash, Overgrow, 12714313115
Gogoat (M) - Bashful, Sap Sipper, 3129211631
Pupitar (F) - Careful, Shed Skin, 191621143131
Pupitar (M) - Adamant, Shed Skin, 311821231531
Nincada (F) - Impish, CompoundEyes, 101521193131
Nincada (M) - Impish, CompoundEyes, 89417315
Larvesta (M) - Modest, Flame Body, 1123311031
Spiritomb (M) - Brave, Pressure, 173118312213
Gastrodon (F) - Naughty, Sticky Hold, 20312819315
Swalot (M) - Docile, Sticky Hold, 18531142831
Abra (M) - Lonely, Magic Guard, 31312053031
Luvdisc (M) - Lax, Swift Swim, 21520232122
Furfrou (F) - Adamant, Fur Coat, 42419212618
Lampent (F) - Relaxed, Flame Body, 10306313110
Lampent (M) - Brave, Infiltrator, 6312981531
Lampent (M) - Modest, Flame Body, 31113118331
Lampent (F) - Sassy, Infiltrator, 24131431319
Lampent (M) - Lax, Flame Body, 31311611925
Lampent (M) - Adamant, Infiltrator, 3118631273
Spiritomb (M) - Sassy, Pressure, 311921172731
Phantump (F) - Gentle, Harvest, 3193183114
Ditto - Timid, Limber, 262225432
Lampent (F) - Relaxed, Flame Body, 10306313110
Lampent (M) - Mild, Infiltrator, 311231107
Dusclops (M) - Rash, Pressure, 1131510631
Rufflet (M) - Mild, Sheer Force, 31319311915
Azumarill (F) - Hasty, Sap Sipper, 15213031314
Panpour (M) - Careful, Torrent, 631853110
Panpour (M) - Rash, Gluttony, 313113866
Sawsbuck (F) - Calm, Serene Grace, 2113131301
Panpour (M) - Careful, Gluttony, 182231203123
Houndour (F) - Hardy, Flash Fire, 2328282823
Pikachu (F) - Sassy, Static, 262092939
Weedle (M) - Naive, Shield Dust, 82101418
Shuckle (F) - Serious, Sturdy, 29124131215
Azurill (F) - Impish, Huge Power, 10203133131
Psyduck (M) - Brave, Cloud Nine, 233022191514
Combee (F) - Docile, Honey Gather, 663131723
Trevenant (M) - Impish, Natural Cure, 287330
Inkay (F) - Careful, Suction Cups, 28281910305
Sentret (M) - Modest, Run Away, 0624122312
Dusclops (F) - Timid, Pressure, 31272691131
Dusclops (F) - Timid, Pressure, 31272691131
Dusclops (M) - Hasty, Frisk, 16311512331
Mewtwo - Adamant, Pressure, 13311623131
Azumarill (M) - Quiet, Thick Fat, 112531223117
Voltorb - Naughty, Static, 31292153114
Pawniard (M) - Adamant, Defiant, 92931111031
Fletchinder (M) - Serious, Flame Body, 312626312431
Jigglypuff (F) - Jolly, Competitive, 18102812239
Fletchinder (M) - Impish, Flame Body, 2181012426
Poliwag (M) - Adamant, Damp, 31196141319
Trevenant (M) - Jolly, Natural Cure, 19172172920
Marill (F) - Adamant, Huge Power, 13920271331
Gastrodon (F) - Impish, Sand Force, 3129311331
Gastrodon (F) - Docile, Sand Force, 31211171031
Shroomish (F) - Adamant, Poison Heal, 31231163131
Diggersby (F) - Relaxed, Pickup, 301220313115

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