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~~~~Scarlett Johnson~~~~

A sigh rose from a huge iron cage in the corner of the shop, where a single female slept, bright fiery hair spread out across the iron bottom in wavy curls, hiding her eyes as she lay on her right side, facing the bars looking out over the rest of the slave shop. Triangle wolf ears twitched and flinched on top of the girl's ears, moving towards each sound that reached them. A filth covered kimono fit against her thin frame, making her appear weak. A sharp intake of breath expanded her frame and the half demon's eyes fluttered open, revealing bright, emerald green eyes as she sat up, pushing the bangs from her eyes. She stretched, winching some, "Damn....this cage doesn't get any more comfortable..." Scarlett mumbled, rubbing at the back of her neck as she looked out over the rest of the shop with her green eyes, wanting to get out of here, "I hope a master will come and get me out of here..." She sighed again, rubbing some of the sleep from her eyes. Moving to the side of the cage, she leaned against the bars some, getting into her regular position to wait out another day in the shop.

...Will I ever return?

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