At first, I thought I was behind one of those curtains before a play, I'm sure you know the name, but after closer inspection, I saw it was actually a waterfall of blood. It seemed to flow endlessly. I thought I was in a cave, rock walls surrounded me and it smelt... Ancient. When I turned around, I saw there was a dark, long, hallway. It led to nowhere and seemed to stretch on forever. It was just an abyss. I was tempted to walk towards it, bathe in it. But those were ideas that were quickly thrust away from my head. From beyond the flow of blood, I heard laughter, the kind you would hear from a mad scientest. Then came the sawing noise and screaming. The laughter got louder and louder, so loud I fell to one knee and plugged my ears with my forefinger to keep from going deaf. From over the laughter, I heard a song. A song from one of my favorite bands. Not sure if any of you know it, it's kind of an old song, but a classic one.
Hey Juuude....
The laughter stopped and turned into screams of rage. How could anyone hate that song? I mean, it's a great song! The screaming was high pitched, like a violin, but full of rage instead of beautiful. The flow of blood slowed down, then it became just dripping and I could see what was behind it. A metal table with a naked corpse in the middle. Upon first glance, I couldn't notice what it was, but looking closer, I noticed it was Fredricks.
"Oh God..."
The body was mutilated, throat slit, organs missing, blood dripping onto the tiled floor. The body sat in the center of a pitch black room, the light seemed to be battling the darkness for land, and was losing badly. I walked to the table, and the body of Fredricks, bathing in the light.
Around me, I heard the laughter. It got closer, louder, clearer. It seemed almost familier, I felt that I should know it, should know whos it was, but the name escaped me everytime I tried to remember. I pushed myself to remeber, but only came up with the first syllable.
The laughing was at it's loudest now, and fear froze the blood in my veins. The steel table rotated 180 degrees and rolled into the dark abyss around me. I heard the wheels rolling on the tile, then it stopped and the wheels were replaced by more cutting. More slicing. More blood. I turned around and saw the face of the killer.
It might have once been a face, but now it was just a lump of flesh with platinum blonde hair. A mouth was visable under the lumps, which looked like tumors, and the mouth was spread in a grin. The creature grabbed my arm and threw me against a wall that hadn't been there before, it was as f this... Thing had complete control of the world around it. I tried to break free of it's grip, but it held fast and reached into it's coat pocket.
"Fun time." The mouth said, and it pulled out a butcher knife. That was enough for me, I used all my force and forced this creature away from me. It stumbled, then hunched it's back and flipped the knife so it was held upside down, blade facing toward the ground. It lunged forward and Ikicked it in the chest mid-leap, I turned around and ran into the darkness, walls would rise up and block my way, and I'd be forced to peer into the darkness and run further in. I could hear it calling after me.
"Come back! Don't leave without saying goodbye!!"
I had a feeling I would be saying goodbye if I stopped and that thought made me run faster. I could hear it getting farther and farther behind me, the laughter fading into faint echoes, then it was nothing. Ahead of me was a door, nothing else, just a door attached to the air. It was a foot off the ground, and it was made of Steel. Bolts were visable arund it's perimeter. The handle was golden and I could see my reflection in it's shine.
The door seemed to lead to nowhere, but then again, so did the abyss before me. Who knows, maybe this would lead somewhere. Logic had very little to do with this plane of existance, and even if it did lead nowhere, what did I have to lose? I opened it, and saw a room.
There were WALLS in this room, not an abyss. It was clean, the walls were pure white, and there was a chair in the center. I entered the room, fearing the Creature would appear behind me and drag me further along into the abyss. The second I walked in, the door slammed shut. I was in the white room now, and the chair seemed to be staring at me expectantly. I had no idea what to do, so I stood there, trying to figure out what to do. The Creature would be waiting for me outside, and there was nothing but a chair in the room. I thought of using the chair as a weapon to beat the Creature to death, but when I tried to pull it off the white floor, it wouldn't budge.
"Ugh! Come on damnit!"
I pulled harder and even tried pulling from the legs, attempting to shift it away from it's position, but nothing worked. It sat their, not moving. I wiped sweat off of my brow and looked around the room.
It seemed smaller than before.
Fear struck my heart like an arrow. What if the room was getting smaller? Was it getting smaller? Maybe. Could it happen? Yes, there was a mad man chasing after me in a dark abyss with a knife and tumors covering his face, anything was possible in this hell. My mind ran away with these thoughts and my body stood still, frozen in fear. After a few moments of staring at the walls, my legs grew tired and I sat in the chair. I heard a faint clicking sound, and the ground below me snapped like a twig. I was falling into black abyss, the chair being the only thing solid below me. The abyss seemed to go on forever, my estimate was about a solid minute of falling, but at that time, it seemed like YEARS. Then, suddenly, I hit solid ground.
The chair broke into pieces and the laughter continued. I was lying on something cold... something that smelled. I looked at it and saw it was the mutilated face of Fred. The face was blue and speckled in blood as if they were freckles. I gazed around the room and found only darkness, it felt like I'd just went back to the beginning. Then Fredricks head snapped up and the cold, dead, eyes stared at me. His mouth widened into a grin, and laughter erupted from it. He raised his arms and shoved me deeper into his chest cavity, the laughter growing more and more strained until it ceased altogethe, but it;s mouth mimed the sounds as if it would never stop even if it's head exploded.
Soon I was completely in the chest of Fred. I saw hands push me deeper, then I saw the chest sewing itself up. It was dark, sheets of flesh and bone created the walls, and the ceiling of flesh wasn't even visable. I found I was in a fetal position and stretched my legs out. I pushed myself off of the ground, which was sticky with blood.
Looking around, I knew I was really in the body of Fred, but I must have shrunk by some unknown means. This world was getting weirder and weirder evey second.
I'd journeyed through most of Freds body, I'd walked through his veins and was making my way up to his brain. I hoped there was a another Mind Gate there, I had very little left to hope for now. I guess green wasn't the easiest, unless it was and the others are harder, in that case I may as well say I'm ******** and call it quits here in Freds decaying corpse. The only thing that kept me moving was the thought of putting my mind back together and finding out who really killed my family, I was looking for closure, looking for answers and at this point, the answers seemed so close I could feel them. I didn't have any idea why I was in Freds body, maybe it had something to do with death, maybe the darkness held some strange meaning, I couldn't care for either, it was just strange.
At long last I reached the brain, I could see it ahead of me, it was pink and swirlds covered it from top to bottem. The brain looked normal, aside from the staircase made of stone leading to the top. This world had lost all sense, nothing would mean anything here, that was a fact.
Gravity didn't matter, that was fact and I believed it.
Sanity didn't matter, I was insane and I'm sure most anything here isn't in the best of mind.
I continued my trek, stepping up the staircase and onto the brain. Spikes stuck out from the brain, some held severed heads, some held limbless bodies, all of them were quite gory, yet I stopped at none. I could feel this world was as real as the real world, but as fake as a cartoon. It held some truth for it, and that truth was Fred was Dead and I was in his head. Who killed him? The creature, the Butcher. I reached the top, saw the portal leading out of here, it was green like the entrence, except it seemed to be darker. I was tired of this world, tired of the death that followed me with each step I took, tired of being haunted by the Dead. I walked into the portal, the vortex, the Mind Gate. In a flash, I was back where I began, the green Gate was gone, the only thing that marked its place was a small green marble. I had finished one part of my Mind, and thinking for a moment, I knew that I no longer felt responsible for the deaths of anyone. Before, I was plagued by who killed my family, but I hid it. I hid it under a blanket of lies and false smiles, I hid it well. And now? Now I didn't have to hide those feelings.
I felt the tears drip down my cheeks, I didn't fight them, I let them drip down my face, let them drift off in the Mind Space. I wept for myself, I wept for my family, gone and dead. I floated myself to a slab of concrete, and I slept without fearing the ghosts of my past.
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A few Books.
A little writing since I plan on being a writer.
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Bear, Seek, Seek, Lest!