Name: Snoozette Laurice Belverue
Nickname(s): La Snooze, Snooze, Snoo, Snoozy, Lala, Bel, Bellevere
(Bel and Bellevere usually used for male/animal)
Gender: identifies as female.
Species: Metamorph / Shapeshifter / Shifter
DOB: July 2nd
Age: 23.
Occupation: Student - Arts Major;
jobs as a Model for artists, as a private investigator and an actress here and there. And loves doing all of those,
since those types of jobs allow her to use her ability to its fullest.
Sexual Orientation: Demisexual.
White, wavy, very long hair
soft eyes, grey with a hint of purple
cream horns
white angel-like wings
white bushy tail
not much of a presence
Her original appearance:

Family: Gent and Layla Maddeck- they gave her away as soon as they saw her abnormalities. (biological parents)
adoptive parents Emmanuel (pron. /emm/ from EMber, /anu/ from ANNUal, /el/ from EL Salvador) and Rahel (pron. /Ra/ from RAspberry, /hel/ from help)
Friend(s): Everyone and anyone.
Best Friend: No one. Snoo's very very talkative and extroverted, but because of traumas and lingering insecurities hardly lets anyone come too close.
Love Interest(s)/Crush(es): Matthew Patrick Knight (Knight of Plagues);
amongst a few other, not very hard/stable/real/important crushes =w=
very very talkative and extroverted on the surface
very very unsure and delicate when you go deeper
very self conscious and anxious about people being nice to her (bully victim mentality)
hardly lets anyone come too close
immense trust issues and a "I can do it myself" type of approach for everything.
puts on a lot of façades - nothing is OOC when everything you are is a role constructed by yourself.
Laurice, in her parents' eyes, was a huge mistake.
Gent and Layla Maddrick, two scientists, had worked together for a long time before they decided to go out - both of them success driven and void of human emotion. They immersed themselves in their work of creating new mutations and guiding humanity to its much desired future and would experiment with no end in sight - it's hardly surprising that Laurice's mother simply ignored the life growing in her womb, concentrating on their goals even harder. Naturally, she didn't deem it necessary to pay any attention to, much less care for, a parasite eating away her energy and strength.
When Laurice arrived - much too soon with the difficulties around - her parents were overjoyed. Not because they realised their giving life to something, someone, but their "creation".
The child they were looking at was hardly normal. Horns, wings, a tail, yellow-ish skin glowing with a mysterious light. A new mutation, unlike any other.
And almost dead. The tiny baby girl - born too soon and terrifyingly weak - was breathing her last. As soon as mother and father - or, as we should call them, her creators- realized that that puny little thing was not what they had wanted, both of them were disappointed.
And their disappointment turned to hate and disgust. Their first living creation had looked promising, but had proven utterly useless for the data they were looking to get. Nothing more than a failed experiment. So the decision to "abandon the project and try again" was easy.
Laurice - Project Living antibody's Reaction to interstitial cells and enzymes. Codename LA.R.ICE.
A failed project, scrapped by her parents.
Laurice was given to the hospital, on the condition of leaving her name what it was. With a body like that, who would want to name a baby, much more even take it, hold it, raise it?
Laurice was given to an orphanage in another town, to get her out of sight, and out of her parents' grasps. She spent years and years with "normal" children, learning that she was not. Kids can be cruel. Her scars tell her story better than words.
When she was around 10, Emmanuel Belverue, a French immigrant and artist, found an interest in her and took her to his and his wife's home. He gave the weary-looking child a new home, a new life and a place to belong. Emmanuel and his wife Rahel, who couldn't have children themselves, claimed her as theirs and gave her the name Snoozette. Snoozette grew in her personality, in her own strength and kindness and in love under Rahel's guidance. And when she was comfortable around the two of them, she blossomed. The shadows in her heart started retreating and making space for a life in harmony as Snoozette Belverue.
Until she hit puberty.
When the natural, human hormones in her body started changing, developing, acting up, Project LA.R.ICE started its second stage. Snoozette changed. Much too fast for a teenager. And much too unusual, even for her.
The first time it happened, the little family was sitting at the dinner table. Snoozette had been quiet and sad that day, it was one of those days where the people in school decided to pick on her again.
The young girl wasn’t unpopular or the bully victim to-go – her personality worked in her favour, striving to get along with people, being a good talker, a good listener and a warm, amiable person on the whole. But once in a while, someone decided to poke fun at her scars, or her horns, her wings, her tail. Monster or Freak were common things for Snoo to be called.
Rahel always instructed her to still love them. But just to make sure, she and Emmanuel had her take lessons in Aikido to be able to defend herself should one of her school mates think about something funny.
When the conversation at dinner turned to Snoo’s day at school, the air became heavy and the poor girl started laying everything down. And then, just as she expressed her disgust of herself, her abnormalities started to disappear. Her skin changed to a fleshier colour and stopped emitting the glow, her hair changed from white to blonde and her scars faded away. Since that day, Emmanuel and Rahel knew that there was more to Snoozette’s mutations than just her appearance. And they stil loved and accepted her unconditionally.
Throughout the following years, Snoozette started getting used to the power of changing appearances, and Rahel, being an archaeologist and knowledgeable in history and myths, helped her to grasp and learn about it more and more, until she was finally able to control it.
Getting used to it had a big impact on the young girl's personality and confidence. She finally started accepting and loving herself. Being naturally curious, she soon started taking tiny jobs to see how far she could improve herself, and started getting recognition and reputation, without really revealing her power. Only her parents really knew about that.
And what she still loved most was being her father's art model - and with the changing, he really didn't need anyone else...
A few years later, that reputation reached Gent and Layla, who were still in their mutation craze.
They heard about Snoo from a co-worker, who had bought an art piece of a young Lady's bare back, looking out of the frame. And the artist had decided to also draw Snoo's birthmark, finding it suitable for his creation. Unfortunately, Gent and Layla recognised that very mark. And they knew that it was their "experiment", which apparently was more successful than they had initially thought. So obviously, getting her back for scientific experiments was an absolute necessity.
But their efforts were fruitless, since neither the authorities nor the adoptive parents wanted to hear anything about the fabricated lies the two oh-so-remorseful parents laid down.
For them, bringing LA.R.ICE back was highest priority, no matter the course of action. So they started hiring professionals to "bring her back". Which basically meant kidnap her.
To be continued....