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The days when I have no chocolate, enough chocolate, and too much chocolate.
I'm going crazy.
This may be just teen angst but whatever. I'm warning you before anyone says, "STFU," or something.

Well, for those of you who don't know, I got hacked a couple of days ago. But on Thursday, the hacker returned my account and most of my items, all except my scarf.

If you're reading this, hacker, I want my Angelic Scarf back now. You have one more day.

Anyway, to real world issues.

Yesterday was Drama-thon. It's basically nonstop acting performances for about 7 or 8 hours. That was all okay. I did pretty well in my scene, I heard.

But today.. oh, today has been one of the most ******** up days I've ever had.

I wake up, and play on the computer in a perfectly dandy mood. Then, around 11 'o clock, my mom says, "Hey, did ebay send you a reply yet?"

You see, a couple of months ago, I purchased a computer on ebay. My dad was against it, saying, "Don't trust them, they'll rip you off, etc."

After I recieved it, I tried to install Linux on it, since I didn't want to buy Windows XP for $200. Bad move, 'cause the s**t didn't take it.

After a few tries, we e-mail the vendor, and he says, "The PC only uses Windows."

Whoop dee ********' doo. My mom tells me to return the thing and get our money back. We do, and we haven't gotten the money yet. The guy says, "The mail must be slow."

Anyway, my dad is telling me, "I told you so." He's consistantly saying s**t that makes me feel like crap.

Honestly, I don't think he's proud of me.

Everytime when my grades are mailed to my house, he criticizes me. "Why do you have a B? Why can't you have all As? You aren't trying hard enough. Stop using the computer."

He's always talking about my older sister, too. She's his favorite, I think. He praises her all the time. "Your sister only had 3 Bs in high school. Your sister got Silver in the District Swimming League. Your sister went to a fantastic college. Your sister was in ten clubs. Your sister got a job right out of college. Your sister just made $50,000." He even brags to her old teachers, and his friends. But he never praises me. I think the last time he did that was.. maybe a couple of months ago.

I don't see why he just says, "Why can't you be just as good as you sister?"

I don't know why, but when he told me what a bad choice I made with that ebay guy, I went up to my room. And my cheeks were washed with salt water.

I wanted to hurl myself out the window.

But I didn't. Because I have so many things that outweigh it all. Friends, my other family members, my future..


To me, she's like another word for "world." For "everything." For "life."
For "love."

Definately for love.
I smile when I think about it.

You know, I think this would make a pretty good monologue.
Our next script project in theatre class is a monologue.
I should choose a dramatic one. Comedy isn't really fitting for me right now.

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