the most eventful thing to day and most stupidest .
well lets star this from the begining.
;ast year myy freshman year i found out i was bi.
n/e way theyer was this girl on the bus.
id heard of her being gay but i didnt know who see was.
id heard her name billions of time without realizing it was her .
but anyway i used to take my gameboy to school .
id sit on the bus and play it cause in r/l im not much of a talker except for when im wih tony but he dosent ride my bus.n/eway she sat by me every day even when there were like 10 people on the bus and seats avalible.
i quite enjoyed her company so of course i didnt mind.for one thing i thought it was cause of my game boy she alwys ask me to let her play or show her how or tell her about what im playing or doing.
well i started noticing stuff like these suductive stares she has eye like no one knows these deep brown ... i think you get the pic well anyways she stoped being so meek with her approch .then i started liking her not htat i hadt liked her be for or other girls or nothin lke that iv always been this way but i didnt give it a second thoughtwell one day she gave me her number and told me to call i did but then id notice she never called me so i stoped.and thhen she stopped sittin by me and stuff well as much as she did not completly.and at the end of the year someone told me shhe lked me so i asked her and she said no..
after that i stoped calling completle over the summer...
well this year (sphomore) she asked me why i didnt call she said it had to be "mutaul" now as i said b4 iv been the main one calling and i dont like that the way i am i dont want the other person to know i like them alot
for example i ant thenm to know i like them a lil but on the inside im crazy for them (kinda like inuyash but a lil softer) .i truthfully when i like someone id do anything in my power to make them happy or do what theyll ask esecally a girl.
well she told me she had a g/f over the summer that she got into a fight with and beat her up(i know the g/f so no surprize there).and after that i mealted for her like popcycle on a hot summer day.
(the g/f)kinda made me a lil pissed tho that she could hit a thing so beautiful.but thats besides the point.
for a while we talked pretty wel then it strted to slack off and lik i said if come hlf way and you wont do the same o well.but i cant do that with her it like ....i cant descibe it
anyway today on the bus i started to babble to her and i told her i liked her like a fool even tho i do i dont want her to know completly how crazy i am for her but i coudnt help it for a split sec whatever i thought came ou of my mouth..
well im done for now i see what happens 2marrow.
oh yea and id like some advice if anyone reads this id relly appreceate (s/p)it.
![]() neko-muyo Community Member ![]() |
Community Member
Maybe this wont help but this is my 2 cents. Its a good thing you told her you like her, that gives her the time to think about it, and hopefully for your sake, realize she likes you too, lol, that sounds kinda far fetched i know, but love works in mysterious ways xp
Oh, and do you still have that locket I bought for you? lol, it was a LONG LONG time ago, im j/w lol