Sam Firewolf says
Zane still looked rather suspicious but relaxed when Lex made the oath he wouldn't hurt him "..Very well, but if you're going to touch, ask first, that's my only request." He stated and ate a breadstick. His amber gaze never rose, it seemed Zane couldn't meet someone's eyes even if he tried.
Lex M. says
"May I make a request myself?" Lex looked over at him, twirling some spaghetti around the tines of his fork. "Look me in the eyes when you speak." He popped the sauced noodles into his mouth, chewed, swallowed, and added, "It's not a challenge for dominance like some say. Merely shows you're listening." He stabbed a meatball about the size of his fist with the fork and shoved the entire thing in
his mouth, looking at Zane and grinning sheepishly.
Sam Firewolf says
Zane squirmed uncomfortably and shook his head "Not allowed." He sighed heavily "Everytime I looked my stepfather in the eye he'd beat me so it's become nature to me." There, the secret was out, Zane HAD been beaten..and judging by his hushed tone, it had been quite a bit. He slid his main course plate over. Cutting up the meatball so it was decent mouth-sized bites he took a taste and a grin
appeared on his face and he hungrily ate it "This is good!"
Lex M. says
"Ah tol' uu," Lex mashed around the meat, finally managing to chew and swallow it down. "I told you it was good, but did you believe me? Noooo, he doesn't believe. Let's not shun the nonbeliever now that he's a convert. Embrace. Embrace," he said in a rather dramatic voice, wriggling his arms. "Embrace him with our noodly appendages like the FMS." He looked up as a man with long hair and many
piercings leaned in from the bar next door. "No, Brian, your deity is not here today. And we're not eating his likeness."
"Bless ye if ye are, laddie. His Noodliness pervades ye if'n y'do," said the Scott, waving a tattooed arm at Zane before he disappeared again. Lex rolled his eyes and said, "My mother's countrymen." The sigh he gave was a wistful one, the noodles swirling around his fork
again as he gazed into the plate. "We'll fix your issue of looking someone in the face, by the way. Slowly, but you'll learn how to do it again." He set the fork down, reaching back and feeling between his shoulder blades absently, staring into the distance. "We all learn how to do these things again, one way or another, don't we, an cariad, mo croi croga?"
Sam Firewolf says
Zane was confused to say the least "...Why was I waved at?" He asked, raising a slender eyebrow, despite the oath, he initially flinched when Lex touched him, then relaxed, remembering he was in no danger. "..Yeah, I suppose so." He replied, then blinked "What was that last part?"
Lex M. says
"That was Brian. He waved at you because you're sitting with me. Makes you an automatic friend of his. The same with the other Petrel I knew once long ago. I was speaking to him just now." He smiled. "Silly, I know... I called him my friend, my Braveheart." The Turk looked toward him. "I'd like to call you this to, to call you my friend, I mean." He slid his hand back to his drink and took a sip.
Sam Firewolf says
Okay, that came as a huge surprise to Zane, he choked on his drink and stared at Lex "You to be your friend?" He asked hoarsely "Aren't you like..scared you'll get bad luck or something?" He queried.
Lex M. says
"Lady Fortunata is fickle. One man who is called cursed may become blessed in the company of good friends, good food, good talk, and good times." Lex looked at him. "Of course, I want you as my friend. You've given me no reason not to like you." He smiled and pushed his plate back from himself, chewing his straw. "So I will call you friend and brother."
Sam Firewolf says
Zane had the decency to blush. He stood from his seat and walked over to stand by Lex, bending down, the taller male hugged him a little awkwardly "I'll gladly be your friend." He gave a smile. "I don't have a lot of them..and you seem like a good guy." He moved away, then sat back down..he had just willingly touched someone.
Lex M. says
Lex smiled and slid his chair around the table so they were side by side, returning the hug and nuzzling against his side, smiling widely. "Yay! New friend!" For a moment, he sounded like one of his children, or the carefree boy he'd been only a few years earlier before so many people had come and gone, come and gone again. Marisol smiled behind her hand as she took their empty plates away.
Sam Firewolf says
Zane gazed at him and beamed, hugging him dearly. "It'll be nice to have a new friend to hang out with." He reached over and ruffled Lex's hair playfully, nowhe was in a good mood, a lot better of a mood that he had been in a long time. "I'm glad I got away from stepfather was horrible."
*now he
Lex M. says
"He should be glad I never ran into him." Lex smiled, pressing his head against Zane's hand. "I would've made him quite less of a tyrant. I've cut down bigger in the span of months." It was true, though he didn't elaborate how. "Whadya want for dessert? Tiarramasu? Gelato? Mini-gelatos? Lemon cake? I can go on."
"He can," Beni called from the kitchen. "He knows every piece of dessert I've made.
Do you still favor the zeppoli, passero?"
"Do you still go by Bear?" Lex called back, at which the burly, bearded chef laughed.
Sam Firewolf says
"Mmh...I wouldn't have blamed you if you kicked his a**..." He replied softly then thought about the choices, it took him a few moments but he finally replied "Mango Gelato, if the chef has it." He grinned. "I like my mango flavoured stuff..."
Lex M. says
"Of course we have it," said Simone, calling back to her husband their orders for dessert. Lex stretched out his legs under the table, settling his head on Zane's side as easily as he would have anyone else he'd known for years. "I savor my chocolate stuff. And my fried stuff. As you can tell, probably." He gestured to his slim belly.
Moar RP:
Sam Firewolf says
Zane winced a bit but nodded "...Alright..." He said quietly, not daring to argue with the hot-tempered male.
Lex M. says
The cab pulled into the drive a few minutes later, another blonde sitting in the driver's seat. He drummed his fingers on the wheel and whistled out the window.
Sam Firewolf says
Zane looked at Vincenzo "...Give Lex my thanks." he said quietly and headed to the cab.
Lex M. says
Vincenzo called after him, "I'll give him somethin' all right." Ollie pulled out of the drive and glanced at him in the rearview. "Where to, boss?" The cabbie pulled up to the bridge and drew swirls on the wheel with his fingertips as they stopped at a light.
Sam Firewolf says
"..Get me to the nearest Hotel please..I don't care which one." Zane replied
Lex M. says
Ollie nodded and inched forward a bit in the late night traffic. Casually, he asked, "So, did Lex do something stupid with ya?"
Sam Firewolf says
"..No, he didn' was me that did it..and I caused him pain I shouldn't have.." he looked down.
Lex M. says
"What'd you do? Set off Jameel's paranoidar?"
Sam Firewolf says
Zane sighed heavily and explained the night's events.
Lex M. says
Ollie slapped his palm to his face and almost rear-ended another car. He braked just in time to miss grazing the bumper and swung a right.
"Christ, that moron's libido was bound to get him into major trouble and look what it's done now. Well, guess he royally ******** up this time, huh?"
Sam Firewolf says
"...I wouldn't know.." Zane murmured "I've only been here a week.." He sighed heavily "..I'm just..tired of bringing bad luck to people"
Lex M. says
"Kid, you don't bring back luck to people. People do stupid s**t all on their own. No two ways about it, no luck influence or nothin'. That guy Skandar's been led around by his c**k through five guys, his friends from high school, and has whip scars on his back to prove how pissed Jameel was when he found out about Kase." Ollie parked the cab on a side street and looked back at him. "Personally, I
think you've got one helluvun over-developed sense of guilt."
Sam Firewolf says
"...It comes from my stepfather drilling into my mind that I'm bad luck to everyone I's not easy getting over it...he's done it since I was six." Zane said
Lex M. says
"Yeesh. And I thought Damian's parents were cooky," Ollie mumbled. "Well, you'd better not try to use the pity thing on his hubbies. I mean, hell, y'know about them, doncha?"
Sam Firewolf says
"..No idea." Zane admitted.
Lex M. says
"Well, I can't tell ya much about the one, Assassin confidentiality and all, but judging from what he did to Lex when he was pissed, y'don't wanna mess with 'im." Oliver shuddered and hugged the headrest lazily. "Now, Kase... Kasey Tazim, formerly Kasey Taitum, is one terrifying mother ********, lemme tell you. You've heard of Bane, yeah?"
Sam Firewolf says
Zane shifted a bit and sighed, shaking his head ""
Lex M. says
"...You've never heard of Bane?" Ollie dug into his glove box and pulled out a camera, flipping to an image of a man in what looked like a luchador mask connected by hoses to something on his back, wearing an equally luchador-like costume. "This is Bane. He used to like jacking up his muscles on Venom, a hyper-steroid. Kase and Lex got into the ring with him once as a tag team. He beat Lex half to
death, so Kasey smashed his face in with a corner stool. That didn't kill him though, and he came back after Lex, managed to catch him off guard while he was out on a Lantern mission in the city and kidnapped him. Kase ran him down with his truck, then busts out this tomahawk and goes fifty shades of ******** up on Bane's face before shoving a grenade down his throat and driving off with Lex. Saved
Batman one villain to have to deal with, lemme tell ya, but damn, nobody but nobody'd clean up the mess that man left behind."
Sam Firewolf says
"...I'd better get the hell out of town then..." Zane shuddered
"...Good thing I decided to cut my ties with Lex before it got too bad..." Zane shifted a little bit.
Lex M. says
Ollie facepalmed at this. "Dude, I didn't mean it like that. I was jus' tellin' you their reps. Now, I can't speak for Jameel--the guy gives me fifty kinds of creeps--but I've met Kasey. He's a pretty cool dude and the only thing he does is love that kid to death. You don't gotta cut ties with anybody. Just know where you stand. You're his friend, since he's already got two husbands."
Sam Firewolf says
"...Thing is..I think it'd be a mistake to stay friends with him.." Zane shook his head quietly. "It'd be better if I just left him alone..."
"..least then it'd cause less tension between us..I'm not good for anyone." He stared ot the window.
Lex M. says
"Quit emoing. Christ, I get enough of that from my boyfriend's dad. You ain't gonna do it in my car. And it ain't a mistake to stay friends with him either. What possible reason could you have to think of dumping him as your friend, eh?" Ollie raised his brows and looked at him through his bangs.
Sam Firewolf says
He gave a heavy sigh "Sanity, for the both of us"
Lex M. says
"How's he make you insane?"
Sam Firewolf says
"..In every way possible." Was Zane's quiet reply
"...I almost can't keep my hands off of him"He shifted uncomfortably, a slight blush across his cheeks. (Stupid enter button)
Lex M. says
"He needs to tone down the sexy physique, am I right? 'Cause he's built like a ********' bronze god or somethin'?"
Sam Firewolf says
A wistful sigh escaped Zane and he closed his eyes "He's wonderful"
Lex M. says
"How so?" Ollie adjusted himself into a more comfortable kneeling position and waited to hear what was to be heard.
Sam Firewolf says
"...He's so sweet, and kind and amazing..he's got a lot of love..." Zane sighed again "..I've never known it and it's addicting"
"..I've never even had a boyfriend." He said in a slightly ashamed voice.
Lex M. says
"Why not? Step-dad the a*****e? Well, we'll find ya somebody. Contrary to popular belief there's a lotta hot gay guys here." Ollie shifted his chin. "Sweet, kind, amazin', and he's got a lotta love, huh? Damn."
Sam Firewolf says
"...He's..well...he's heavily narrow-minded and tends to kick my a** whenever I act a bit out of sorts." He sighed and shook his head "Problem is, I doubt I can find anyone that can deal with me.." He shook his head.
Lex M. says
"Deal with you how? Emotional baggage or random spouts of emo?" Ollie pursed his lips and thought for a minute.
Sam Firewolf says
"how about both?" He cracked a grin
"Desmond, maybe, the owner of that bar next to La Volpe Affamata, or Shaun," Ollie mused.
((Whadya think of Jameel and Kase so far?))
Sam Firewolf says
(Very interesting...highly protective over Lex)
".Maybe, if I stay here that long." Zane replied "I don't know how long I'm going to stay, I usually try and avoid large cities other than DC"
Lex M. says
"You'll stay." Ollie stretched out his arms over his head. "Or you'll head to whatever new planet those BL guys're gonna be getting soon for their homeworld."
Sam Firewolf says
He stared in surprise at Ollie "How the hell did you know I was a Blue?"He asked "..I'm not even officially one yet!"
Lex M. says
"Dude. Ring." He pointed to the ring on his finger. "And my boyfriend is Robin. I've met the other Lanterns."
Sam Firewolf says
"..Oh...Right.." he flushed at the ring and shifted "..The only other Lanterns I've met are Hal and Reaper..and Kilowog"
Lex M. says
"You met Lex's dad yet?" Ollie gestured skyward. "Y'know, th'head Blue Lantern? The wormy guy?"
Sam Firewolf says
"Nope. Not yet, I only got...gifted, if you will just over a week ago." Zane responded
Lex M. says
The cabbie nodded and sighed softly. So, Walker must've been stuck somewhere helping the Corps, leaving the Sector 2814 Lanterns to deal with the new guy. Which lead to... Yeah, Lex needs to control his c**k, he thought as he wondered just what the Sparrow could do now to remedy this situation. There didn't seem to be many options for forgiveness left for him. What strike was this? Five? Six? Ten?
Sam Firewolf says
Zane gave a quiet sigh "We should continue to the hotel's getting kind of late..."
Lex M. says
"Yeah." Ollie nodded, returning to his seat and driving to the nearest Holiday Inn. "Have a good sleep, man." He jotted down his number and handed it to him. "Free of charge. Lex'll pay me in the morning." He waved him goodnight and drove toward the cab barn.
Sam Firewolf says
"Thanks." he exited the cab and headed inside to check in, once he did, he headed up to his designated room...alone and sat on the bed "...Well...this has been interesting..."
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