I have always been a social person. I love being around people. Not all of the time, of course, but most of the time I crave attention. My personality type always makes friends easy, becoming the center of their friend group. I have always had that quality, at least in part. If it's just people that I probably won't see again, I am very talkative and people seem to love me, but long term... I don't know. I guess there has always been a... weirdness to me. I am a very protective person, and that often makes me seem needy and annoying. I can't help it, but I try. In every personal relationship (besides family), I always feel like it means more to me than to the other person. Friends and romantic relationships both. My long term friends always seem to know when I need to hear how much they love me, when I am feeling the most worthless. (Mostly when hormones strike.) As a result, I am always the one getting dumped, always the one who is left by friends. This may also be because I am a loud mouth who comes off as a bit of a b***h. I think this is because I am a deeply caring person. Like, to the point of it being a fault. I often put others before myself even when it harms me. I know I sound rather whiny and self righteous, but this is my journal and I'll say what I want. Not like anyone will read it. mrgreen