 Name - Ryuuko Gender - Male Age - 22 Race - Human Eyes - Grey Blue Hair - Silver, Chin-Jaw length Forelocks cover most of his right eye Height - 5'11" Skin - Tan
Class - Mage Weapons - Staff (design still being worked on) Dagger (found on his side or back)
Clothing - Stylish yet practical Has a preference to vests, button down shirts, and slacks. Ryuuko prefers wearing boots since he likes to travel and wander through the forests looking for supplies. He usually wears a utility belt to keep a dagger on his side at all times along with pouches for potions and supplies.
Mage Attire - Hat - medium brown, floppy upper portion, and wide pointed brim. Golden band and a dark red feather. Mantle - Two Layers. Main - reaches from shoulders to just above ankles. Upper - layers over the main and reaches to the elbows while the collar reaches the jaw. Design - a border edges the lower hems of both the main and upper parts of the mantle; wide red band bordered with thin gold stripes; thin, gold filled, right side up, and upside down triangles are found within the border. Four gold clasps hold two red woven rope-like bands, crisscrossed, together in the front.
Staff - At the age of 15, Ryuuko received a 5 foot, knobby, wooden staff covered in intricate carvings, holding a pale blue stone of 4 inches tall and 2.5 inches wide from his mentor.
Familiar - Calhoune (kal-who-n) Dragon - Male - Black and Red - Fire and Dark Element - Temperamental - Mischievous This young dragon first met Ryuuko upon his hatching day. As time went on, Calhoune learned that Ryuuko would not leave his side no matter how hard he tried to ditch him. There was soon an unbreakable bond of friendship forged between the two. Only a couple of years after hatching, Calhoune gained extensive knowledge of the world and understood it, became capable of full intellectual conversations, and became able to manipulate some of the magic he was born with.
Personality - Ryuuko likes to dress nice no matter the occasion. Without being obsessive, he keeps his hair and clothing in check. He believes it's best to always be presentable to make a good first impression no matter where you are.
However, due to his bashful nature, he occasionally stutters when interacting with new people, more so women. Which will make some believe that he is timid and can be easily taken advantage of. Those individuals soon learn that Ryuuko will stand up for himself and his beliefs without a hint of backing down. There are only a few circumstances that will cause him to lose his cool, but for the most part, he is calm and collected. Due to his belief that if one delves into the mysteries of the magic arts, one must be prepared to keep himself/herself in check at all times to avoid misuse of the art.
He has a soft spot for animals due to most members of his dad's side of the family being in the veterinary business. Ryuuko would have followed in his father's footsteps had it not been for an uncle, the only member of the previous generation who had decided not to become a veterinarian but instead pursued the art of magic and potions. As a child, Ryuuko often visited his uncle to watch him work. When he was given a chance, it was discovered that he had a gift for the magic arts. Though a great man had been teaching him, at the age of 22 Ryuuko was still a mage in training. As often as he succeeded in the potions and spells, he equally screwed up.
History - Ryuuko was born in the year of the tiger but was marked by the dragon. Through the fine dark hair that covered his head, a black dragon tattoo marking could be found. The doctors thought he was cursed when he was born whereas his parent's believed he was blessed.
At a young age, Ryuuko would become an apprentice under his uncle during his summer breaks between school semesters. Around the age of 11, he convinced his parents to let him live at his uncles to further his magic studies. They agreed only if he continued school and took up self defense, believing that if something were to happen, he had something other than magic to fall back on. His uncle thought this to be a good idea and became relentless in Ryuuko's magic and defense training.
Older and in high school, Ryuuko got caught up in the moment with a few of his buddies, which caused an experiment to go wrong. All that anyone remembers is a cloud of dark purple smoke billowing out of one of the school buildings and Ryuuko's jet black hair turning silver. This was also the day that his friends discovered the dragon mark on the back of his head. Any hair that grew from the mark had turned a dark gray, having only been mildly affected by the failed experiment.
He continued his academics and worked with other mages in college but found he could not progress forward if he stayed in one location. So around the age of 20, Ryuuko set out to travel to broaden his horizons and further his knowledge in the magic arts. Of course, he would return home to visit family, but during his journeys Calhoune kept him company.
Upon excelling further as a mage, Ryuuko has acquired the ability to manipulate Fire, Wind, some Earth, and some Dark elements to a certain extent. He is also able to sense the presence of other magics, but his strong suit is his extensive knowledge on how to mix and use potions.
Alec Ikiiki · Mon Jan 07, 2013 @ 02:35pm · 0 Comments |