At A Glance...
- Full Name:
Dianora Lucia Conti.
The name's meaning:
Her first and middle name literally translating into divine light was no coincidence upon her parent's part. Both of them having a sick sense of humor they greatly enjoyed their beloved daughter and the gifts she would bestow upon them.
Piccola Lucy: Translating into Little Lucy,this is a pet name her sister Angel called her by.
La Luce Divina: Translating into The Divine Light,it is the infamous name given to her by the public.She is not fond of being called by this.
24 Even though she is constantly mistaken as either 14 or 16
January 1st
Occupation Title: Doctor
Place of Business: Kordual Medical
Relationship Status:
Sexual Orientation:
Digging A Little Deeper
Standing at a height of 5'5" Dianora is relatively petite compared to her family. Lightly tanned skinned and grey eyes marks her for what she was born with and even more so her snow white hair that has a tendency to glow brilliantly with direct moon light hitting it. Her weight varies unpredictibly from at the most 132 to fewer than 129 pounds, so naturally she is a slender woman for her age but does have muscle definition from the training that she forced herself to go through with.Having grown up in the house of a noble man her wardrobe varies greatly. Apart from her work attire when at work or coming home from work, what she normally likes to wear is depicted above. That along with dresses of all shapes and sizes, she doesn't stick with one type of look but more so what seems to suit her each and every day.
Born into an extremely wealthy and known family, Dianora was a sickly middle child of three girls. The only one in her family that was born a runephage she was given excessive amounts of attention by her parents and their collegues seeing as she was a rarity amongst their social group. She always remembered being sick, but it would come in phases and always trusted her parents since they worked for Kordual Medical. When she was in elementary school and Angel in middle, they all moved to Delequer, something about her parent's job forcing them to move there and so they began a new. She had made friends quickly, Angela first meeting Tannis and then in return she met Kazeke, but both always sticking together with their littler sister Roxanna to make sure she was adjusting well, those three were highly inseparable. Time passed and as Dianora was getting ready to go off to her second year of college at the age of 17 it seemed a lot was happening. Kazeke was incarcerated and during his time at the Wayward phages she went with Tannis to visit him, after all he was her first friend that she made when she moved to Delequer.She had visited him frequently, if her health allowed it. The years progressed and she attended Angela's wedding, happy for the two of them but her sickness was worsening. She found a temporary cure for it, gaining some knowledge and seemingly some misfortune with it. Angela's death affected her greatly and then soon after Roxana's along with her parents, from that day she was a changed woman. Now she lives on her own in an uptown apartment, still practicing and visiting Tannis from time to time. She visits both her family's and Kazeke's grave often and some how being highly regarded as the one of the best doctors in Delequer and the surrounding cities and promoted to this day.
I'm NOT Just Words!
- Personality:
You would have ever of guess that she was brought up in an aristocratic lifestyle by the way that she acts. With a sharp tongue and a quick whit, Dianora loves to use sarcasm at any time she deems it necessary, which in most cases seems to be all the time. Having been cooped up in her room for most of her lifetime, she is finally able to express herself and in which can be a bit too much at times.But contrary to that she is a genuinely sweet and caring woman, using her sharp mind and quick thinking she usually can make up a joke to cheer up any of her patients or even people she meets on the streets.She is extremely dedicated to her job for in fact she doesn't treat it like it's her job. She genuinely wants to help save and cure people because that's what she would want to be done for herself.She has lost too many people already in her life time, so the more that she can save the less guilty she feels about allowing those most dear to her die.
Sunlight, dancing, singing (though it an have some adverse effects with the lights), playing the piano, cooking,her profession, and tinkering around with her own inventions. She enjoys going to the library or any place with a vast amount of books, her gauntlet already filled with her vast assortment of knowledge ready at her fingertips. She enjoys being outdoors, and automobiles to no extent.
Healing Pods as she calls them: The glass like chambers used to for healing patients. Smoking,being mistaken for a child, most forms of darkness .Cruelity towards anyone or anything, she is a very just person and will not tolerate someone else being tormented upon. People who make mindless assumptions and biased prejudices. She wouldn't go far as to say Anti-phage groups but more so what they stand for.
Absolutely adores riding her lightcycle, especially when she races. Cooking and creating something new with in the kitchen, and of course providing a seemingly equal rivalry to her dearest brother-in-law.
Family means more than anything to her. Reading. Swimming. Saving lives. Anything electronical. Being outdoors on a sunny day. Spending time with Tannis at his shop.
She didn't only study by reading up on books at school. Taking a great interest in martial arts, as well as dance and gymnastics, she finds new ways to fight with her light capabilities while seemingly entertaining others with her dance like fight sequences. Having light capabilities she can take on the qualities of light, from blinding people to forming an actual ball or cannon of light energy with in her palms. She also uses it for stealth, using it so no one can see her she can also move at great speeds. Able to travel at the speed of light it almost seems that she was already there in the first place, using this to confuse people gives her a great giddyness when she catches their expressions.She has also found she can transfer it into any type of weapon that she is currently weilding or even make it into a weapon of her own design.
Seeing as she has always been a sickly child, Dianora knows not to push herself. But does she listen to logic, not at all.Her body can become incredibly weak in a short amount of time depending on how well she takes care of herself and if her body doesn't become immune to the medication that she had created for herself. Starting from just a small fatigue it will escalate over time, the ending result is her body blacking out and potentionally her heart stopping.
The Baggage We Carry...
She carries with her at all times her Gauntlet, and what she calls her light cube. What it is is her own invention of a portable suitcase. Able to be held in the palm of your hand and holds infinite amounts of well...anything...not yet placed upon the market because it has a few glitches, such being it loves to 'eat' various items and then for them to never be found again.With in her light cube can be an array of anything, from an entire household of furniture plus wardrobe but she mainly uses it to store away her medications.
Though one thing that she will always keep on her or securely locked away is her locket. Given to her by her sister, they matched one another and plays a special lullaby.
Phage Mark:
Her Phage Mark is Luce, which is Italian for light.Wrapping around her neck like a choker it is scrawled in a beautiful caligraphy connected with bold and thin lines that make a lace pattern around each letter. It begins with the letters "L" at the front of her neck, "U" on her left side of her neck "C" upon the back of her neck and "E" on her right side of her neck. The letters are connected by the gentle swoops, looking like a lace choker that extends down to her shoulders, her collar bones and down to her shoulder blades. Imagine this design going all around her neck with the letters in those places
Theme Song:
Ashes of Dreams / Aratanaru By: Keiichi Okabe, Kakeru Ishihama, Keigo Hoashi, Takafumi Nishimura
Posting Color(s)
"When I speak, if I so choose, it will resemble something like so."
These are my thoughts....please stay out of them.
And this color will embody my actions.
Lucunda Somina.