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Gaia Name: NecroPlant
Name: Xerexes Capricarious
Nickname: Capricorn
Age: 22
Height: 6'7 Erect 5'6 Slouched
Sexual Orientation:Undetermined:Has Shown little Interest
Subject/Job:Grave Keeper
Appearance: Xerexes is a fair and frail looking male. He has lengthy silken black hair and eyes with the hunting ambition of a hawk or owl. His overall facial appearance is aesthetically pleasing. However, he suffers from postural kyphosis. A form of kyphosis that has developed due to constant slouching. This typically puts Xerexes in a form of hunched back appearance looking toward the ground to seek comfort and relief. While he is capable of standing it causes sharp intense pain in doing so for a prolonged period of time. This physical deformity often deters the opposite sex.
Date of Birth December 28
Origin of Birth: ShriekingWinds Bastion: An, undiscovered cavernous terrain that deters most travelers. A place were a certain brew to unlock potential is made traditionally over countless years. Many of the inhabitants are inbred with certain deformities but intelligent and attune with their surroundings.

Classification: (Ex~Member of the Apostles/Etteilla of the Hermit Arcana)
Etteilla Card: Hermit
Ki Color: Vertigo

Weapon Type:Extendable blade tipped lashes eight in all
Weapon Range: Less than a foot/Short- seven feet/Long
Weapon Location: Ever present on the hands and hidden by long sleeves.
Weapon Ability: Cadenza:Should one of the eight tips gain successful entry into a body its blades eject spurs making the only capable way of removal tearing through what it has latched upon, much like ripping a barbed fishing hook out of a fish. This is initiated by the nano machines within the weapons orichalcum lining.
Special Abilities:Ominous Wind: When Xerexes wishes to make himself known he releases a cloud of fog like tao followed by a humming sound. This easily unsettles common folks and gives an air of mystery. Not just for show, if hostility is present the tao is prone to disorient the hostiles general perception causing anything from illusions to short term forgetfulness. This tao unfortunately is passive and is annoyingly ever present which makes conversing with Xerexes uncomfortable at most times but proves harmless otherwise.

Technique Type:Practical
Technique Range:Contact
Drawbacks: Near fainting tiredness
Description: Xerexes can concentrate his tao that constantly shadows him into a single cloud that surrounds an unwary targets body. The target will enter a hypnotic state reawakening with a fogged memory of what needed to be forgotten after hypnotic manipulation. A way to fill a persons head with false beliefs, betrayal, or idealism. The skill only existing for narrative purpose as it is near impossible to do in a combat setting.

Drawbacks: Can easily be blown away with enough force, anything out of clouds become visible, the ability to disorient with minor illusion and forgetfulness is yielded, physically and mentally exhausting, useless where there is sunlight but still useful in artificial light.
Description: Manipulating and condensing his haze like tao anything it envelopes becomes invisible within. This proves potentially dangerous when attacking with his weapons as there is no telling which direction they will emerge from thus complementing his unpredictable battle style whilst staying secluded and distanced when possible. This can also prove a useful tool at night when on the prowl.

Martial Arts Skills:A fusion of limping duck style and drunken fist style. Combining these two he uses the limping ducks movements to build momentum in his legs, his body will often swing like a pendulum left and right when this occurs. The method of movement can be entrancing and eerie. As the style focuses more on retaliation and unpredictability after an opponents attack its hardly used to initiate a fight and is more used to bait the target.

Bio:Xerexes was born in a cavernous region of ShriekingWinds Bastion only truly known by taoists and the apostles. It was here that Xerexes was discovered by the apostles in his teenage years and initiated into their ranks. In his time with the apostles Xerexes would remain in solitude only giving soft spoken opinions from time to time. Upon mastering his tao and being sent on certain tasks did he slowly begin to see the corruption in people. Xerexes had initially joined the apostles to end the corruption of what he was told was the Chronos. Though in reality all was corrupt. Criminals, the sweepers that caught the criminals, the politicians who hired the sweepers, it was a vicious circle of human deception. It was only until he was sent on a mission where he was to steal orichalcum and nano-machines from the Chronos that the reality of humans dark inhibitions were brought to light. The mission itself was a success however, many needless deaths occurred creating the sense of hollow victory for Xerexes. His return to the apostles was cut short as he took his spoils and fled creating several loose ends. Being wanted by the sweepers, law enforcement, the apostles, and the Chronos left little for the fleeing Xerexes to seek refuge. Eventually he came across a small shack in which he took residence in near a graveyard. He would take a lantern out every night and wander through the dead's resting place filling his head with how much better the world would be if everyone just died. Nobody could hurt one another in the after life and surely the corrupt dead could no longer spread their influence. Xerexes spent the rest of his years in the now abandoned graveyard tending to it nightly. Eventually his name was forgotten among criminal records and his notoriety became deceased. Xerexes had eventually in his time became suicidal thinking that he to was an embodiment of evil that needed to die. The slumped Xerexes dug his own grave one night, looking at it methodically when a stranger in black passed by telling Xerexes to fill the hole. This stranger in black had kept returning to graveyard from that day on. Xerexes shared his philosophies, his guilt, and his talents. The stranger did the same. Their ideals were very much alike as they soon came to discover. The man in black gave Xerexes a birthday present one night. A card with bearing these words The Hermit.

Personality:Xerexes is incredibly philosophical, he tends to look for the good in people. Larceny is second nature and assassinations are always done discretely, although, he does not like to get his hands dirty with death regularly which makes him more passive aggressive than his fellows in arms. His ability to literally brainwash or eliminate information from a persons mind is an invaluable asset but brings into question his own state of mind. Often times he speaks with suicidal pessimism but it seems all in good fun.
Hobbies:Playing the Cello, Composing eerily harmonic tones, Stalking the night.
Favorite Drink: Earl Grey
Favorite Food: Dried Leaves
Greatest Fear: A Dominatrix
Greatest Dream: Death and Rebirth
Likes: Stockings, Tombs, Discovery, Sour otherwise hated scents, and music
Dislikes: Arrogance, Boasters, Selfishness, and harshly distributed demands.

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“One cannot truly understand death...."

“Until they have truly lived...."

“Those who hate most fervently must have once loved deeply; those who want to deny the world must have once embraced what they now set on fire.”
Until those flames have consumed all things once precious.


“ A man that deafens himself...”

“Can never hear the sweet notes of songbird.”

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Gaia Name: NecroPlant
Name: Tseng-Tsun
Nickname: Tsun-Tsun
Age: 21
Height: 6'1
Sexual Orientation:Heterosexual:He's often seen with a number of "escorts".
Subject/Job:Koga Branch Co. Pharmaceuticals
Appearance: Tseng-Tsun stays traditional with his Asian descent often wearing Chinese formal attire. If not seen in that he's either in his birthday suit or wearing other traditional attire.
Date of Birth December 28
Origin of Birth: Beijing China

Weapon Type:Polearm
Weapon Range: Up to Seven Feet
Weapon Location:In an unreleased state it appears as a pipe from which Tseng smokes with, upon activation the pipe vanishes in a puff of smoke and a haze envelops Tseng where he emerges out of armed with the Guan-Dao
Weapon Ability: Razors Edge: The Guan-Dao never dulls or gets damaged regardless of what it cuts. It is however, still bound by the laws of physics unable to cut through thick or tempered metallic objects.
Special Abilities:Cleansing Breathe: When Tseng-Tsun wishes to make himself known he releases a cloud of fog like mist from his mouth after inhaling from the pipe followed by a humming sound. This easily unsettles common folks and gives an air of mystery. Not just for show, if hostility is present the haze is prone to disorient the hostiles general perception causing anything from delusions to short term forgetfulness. This often is done in unison with engaging in combat and drawing his weapon. Other times he does it for fun to inconvenience those around him at the same time it empties Tseng's body of harmful chemicals which in turn allows him to smoke otherwise harmful narcotics without the negative side effects.

Martial Arts Skills:A fusion of limping duck style and drunken fist style. Combining these two he uses the limping ducks movements to build momentum in his legs, his body will often swing like a pendulum left and right when this occurs. The method of movement can be entrancing and eerie. As the style focuses more on retaliation and unpredictability after an opponents attack its hardly used to initiate a fight and is more used to bait the target.

Bio:Tseng-Tsun was born a nobleman in a oriental family of medical experts. Since birth he was fed philosophy, propaganda, and was constantly harassed because of his families high expectations. Rather than follow in the family business of treating the ill and injured he adopted the philosophy the weak must die in order for the strong to survive and it should solely be that persons responsibility that they stay in good health. Tseng however, wasn't a complete failure as he went into an entrepreneurial business, selling various medicines so his medical expertise wouldn't go to waste. This business attracted many investors, many of which were not all legitimate. Unfortunately when a certain trade of a certain product never made it across the borders a certain illegitimate investor grew angry. They would kidnap Tseng and his family and forced Tseng to watch as they beat his family senseless. Tseng was unamused he stared at his family near emotionless with an almost hidden intention. When the men came for Tseng he humbly spoke in a polite manner that they cease and desist just enough for him to have a smoke. Befuddled the men paused for a second out of confusion as Tseng went for his fathers pockets. Tseng rummaged in the pocket, found a crimson pipe, then lit and inhaled the pipes contents. He then exhaled, soon the room was filled with blood and the parents of Tseng left horrified. Tseng had taken a sacred object from his family and used it for evil. For this and his crimes that endangered his family he was disowned but never arrested. When asked to return the pipe he refused childishly saying "Its just too much fun." Tseng would then vanish working for the shady underworld and profiting from others expense.
Hobbies:Clubbing, Playing the Sitar, Dispatching of nuances.
Favorite Drink: Thai Tea
Favorite Food: Dango
Greatest Fear: A Dominatrix
Greatest Dream: To have a revelation about life as it is.
Likes: Stockings, Alcohol, Opium, Tobacco, Marijuana, The Fairer Sex
Dislikes: Arrogance, Boasters, Extreme Optimism, Emotional Weakness


"An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind.

However, a life for a life solves the population crisis...or was it small pox?

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Username: Necroplant
Shinigami Name: Antoine Rosenarche Vandam
Human Name:Luke Boradenski

Actual Age: 319
Appearance Age: 27
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Heterosexual

Height: 6'2
Weight: 156 lbs
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Hazel

Blood Type: O+
Medical Conditions:Paranoia Schizophrenia, Dementia

Wardrobe: Typically consists of formal attire often adorned with buttons and is loosely fitted. Rarely is he seen wearing his vice captains clothing.
Physical Appearance: Lanky, pale, and thin. An agile body complimented by fair skin. He doesn't appear muscular and truth is he isn't. It is rumored his face is inexplicably handsome but he keeps it concealed at practically all times. By a paper bag no less.

Personal Information

  • Women's Stockings:Its a fetish of his. He will deny it with a passion.
  • Messing with peoples personal lives:Nothing is more satisfying than seeing a relationship explode in a thousand ashy pieces or spreading the news someone died on a birthday.
  • Sheep:There is a back story to this one that should remain shrouded in mystery. However, should he come in contact with a Sheep he will begin nuzzling it sparkly eyed and obsessive.

  • Hypocrisy:Even though he himself can be an incredible hypocrite.
  • Debbie Downers: Nobody likes a killjoy
  • Looky Loos and thumb twiddlers: People who don't get to the point annoy the bloody muffin out of him. Along with the people who spend countless hours gawking at something rather than talking.

  • Apricots: It is an irrational fear. However, a fear none the less and one that is not be taken lightly. It sends the poor man into a panic. Mostly because he believes apricots are conspiring against him. Its a sure fire way to get him out of your business.
  • Blindness: Or generally not knowing whats going on at any given moment. He goes into frantic berserk terror.

Personality: Antoine put bluntly will volatility violate everything you hold sacred and then some. No personal belonging is safe from wallets, to zanpaktou, to even panties and undergarments. His infamy of invading everything is only second to his ability to act, he acts like he knows about a situation trail off and have the person fill in the rest. He's been called lecherous as he doesn't shy away from the ladies going as far as groping to find out if they stuff their bra. He uses nonsensical arguments, underhanded tricks, and to a greater extent black mail to get his way. He engages in theatrics often and his presence can lead to extreme adversity among those around him.

In a more general setting Antoine comes off as consoling and mellow. He isn't one who particularly enjoys fighting and because of that it leaves him as one of the most physically weakest of all the captains. To compensate his Zanpaktou makes him one of the hardest to hit. He is generally silly for his age and takes pride in this immaturity. This often makes him popular among young and a nuisance to the serious shinigami.

Affiliation Information

Species: Soul
Ethnicity: Russian
Race: Shinigami
Division: 9th
Seat Captain or VC
Occupation: Head of Public Relations, God of the Press

Background Information

Past Divisions:12th Division, 4th Division, 9th Division
Time Line: April 1, 1844: Antoine was born near Kurgan Russia on a Spanish Freighter. Later Works as a doctor aboard sea vessels.
April 1, 1871: Antoine dies from cannon shrapnel from an act of piracy.
April 1, 2007: Antoine's wandering soul on a ghost ship is put to rest and later joins the academy.
April 1, 2011:Antoine graduates and is transferred into the 12th division.
April...2?!, 2015: Antoine develops paranoia schizophrenia hindering his scientific workings. Is then transferred to 4th division for treatment and training.
April 1, 2102 Antoine deemed mentally stable enough to seek other forms of work. Transferred to the 9th division as 5th seat.
April 1, 2163: Promoted to 9th division Captain/VC

History: Luke was born a wee lad near the coast of Russia and served on a ship for nearly all his life until his death. He was later kill by a collection of idiotic pirates.

Born in the time of the panama canals construction Luke spent most of his time as a cabin boy on a ship known as the Danke. He would later at the age of 18 become a ships doctor assisting the ill and at 23 a scientist skilled in the art of disease. These vessels would often follow trade routes to gather supplies for the canals contruction.

Luke was busy creating a cosmetic to cure scarring and wrinkles when he was impaled by shrapnel. Seeing all his friends in state of torn body and face he immediately wanted to hide his assumed gruesome appearance with anything he could find. That being a paper bag. He eventually died from blood loss.

Luke and his crew would wander the sea unfound as a ghost ship for several years. When the shingami finally found them to put their souls at ease they discovered Luke's natural tenacity for science. He was later sent to the academy for training in combat and sciences. Where it was revealed that he was incredibly flexible but was lacking in strength.

Later in life sent to the 12th division where his scientific mind would contribute to several of the soul societies advances. Along with some hidden covert experiments. These experiments caused a terrible occurrence that lead to paranoia schizophrenia in Luke. This new maddened Luke was given a new maddened name that being Antoine Rosenarche Vandam.

He would then be transferred to the fourth division where he would be treated for his mental ailments and serve as a generalized nurse practitioner in a sense. Upon being "cured" he later transferred to the 9th division to satiate the curiosity that spawned from being "cured". Since then Antoine has risen through the ranks naturally and is no push over when it comes to the press. Antoine is theoretically still a genius with an IQ ranging in the 160 zone with processing power to rival Einsteins. Now, However, he chooses to utilize this knowledge in ridiculous ways.


Shinigami Abilities:
I want everyone to write down the number, type, name, description and incantation.

  • Name: Thrust
    Status: Hado
    Number: 1
    Incantation: N/A
    Description: Pushes the target away from the caster
    Location Anime/Manga

    Name: White Lightening
    Status: Hado
    Number: 4
    Incantation: N/A
    Description: Fires a concentrated bolt of lighting from the caster's forefinger.
    Location Anime/Manga

    Name: Tsuzuri Raiden (Reading Lightning)
    Status: Hado
    Number: 11
    Incantation: N/A
    Description: Electric current flows through any object the user touches and is able to lead

    electricity, damaging any target that is in contact with the object the current runs through
    Location Anime/Manga

    Name: Shot of Red Fire
    Status: Hado
    Number: 31
    Incantation: Ye Lord, Mask of blood and flesh, all creation, flutter of wings, ye who bears

    the name of Man, Inferno and pandemonium, The sea barrier surges, March on to the south!
    Description: Fires a ball of red energy at a target.
    Location Anime/Manga

    Name: Ōkasen (Yellow Fire Flash)
    Status: Hado
    Number: 32
    Incantation: N/A
    Description: Fires a wide arc of yellow energy at a target.
    Location Anime/Manga

    Name: Blue Fire, Crash Down
    Status: Hado
    Number: 33
    Incantation: O Lord, Mask of flesh and bone, all creation, flutter of wings, ye who bears the

    name of Man, Truth and temperance, Upon this sinless wall of dreams unleash but slightly the

    wrath of your claws!
    Description: Fires a burst of blue spiritual energy at a target in a similar manner to 31, but

    over a wider area and with more power.
    Location Anime/Manga

    Name: Waste Flame
    Status: Hado
    Number: 54
    Incantation: N/A
    Description: Incinerates a target completely; Kaname Tōsen uses it to burn Grimmjow

    Jaggerjack's severed arm.
    Location Anime/Manga

    Name: Orchid Sky
    Status: Hado
    Number: 58
    Incantation: N/A
    Description: A widening tornado-like blast is fired towards the target.
    Location: Anime/Manga

    Name: Thunder Roar Cannon
    Status: Hado
    Number: 63
    Incantation: Sprinkled on the bones of the beast! Sharp tower, red crystal, steel ring. Move

    and become the wind, stop and become the calm. The sound of warring spears fills the empty

    Description: Fires a massive wave of yellow energy at a target.
    Location Anime/Manga

    Name: Twin Lotus Blue Fire, Crash Down
    Status: Hado
    Number: 73
    Incantation: N/A
    Description: Essentially a doubled version of #33, this spell fires two shots of blue fire

    with greater potency than the single-shot variety.
    Location Anime/Manga

    Name: Sai (Restrain)
    Status: Bakudo
    Number: 1
    Incantation: N/A
    Description: Locks a target's arms in place behind their back.
    Location Anime/Manga

    Name: Hainawa (Crawling Rope)
    Status: Bakudo
    Number: 4
    Incantation: N/A
    Description: An energy rope entangles a target's arms.
    Location Anime/Manga

    Name: Repulse
    Status: Bakudo
    Number: 8
    Incantation: N/A
    Description: Creates a round shield that seems to temporarily paralyze and repel whatever

    strikes it.
    Location: Anime/Manga

    Name: Hōrin
    Status: Bakudo
    Number: 9
    Incantation: Disintegrate, you black dog of Rondanini. Look upon yourself with horror and then

    claw out your own throat!
    Description: Causes an orange hued tendril with spiraling yellow patterns to erupt from the

    users hand and attempt to trap a target. the end of it remains in the hands of the user

    allowing them to control the path of the tendril before and after capture. The Kidō is able to

    connect with another one of itself if both have captured a target and bind them together.
    Location Anime/Manga

    Name: Sekienton
    Status: Bakudo
    Number: 21
    Incantation: N/A
    Description: Creates a blast upon activation and is used like a ninja's smoke bomb
    Location Anime/Manga

    Name: Kyakko (Curving Light)
    Status: Bakudo
    Number: 26
    Incantation: N/A
    Description: Hides the target from sight, presumably by bending light. The spell has the

    ability to totally hide the presence and reiatsu of the user or specified object
    Location Anime/Manga

    Name: Beak-Stab Triple-Flash
    Status: Bakudo
    Number: 30
    Incantation: N/A
    Description: After using kido energy to draw out an equilateral triangle, the targets' arms

    and waist are pinned down and rendered immobile.
    Location: Anime/Manga

    Name: Suspending Star
    Status: Bakudo
    Number: 37
    Incantation: N/A
    Description: Creates a star-shaped cushion of Spirit Energy Which anchors it to nearby objects

    with "ropes" of spirit particles. It can stop falling objects acting like a safety net.
    Location: Anime/Manga

    Name: Circular Shield
    Status: Bakudo
    Number: 39
    Incantation: N/A
    Description: Summons a shield made of condensed reiatsu used for blocking attacks; it is weak

    whilst moving, but stronger when standing still.
    Location: Anime/Manga

    Name: Summoning of the Tracking Sparrows
    Status: Bakudo
    Number: 58
    Incantation: Heart of the south, eye of the north, finger of the west, foot of the east,

    arrive with the wind and depart with the rain.
    Description: Tracks and locates any spiritual force the user focuses on
    Location Anime/Manga

    Name: Six Rods Prison of Light
    Status: Bakudo
    Number: 61
    Incantation: N/A
    Description: Summons six thin, but wide, beams of light that slam into a target's midsection,

    holding them in place.
    Location Anime/Manga

    Name: Hundred Steps Fence
    Status: Bakudo
    Number: 62
    Incantation: N/A
    Description: A rod formed of energy is thrown towards the target before it disintegrates into

    numerous short rods which are used to pin the target to the surroundings and render them

    Location: Anime/Manga

    Name: Chainlike Desert (Sajo Sabaku)
    Status: Bakudo
    Number: 63
    Incantation: N/A
    Description: The target is wrapped from the neck down in a thick chain.
    Location Anime/Manga

    Name: Tozansho
    Status: Bakudo
    Number: 73
    Incantation: N/A
    Description: Creates a pyramid-shaped barrier around the caster
    Location Anime/Manga

    Name: Quintet of 1 kan Iron Pillars
    Status: Bakudo
    Number: 75
    Incantation: Walls of ironsand, a priestly pagoda, glowing ironclad fireflies. Standing

    upright, silent to the end.
    Description: Forms a cage made of five incredibly high and thick pillars around a target.
    Location Anime/Manga

    Name: Heavenly Rickshaws in Silken Air
    Status: Bakudo
    Number: 77
    Incantation: Black and white net. Twenty-two bridges, sixty-six crowns and belts. Footprints,

    distant thunder, sharp peak, engulfing land, hidden in the night, sea of clouds, blue line.

    Form a circle and fly through the heavens.
    Description: Transmits messages to anyone within Soul Society. In addition to reciting the

    spell, the user must draw specific markings on their arms, which are animated by the spell to

    convey the messages.
    (We will allow to anyone whom you choose.)
    Location Anime/Manga

    Name: Kuyō Shibari
    Status: Bakudo
    Number: 79
    Incantation: N/A
    Description: Creates eight black holes that emit spiritual energy in the personal space

    surrounding the target, with a ninth black hole manifesting in the center of the targets

    Location Anime/Manga

  • Konsō the process by which a Shinigami sends wandering Pluses (souls) in the living world and send them to their respective place. Either Soul Society if they are good in life, or to Hell if their life was full of evil acts (such as murders, theft, etc). Soul Burial is performed by using the hilt of the Shinigami's Zanpakutō, tapping the soul on the head and transporting them to the afterlife.

  • Hollow Cleansing When a Shinigami slays a Hollow (evil spirit), with their Zanpakutō they cleanse their sins. Once this takes place a Hollow will return to its former state as a Plus and is led into Soul Society. This is called sublimation. Souls that live in the Soul Society are reborn again into the human world. Not all Hollows are sent to the Soul Society. Hollows that committed serious crimes when they were alive are sent to Hell.

  • Shunpo a movement technique that allows the user to move faster than the eye can follow. The focal point that determines the bases of this technique is speed. As speed is the main point of the technique the method is best characterized by how fast one can get from point A to point B in the least amount of steps. Training and skill are what determines how fast a user of shunpo can move; those of little skill in the technique or those who haven't used it an extended amount of time would obviously be out of practice, causing those individuals to be considerably slower, which requires the use of more steps to move the same distance and become winded far easier in a shorter amount of time.

  • Senkaimon is the dimensional gateway which Shinigami use to enter and leave SoulSociety by unlocking it. When guided by a Hell Butterfly, the Senkaimon takes the form of a waiting room entered through a sliding door. Humans can also use such a gate through the use of Reishihenkanki which convert solid matter into spirit particles.

  • Jinzen This method is the only way to carry on a proper conversation with one's Zanpakutō. One places their sword over their lap and takes a meditative pose and then forces their mind to become one with the Zanpakutō. In this form, one can call out the true form of the powers of their Zanpakutō. This form is something that Soul Society has worked out over the thousands of years since its formation. It is entirely about speaking with one's sword. This advanced form of training is far different from attaining abilities by force. In this form it is about entering a state of calm to enter the inner world of the Zanpakutō and engage them there. In this state a wielder will have to fight their Zanpakutō spirit in order to attain access to new abilities, the Zanpakutō spirit does not want to teach these moves and engage the wielder in a battle the likes of which has never taken place before. In this meditative state, one is so deeply entranced that even sustained wounds are ignored. Any form of injury sustained in the inner world while in this meditative state is reflective in the real world.

  • Polearm Expert: With skills to rival the great Ikkaku Madarame if this guild was cannon.

  • Kido Expert: In unison with his Zanpaktou makes for unpredictable projectiles that may come from any direction.

  • Rubber Man: Antoine is so inexplicably angile and limber he can perform acts that rival the worlds greatest contortionists. He says its because he's russian but some people tend to suspect he used his zanpaktou to rearrange his bone structure.

  • Unexpectable Assaults: What he lacks in strength he makes up for in unpredictability. Think Voldo in soul calibur whose spaztic alteration in attacks make him hard to follow.

  • Mad Flailing/ Rei Blocking: When unarmed he will engage in a frantic running about whacking anything around him like a limp noodle. Needless to say it appears as if he lacks any true unarmed prowess. However, this is a ruse to lead the enemy into a false sense of security which Luke will abuse to attack pressure points that weakens an opponents over all spiritual pressure allowing even his weak self to break through some of the toughest defenses.

    Zanpakuto Information

    Zanpakuto Name: Fushigidane: Full Name:Fushinegi
    Pronunciation: Foo-shii-gE-dahn-eh:Foo-shii-gE-neh-gE
    What does it mean: "Strange isn't it?": Strange Green Onion
    Zanpakuto Type: Kido Type: Spacial

    Zanpakuto Weapon (Sealed):

    Zanpakuto Spirit (Inner World Appearance):

    Fushigidane: Inner World Spirit Form
    Personality: Much like his wielder Fushigidane Negi is as wild and as curious. He is ambitious and is always on the look out for further knowledge. Although, he finds Luke's methods sometimes unconventional it still adequately satiates his thirst for knowledge

    Zanpakuto Spirit (Outer World Appearance):

    Fushiginegi(Strange Green Onion.)

    Odoriko (Outside Spirit World)

    Personality A more conventional journalistic personality in this state to try and fit in more. He particularly tries not to associate himself at all with Luke seeing as the two in appearances are like mayonnaise and pie.

    Release Command:Tonari no Fushigidane?
    Translation: My Neighbor, It's Strange isn't it?
    Pronunciation: Self Explanatory

    Appearance: See Scalpel in Character Image:Shikai Measuring: 7feet in length. For a more medical purpose the scalpel can be used to cut through a body painlessly and surgically without cutting flesh. It does this through the use of the portals it creates. It is however, an unconventional trait that isn't used in battle because it takes a steady hand and concentration...ah ha ah ha ha ha. In this case Antoine will "loan" his Zanpaktou to a medical unit so they can rearrange organs and rearrange bones etc.

    • Name:苗 Nae
      Translation: Sprout
      Description: Antoine's large pole arm scalpel appears to cut the air ahead of him. This opens a small dimensional rift much like that of a garganta only much quicker, more precise, and with a quicker sealing time. Like Xiaolin Showdowns Golden Tiger Claws Weakness: 苗 Nae has pattern that can be discerned by sharper eyes. While the area of exiting is often unpredictable the rift opens within a circumference and diameter of 80 feet around the initial point of entry. The portals obstruct natural air flow which can be used to discern his location if one is sensitive enough to their surroundings. Opponents who are often in a blind rage or wildly attack will find this hard if not near impossible to discover. Their is a specific "lag time" to when one portal closes and another opens. High speed energy projectiles such as Bala from mid range and cero from close range can travel through the portal but can also become a form of double edged sword quickly. One could successfully shunpo into the portal with excellent timing having drawn from how the ability works. However, there are repercussions. One, being a person with low spiritual pressure will be crushed inside like an untrained astronaut heading for space.

      Name: スピアー Supiā
      Translation: Spear
      Description: Antoine's Released Zanpaktou Inherently has the ability to bypass an opponents spiritual pressure in the form of a bala like burst from its tip. This can be done in quick succession almost like firing a fully automatic gun. It is an ability that can inflict pain to any person no matter how strong they are. It has proven only lethal to hollow after several successive shots. Weaknesses: Theoretically it is incredibly if not undeniably weak. It would equate to bumping ones pinky toe on a nightstand a million times. Painfully annoying but not lethal it can cause a weaker opponent to reel in pain or become severely agitated. It can be a deterrent or a distraction and can be used to demolish stationary objects with ease. Often times this ability is used in unison with 苗Nae for harassment and to exhaust the target.

      Name:壷 Tsubo
      Translation: Jar
      Description: This technique causes a fodder portal to be made to swallow an attack that cannot be evaded. Much like Ukitake it takes an attack in one way and out the other by opening a separate portal. Only significantly weaker than the original. Weakness:This technique proves ineffective at close ranges and as said before the attack returns with 75% less potency than when it was initially fired.

      Name:椰子 Yashi
      Translation: Palm Tree
      Description: This technique involves Antoine throwing his Shikai in one of the portals he creates. Immediately a portal opens beneath the opponent with three of the seven foot long scalpel blades shooting outward into a palm tree shape then they vanish a portal opens near Antoine's hands to rearm himself. This can be done from any distance as long as the target is within sight. Weakness: Antoine is completely unarmed when this attack is initiated and likewise his shikai's return has a lag time.

      Bankai:When successfully pushed to extremes Antoine's scalpel like polearm will be shoved into his chest gruesomely and violently as he seems to have gone entirely insane. It will legitimately look as if he had impaled himself with blood and all, suddenly portals will begin to open everywhere scattered around the 80 foot circumference and diameter. Antoine will then appear to painfully remove the scalpel as it is slowly died red and begins to change shape. He will appear Deathly Serious. Once the new pole arm has been successfully removed the wound heals as if nothing even occurred. Then This happens. Immediately objects outside of the portals radius begin to vanish they are then launched out from any or from all sides.Even objects that don't seem to be within the visual vicinity are fired from the portals, pillows, to knives and swords, to even sea creatures.Normally this wouldn't be so threatening however, there is a method to this madness. So long as the enemy stays within the radius and circumference of 80 feet around Antoine anything they're hit with completely bypasses their Hierro, Spiritual Pressure, or any form of naturally entitled defenses. It doesn't go without saying that many of these objects can be obliterated on the spot with ease but the sheer number of them being fired at once at high speeds with the ability to penetrate natural defenses is a threatening situation. Especially since many don't know what will be coming out. At the same time they have to deal with an attacking Antoine.
      WeaknessAntoine's newly changed Bankai state pole arm can cut through any physical structure with ease but unlike his Bankai's passive ability, flinging estranged objects, it cannot bypass natural defenses meaning a large gap in power will still leave him powerless. Should Antoine fall unconscious or become in anyway incapacitated his Bankai state will end immediately. His Bankai takes objects from his surroundings making its potency in barren areas significantly more useless. These portals can individually be destroyed over a period of time they will re spawn after a certain lag time.
      Bankai Abilities

      • Name:Kurukuru: クルクル
        Translation:Round and Round
        Description:Using portal logic when something goes through an entry portal and exits another and returns to the entry portal its velocity will increase exponentially until it is interrupted. Portal Mechanics. Weakness"Naturally if interrupted the velocity will decrease or cease entirely.

      • Name:巨大なスピアーKyodaina Supiā
        Translation:Gigantic Spear
        Description: Unlike its weaker brother this technique is significantly slower but much much much larger with a blast radius larger than a cero oscuras, the traveling speed of a bala, and with damage potential equating to a grand rey cero. Weakness: This attack cannot pierce natural defense like its cousin. In addition its significantly slower. It also cannot be fired from within a portal. if the opponent can shunpo in for a close range attack the whole technique can be interrupted.

      • Name:最後の円刃刀 Kyukyoku no Negi-yo mesu!
        Translation:My Ultimate Green Onion of the End
        Description:Antoine's final attack of desperation that immediately exhaust whatever energy he has left in a single attack. Immediately his pole arm like Bankai and the smaller portals launching estranged objects vanishes an enormous portal opens in the sky tearing it open like a huge Garaganta, immediately a huge spear begins to descend from the sky over a vast area and begins to cause incredible destruction as things are being sucked into the portal whilst the giant blade descends upon its target.

        Release Command:Hana Tomodachi no Fushiginegi!
        Translation:Strange green onion isn't it? Flower my friend!
        Pronunciation:Hah-nuh Toh-mo Dah-chi no Foo-Shi-Neh-gE

        Appearance:A General Visual Aid

    Other Information

    Favorite Color: Violet
    Favorite Flower: Morning Glory
    Favorite Gemstones: Sapphires, Rubies
    Favorite Drink: Hydrochloric Acid<Seriously<No Joke< He isn't human so he drinks this like all the time.
    Favorite Foods: Dango
    Favorite Show: The Bleeding
    Favorite Shape: Oblongs
    Favorite Feature: Dat a**
    Favorite Season: Winter
    Favorite Holiday: Halloween
    Favorite Number: 3.14
    Favorite Subject: Imperialism
    Favorite Book: Catcher in the Rye
    Favorite Author: Samasara
    Favorite Song: Whose a Bad Girl?
    Favorite Musician: BareNaked Ladies
    Favorite Movie: Rubber

    Posting Color: Peru
    Voice Actors: Chuck Huber
    Theme Songs: Parco Folgore- Chichi wo moge
    Other Photos:


    Profile Creator: Necroplant
    Photo Creator(s): ArcSystem Works
    D.O.B: 12/28/93
    Other Contributors:No More Heroes and its cast of truly fabulous assassins. The Persona Franchise. Zatch Bell. Mah brain. Xiaolin Showdown. Sgt Frog. Portal and Valve Software

    Ju-long Wáng

    Personal Information

    User Image

    Name:Ju-long Wáng ((Translated from Mandarin Chinese Means: Powerful King))

    Age: 22
    Gender: Male
    Sexuality: Heterosexual:He's often seen with a number of "escorts"

    Height: 6'1
    Weight: 152
    Hair: Plum
    Eyes: Hazel

    Blood Type: O+
    Medical Condition:Sociopathy, Psychopathy

    Wardrobe: Ju-long wears traditional Chinese garments often ceremonial wear or business attire that's loose and breathable. Often if not always attire that would be associated with his former career as an apostle for a shrine back in Xi'an is also common. Often his wardrobe reeks of incense if not opiates.

    Physical Appearance:Ju-long is a thin and pale man due to his constant brooding in the shadows and the criminal underworld. He is however in his prime and is in the epoch of health. His arms are constantly hidden beneath loosely fitted sleeves which makes determining his overall general muscularity difficult to discern. However, contrary to popular belief Ju-long in all his paleness has muscle build to Rival Ikkaku's in the anime.

    Likes: Alcohol, Opium, Tobacco, Marijuana, The Fairer Sex, Violent Redemption, Satiating Ones Vengeance
    Dislikes: Arrogance, Boasters, Extreme Optimism, Emotional Weakness, Sensitivity, The Japanese, Bad Mouthing his Ex, Mentioning moving on, His Ex's name being brought up at all and Purity
    Fears: Becoming Nothing, Being forced to accept the realization that his acts of violence and immorality are all derived from his loneliness and the loss of the one he once called his lover and that every attempt at negligence and misdeed is all a cry for attention.
    Relationships: Secretly A Broken Hearted Shell of a Man with the inability to move on with his life and thus uses prostitutes to try and vainly fill the void once known as his heart. [Single]
  • Yang Kaido[Ex:Tutor and now general acquaintance who has a developing suspicion about Ju-long]
  • He is well affiliated with both Shinigami and Arrancar of the like. He however has never set foot in the soul society and only once has he visited the sands of Hueco Mundo for a simple business occasion.

    Personality:Ju-long's personality ranges from cold and unfeeling to morbidly giddy. If compared to the canon cast his persona would rival that of Gin Ichimaru. Unlike Gin However, his personality stems from a greater sense of a slowly fading sanity over his traumatizing experience with love. Toward people he knows he is often playful if not excessively so, like an immature child with his remarks and insults but keeps the same professionalism and stoic stature as is typically presented. He comes off as extremely cold, repulsive, and violating with strangers or those he doesn't want to associate himself with, while at the same time giving off a aura of negativity and depravity. Should his eyes meet with another's eyes a vast percentage of the time the person will become increasingly uncomfortable and feel as if they're very being is getting touched in a sick way defiling their purity if they had any. It seriously just plain creepy.

    Affiliation Information

    Species: Human
    Ethnicity: Mandarin Chinese
    Race: Fullbringer
    Affiliation: Hueco Mundo

    Background Information

    Past Affiliations: Urahara Shop Employee, Shrine messenger/ Soul Society Affiliate
    Ju-long was born in China much like many of his decent. There he lived a youthful carefree life up until the age of four. He and his family left for KaraKura for business reasons and to re-associate with his mothers family that lived there. Ju-long was to be raised as the next successor for Koga Branch Co. Pharmaceuticals. He was trained in the art of medicine for several years. Among one of his vigorous study sessions on the effects of placebos at age ten he discovered his spiritual awareness when he took notice of a stray shinigami. It turned out both his mother and father descended from a branch of monks and shrine maidens and they were well attuned with spirit world. Shinigami, Hollow and the lot and Ju-long would be no different from his parents.

    At age sixteen Ju-long abandoned his studies of medicine to pursue a career in the field of investigating and understanding the spirit world and its inhabitants. His parents frowned upon his decision and told him the story of how his mother was nearly killed by the very beings he wished to study. This didn't deter Ju-long he continued to pursue his studies ever more so and this lead him to work at the well known spiritual goods store known as Urahara Shop. Here Ju-long honed his abilities and later discovered he had untapped potential. That the accident which had supposedly nearly ended his mothers life was actually something beneficial that granted him the powers of a fullbringer. Upon discovering this latent talent he rushed home with great haste prompt to tell his mother and father that he was more than just spiritually aware.

    To Ju-long's unhappy surprise he found his Japanese mother bearing knife at his Chinese father over a domestic dispute in reference to the future of the business and how they were to survive with Ju-long running around with his pipe dream of learning more about the world of spirits. His mother unbeknownst to the young Ju-long was left with severe mental scars after her being assaulted. It was clear she wanted to have nothing to do with the spirit world and the fact that her husband willingly let their son go running blindly into danger was too much for her to bear. Her fragile mind had snapped and there was no stopping her as Ju-long watched her horrified as she ended his fathers life. Naturally she continued to see his spirit and this wrought her mind even more so. Ju-long attempted to reason with her and began explaining his potential having discovered his full bring powers. His mother perceived this the wrong way entirely. "Your just like them!' she said wildly flailing the blade as she then attempted to slay her own son tears in her eyes consumed with madness. Eventually after a desperate struggle Ju-long pushed his mother away. In turn Ju-long fled the household and she gave chase. Terrified Ju-long ran the streets until both he and his mother collided with a stray Hollow. In a fit of sheer terror Ju-long's mother stabbed herself as if to try an escape the beast dying. Within seconds the Hollow consumed the mad woman's poor soul until naught was left. This was the beginning of Ju-long's desensitization because deep down in his heart their was only resentment for the woman who killed his father and tried to kill himself. Regardless of how Ju-long thought of the woman as what was once his mother everything inside him, while watching the Hollow take its leave, said. "She deserved it."

    Not long after Ju-long inherited the business and had the companies next in line for the position of CEO fill it until he came of age at twenty-one. Ju-long still eighteen enrolled in a public school whilst he worked at the shop trying to get the trauma that occurred to fade away and this lead to one of the most climactic parts of his life. His first love at age eighteen. A girl by the name of Mizore Hyabusa, Japanese, age seventeen showed a deep interest in Ju-long seeing as both came from lonely backgrounds. They shared in their loathing for certain things and shared in laughs over certain subjects. Both of them slowly attempting to recover from their more than unfortunate situations. They wrote haikus together, went on several romantic trips together, and even shared a bed one eventful night. As his Sr. Year was coming to a close Ju-long promised Mizore that he would return to visit her and keep in contact as much as he possibly could. Mizore would then put Ju-long in the friend zone from then on telling him that to his face and Ju-long was ok with that because Ju-long believed that there was still hope.

    After graduation Ju-long would phone Mizore constantly and she would respond and they would meet occasionally until what would be called after the mid-term finals. Mizore slowly began to stop responding and would more often than not say she was busy whenever Ju-long tried to organize any form of face to face interaction. Eventually Ju-long took a stand and made his way back to the high school evading security and confronting Mizore. Mizore was typically introverted you see and despite all the trust she put in Ju-long there were some things she hadn't told him. Among these things was the still seventeen year old Mizore had begun dating a twenty-three year old Japanese business man. Her excuse being that her parents wanted her to be with a wealthy Japanese man not a Chinese industrial rat. Ju-long knew better he knew her parents where dead like his and after confiding his trust in Mizore how could she just lie to his face. Needless say Ju-long was heartbroken. So much so he fell into a state of deep depression. Upon further research of the twenty-three year old man in question he wasn't even the least bit physically attractive and how with such a large age difference between the two how could he have lost to him. Something ached and disturbed Ju-long ever so much but who was he to decide who you can or cannot love. Love is blind so to say so Ju-continued to live in pain staking ignorance messaging Mizore just to see if was in good health praying for just the slightest signs of "I'm fine" or "What?" Ju-long continued to live in denial. That it was impossible that this so called love between Mizore and this older stranger couldn't possibly be real. Not with everything him and Mizore had been through and done together.

    One nerve wracking night for Ju-long when Mizore failed to respond Ju-long was thrown in a totally unnecessary panic. He knew where Mizore was at the time and ran there with the fleetest of foot to the door and slide it open screaming Mizore's name distressed. There was an ominous silence when Ju-long opened his eyes he was immediately filled with regret for there on top of the Kotatsu was the seventeen year old Mizore and the twenty-three year old man having blatant sex. The image burned itself into Ju-long's head tears of betrayal filling his eyes. After making herself descent Mizore confronted Ju-long still crying his eyes outside in the rain. He told him how she did legitimately love the man she just had sex with. "He makes me happy." she says. Ju-long stood unable to understand why. What was it that he lacked. What made this physically unattractive man superior to him in anyway. Mizore would remain silent and Ju-long would remain devastated and gain an absolute hatred for the Japanese for it was his Japanese mother that tried to kill him and his Japanese Ex who hurt him so. Ju-long would then remain in a absolute sense of denial that there was till hope in getting back together with Mizore. Three years went by three long and brutal years of intense full bring training at Urahara shop. He grew attached to the new owner that is until a certain touchy subject was brought up and the words "move on" were muttered. Ju-long would resign the next day still consumed in denial. Then at twenty-one he inherited the Koga Branch Pharmaceutical company and put his work and training Urahara Shop behind him.

    It was his heart break and feelings of spite and betrayal and immense leaking reiatsu that coaxed the hollow to him and with them came arrancar. Ju-long would explain his situation, his turmoils, and in return the arrancar offered him promising words and a deal. Allow his business to be used as a bridge between Hueco Mundo and the Human World much like how Urahara shop functions for the Shinigami, help them should war ensue, and in return they would end his pain, his turmoils, his suffering, by giving him a new purpose and make him a member of their ranks come the time of his death. Ju-long swallowed by the shadows of self loathing and hate agreed. His relations with the shinigami would become non-existent and the owner of Urahara shop would be none the wiser to the arrangement and him and the owner could still associate freely with Ju-long acting as a form of mole...or perhaps a double agent?

    Now older he still lives in denial. He now employs several "escorts" to try and fill the void that Mizore left, a six year old ailment that refuses to be cured and to a greater extent isn't looking to be cured. Both he and his company have become shaped by murder and heart break topped with denial and racism with a hint of arrancar incentives. What once was a good young scholarly religious boy has become the leader of the criminal under world who now affiliates himself with the darker side whose business has become the central form of communications between the Arrancar and the human world.

    Ability Information

    Canon Abilities

    • Soul Manipulation: Fullbring can be used for a variety of different things. Fullbring users can perform feats such as, pulling out the soul of a drink to have it help him drink it, pulling the soul out of the asphalt to make it more elastic or to even be able to walk on water by pulling on its soul to solidify it

    • Fullbring-Induced High-Speed Movement:The flickering of Bringer Light (完現光 (ブリンガーライト), Kangen Hikari (Buringā Raito); lit. "Full Manifestation Light" wink : From Fullbring-Induced High-Speed Movement is, the preliminary action for the next High-Speed Movement. It signifies that one is beginning to master or has mastered Fullbring. Fullbring can allow a user to perform an amplified jump by Fullbringing the concrete. It also allows a user to Fullbring the "Air" mid-jump and use it to accelerate. To be capable of such uses of Fullbring is to be in the beginning of mastery of Fullbring. Bringer Light is a light green form of spiritual energy.

    Focus Information

    Focus Name: Kodokuna paipu (孤独なパイプ) ="Lonely Pipe"

    Focus (Sealed):
    Kodokuna paipu (孤独なパイプ)

    Description: Ju-long will take a deep inhale of his focus's sealed state. He will appear to open his eyes briefly as he begins to become immersed in a cyclone of putrid black smoke. Any form of attire he may be wearing at the time will become stained black but other than that no significant changes take place. His entire person will appear like that of shadowy looking figure.


    • Name:Yánibiǎosu ((言い表す))
      Translation: Chinese Meaning To Vent
      Description: Triggered upon releasing his focus fissures and cracks begin to form in the ground and surrounding constructs each emitting a black smoke like substance. The smoke when inhaled begins to sap morale and positiveness. Anything caught in smoke has hindered vision and begins to recall all the sadness and tragedy they've experienced in their life. This technique proves the most potent in solo conflicts where a persons mind can continuously become hazy from negativity without positive reinforcement from neighboring friendly units.
      Weakness: The smoke itself holds a fatal flaw. That being, if not inhaled its depression i


  • User Comments: [1]
    Community Member

    Thu Jan 26, 2012 @ 01:35am

    This is amazing do you use him for a book character or a role playing character either way im unsure if uve seen Black Butler but undertaker off of it kinda reminds me of him. *thumbs up* your awsome and congratz on being featured.

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    gaia_angelleft Questing art will pay any price for good quality or quanity gaia_angelright
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