See now, will you, a man whose skin is green, almost the color of moss, yet also pale. He is sick. You can see that can't you? See how his white shirt is stained with his bile, see how he holds his stomach with arms that are too weak to hold his coffee in the morning. Do you know what he is? See what he is?
Either words describe him. Either words will tell you what is in him. The flu, the cold. But what separates him from the others? The other ones puking and coughing and sneezing?
His teeth.
They're sharpened, honed to a point that would pierce our flesh. Sharp like razors they are. And we have him in this containment cell for our safety, not his. As we speak, hundreds of others are being put into these cells, we're running out you see. I don't know why they're starting to pop up, but others are showing different symptoms. Increased upper body strength, tissue turning into armor similar to medieval plate. Long and sharp finger nails, even something as small as stronger legs could mean something deadly. Right now, we're investigating what we have here. For now, subject 329B Name: Walter, he is officially labeled Vampire, for obvious reasons.
Vampire first showed symptoms late of last week, he went to the dentist after weeks of tooth ache. When the dentist investigated his teeth, he found the teeth were changing. They were smooth and pointed perfectly. "No human tool could do something like that, it was like they weren't even teeth but razors that looked like 'em." Were the kind doctors words. Vampire was sent to this hospital where his skin proceeded to change into the mossy pale green color you see now. He's gone feral as of this morning when he slaughtered a nurse when she went in to give him food. He tore her throat wide open with his teeth, didn't stop until her reached her spine, and when he did: He ate through it!
It's clear this is no common infection, this is something on a bigger scale. Countries all over the world are looking for and containing anyone and anything showing symptoms, no animals so far. This could mean the infection seeks something in humans that isn't in animals. What that is we don't know, maybe something in the blood. It spreads through the air and upon contact, although certain individuals are immune, again we're not sure how.
The infected show increased hostility to anything that isn't infected. Also, things like loud beeping objects, car alarms for example, can lure them to it. We figured this out when Vampire attacked his heart monitor. Tore it to pieces.
We can't find a cure, not antibiotics, not radiation, not cold and flu medicine, not Indian rituals (not much hope there but a resident wanted to try.) nothing. The only cure is death, and that is what we're going to do. We're sending a security guard covered in the best armor the hospital could afford, and a shotgun. Hopefully it dies in one shot, because the gun is pump action and I don't think that armor can stand long against those teeth. Sharper than a razor. Kind of reminds me of those lightsabers from star wars, nothing stands a chance. It just goes through like a hot knife through butter.
Next day.
Shotgun failed, the guy- er thing, is still alive even with all of his intestines hanging out of his body and a gaping hole the size of a TV screen in his chest. The blood is dried and it's starting to take out it's own organs and eat them. The security guard survived, surprisingly , the armor held up against the teeth. Going to aim for the head next time.
Didn't work... Vampire escaped... tore through the door... bit my neck... I feel sleepy... I'm gonna
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