It's been a long time since he neared Shade, his most beloved home, but for him duty was first. Feeling disruptions in the time space continuum, Yoru ventured forth to both the future and the past, discovering certain inconsistencies in time. His gift of time travel would be marvelous to fix said inconsistencies, but he was overwhelmed at just how many there were. He couldn't do all this and still remain responsible to his family.
He pondered to himself for days, could he do two things at once? After much thought, focusing and investigating he found a way, it was painful, he didn't know if permanent, but it was the best way. After making sure his children were asleep and everything was set, he shut himself in his lab. A whole night of eerie silence. In the morning it had been made clear, two figures exited the dark laboratory. A blue and black haired maiden, called Azure, and an ebony haired fellow denominated Noir. They were each but half of what is, or was, Yoru. Half of his memory, half of his skills, half his power and half of his strength.
Yoru Kurotsuki, Male "Noir"
Age: ?
Sex: Male
Height: 6' 0"
Weight: 131 lbs
Race: Half-god
Appearance: Extremely similar to the original, only slight, and barely noticeable differences in face structure.
Duty: Executioner, Marksman, Terrorist, Savior

Nickname: The Time Reaper
Yoru Kurotsuki, Female "Azure"
Age: ? (Very young in appearance, around late teens or early twenties)
Sex: Female
Height: 5' 4"
Weight: 113 lbs
Race: Half-god
Appearance: Extremely different from the original, almost no similarity, voice and eyes are still the same as Female Yoru's
Duty: Caretaker, Black widow

Nickname: Succubi