CHAPTER 1 Charles Police sirens blared, and I glance out my window, a red flash followed by a blue and white one blinding me for a split second. Then they stopped down the street...where Sam lived.... "Oh s**t!" I exclaimed. The next few seconds were a blur. I was bolting down the stairs and yelling to Mom that I would be back soon, and I flew down the street. I bolted inside as I heard loud noises coming from inside the house. But then I froze for a moment and finally realized what I was running into... I was in the middle of a gunfight with a taken hostage who was-- "HELP!" Sam screeched at the top of her lungs. Amazingly, I didn't get shot on the way in. My phone rang suddenly, nearly making me crap my pants. I picked up the phone as my ears started to ring from the gunshots. I ran to the basement for safety. "Hello?" "It’s Mackenzie. I'm outside.... I'm coming in." “Wait! Don't go in! There are a couple guys upstairs with-" Next thing I knew, she was standing in front of me. “Guns." More gunshots rang out. This time, they fired at us. "Duck!" "I know.” She handed me some gloves that look like something from a space suit. The gloves were ill-fitted, great gloves that don't fit for nothing, I thought. Suddenly, the gloves weren't so loose; they fit perfectly. "What the hell are these!?" I Exclaimed! "It's a weapon from an organization. Remind me to get you and, Sam and the other guys to meet them, but right now imagine a gun." She Replied Sternly "Why?" "Do you want to live or die? " She questioned seriouly. "Whatever." I Said annoyed I thought of an Uzi. Then, in my hands, appeared an Uzi. "Holy s**t!" as I dropped it in astonishment. "Yep. Now think of armor." As she rolled her eyes. I thought of some high-tech armor and then the gloves changed from gloves as it seethed up my arms, chest, face, and my whole body, then the suit gave a readout of my health, suit status and how many assailants were in the building. I glanced in the bathroom mirror, and I was armed up as a blue juggernaut. She tapped a neon red button on her watch and it seemed to stretch across her skin, hair, and clothes until she was dressed in a bright red suit. "Now let's go kick some a**!" she yelled. I grinned inside my mask. We bolted up the steps, dressed in armor. They started shooting as soon as they saw us, but my light weight juggernaut armor were doing a great job of keeping the bullets at bay. I pulled out my Uzi and shot the nearest guy, and he flew to the wall piled in a heap of broken drywall, and I shot the rest, which was approximately 3 because Mackenzie had taken out the other 9. I saw Sam in a room running away from us, the crap scared outta her and... Was that blood on her dress? I ripped off my helmet, yelled, and ran after her. "Sam!" she stopped and turned around. Her arms flew around me . "Oh my god," she said, tears streaming down her face. "Now his mom and dad are dead." "Who?" I questioned. "Tommy," she answered. I shuddered at the sound of his name. I still couldn't go a day without being reminded him, and each time I was reminded, it hurt inside, because I wouldn’t see him ever again. She covered her mouth, forgetting I still couldn't even say his name anymore. "Aww s**t, seriously?" "And they want us next!" "Me and you?" "Me, you, Mackenzie, Michelle and everyone!" "Why?" "I don't know!" "Damn... Mackenzie, don't you have something to get us to your base or something?” "Wait, what base?" "Yeah, let me call my ride... We need to be picked up now." "What are you guys talking about?" As if it were waiting the whole time, the mini plane swept into sight “Let’s go,” Mackenzie says. It flashes all its lights twice as the jet was hovering above the house. Apparently my suit had rocket boots built in so I flew in while holding Sam. Michelle and Michy were already in and piloting the jet, both dressed in blue and black recon armor without their helmets on. "Take us to base," Mackenzie ordered as the police brought in SWAT and started shooting us with bullets as they hit the ship. "Sam, since you haven't been officially invited to the base, unlike Charles, you'll have to wear a blindfold so you don't know where we are." "No! I can take you down and you know it!" "In this armor?" Sam knew when she was beat, so she let Mackenzie blindfold her. "Sam, how about we sit in the back?" I suggested. "Sure." Sam replied “And let me lead her into the back of the jet.” The 3 hour long flight had pretty much made Sam dose off, and by the fourth... out like a light bulb. I put her in a quiet corner and covered her in a blanket. I never noticed how peaceful and beautiful she looks in her red and white dress, but the red was blood, her sparkly bronze hair, her radiant tan, and her sleek elegant face… Damn. We were supposed to go to the school dance tonight. I walked up to Michy who let Michelle pilot while she rested her hands and helped herself to a few chocolate bars. "Uh Charles, you're supposed to put those gloves in watch form.” "Oh sorry didn’t know." "Don't worry there's a change button on there." "Uh thanks." I fumbled around a bit, trying to find it, and then quickly tapped the black button. It formed into a blue $1,000.00 watch. So I put it back on and there was glowing patch where it said activate, and I tapped it and it put the armor back on. "Wow." I whispered then "Yeah, whatever. Just ask me what you wanted before." "Why me? Why was I picked? Why does this organization only use high tech armor?" "1. We use this cuz it's the strongest armor around, 2. Because you have extraordinary reflexes and aim and quick thinking. 3. And because we're your friends, you’re in our squad. Welcome to the Blue Shock squad Charles."
sonic3ze · Tue Jun 19, 2012 @ 03:37am · 2 Comments |