Age: Unknown
Occupation: Assassin
Race: Pure-bred Elemental Wolf
Sex: Female

Biography: Alumina was born into a small clan of wolves, which was at war at the time. The clan had very few births within the past few years, and her coming had been prophesied by the Clan Elder. The first month of her life had been spent in a cave with her mother, hidden from the war. But the new wolf desired to join the fight, and as her mother tried too many times to stop her, she found herself killing her own mother. Her mother's soul took the shape of a Crescent moon pendant, which draped over a stone spire in the center. The pendant pulsed with power and the young wolf didn't hesitate to find a way of getting it on. It glowed, but hid in her already thick fur. This is how Alumina gained the power of all the elements. But her soul was evil, and the brilliant sapphire glow turned too soon to a liquid crimson. With the pendant Alumina took the form of a full-grown wolf and marched into the center of a battlefield. The wolves had been fighting the humans, a century-long war that had cost the Clan too much.
Alumina was faced on both sides with questioning looks, but it was to the humans whom she turned. She called Shadow to her and her form turned to the essence of darkness. A spear was thrown, but it went through her and into the heart of another wolf. Her eyes glowed the color of her pendant and soon she called a torrent of flame around her. The fire was a violent shade of violet as she sent it at the humans. The wolves watched in awe as the blood soaked the earth. Not a single member of the clan had been touched. That night the wolves rejoiced, but it was her father who brought out the truth of Alumina's power. The faced each other in a circle then, the once friendly eyes now filled with rage and hatred at the young wolf.
It was a spectacular show of element-control as the two fought to gain control of one another. But Alumina pulled a trick. Her form suddenly turned demonic and her father was forced to step down as leader of the Clan. She ruled for several years before the humans returned. They snuck around in the middle of the night while she was away and slaughtered every single one of her Clanmates.
It was then that Alumina became a loner. She wandered the vast forests and valleys for what seemed an eternity after until she finally happened upon a kingdom overcome with evil. The corrupt King took her under his wing, abusing her many times over and forcing her to become his messenger. Unfortunately, being the King's messenger meant facing all kinds of assassins. But Alumina learned quickly, and even without her pendant she proved to be a formidable foe. Once more, years passed. She was growing sick of the King's rule just as a rowdy kid (for in her eyes, he was more a kid than a man) called for a rebellion. She became interested and immediately signed herself up for it. She knew the King couldn't try to kill her, he knew her strength.
There were few others who joined, but she could feel their power. Even the kid had an aura of power. However, he is not who drew her. Her eyes rested on one called Darc, a male who had no extraordinary talent born to him naturally. Secretly, she would never admit that the same was true for her. She would also never admit that she soon grew to love him. The Rebellion lasted three full years, they'd built an airship, Alumina broke from the group shortly after being saved by Darc from drowning. She helped, however, to bring down a clone of the King. In the aftermath of that battle, Alumina had been fatally injured. She died, but strangely vanished.
A year passed and Alumina came back as nothing more than the essence of shadow. The second year of the rebellion went slowly, but by the end, they had once more gone to war. Alumina vanished once more. But just as the kid, as she'd come to call him for his arrogance and rash attitude, was about to be overpowered, she'd taken complete control of the King's soul. This allowed the kid to defeat the King and take his place, but at the same time it seemingly killed Alumina as well.
Alumina was once more nothing but shadow, but her sacrifice forever wounded her. She could no longer face the friends she had come to know and she left them, and her secret love, behind her.
An Assassin of the Night, Alumina took on countless forms and was known as nothing more than a demonness, come to haunt the night and the dreams of others. Especially the dreams of Darc. He'd never tell anyone that she was still alive, for he was the only one who knew. In many of the years that followed, Alumina fought and led countless wars and rebellions. However, the one place she always found herself returning to was where she had last seen Darc. Her heart yearned for him, but she refused herself to be seen so close to the kingdom of her first rebellion.
Having become an immortal being who would always roam the earth, she wandered her years through the forests and to her oldest haunts, wondering if she'd ever happen upon Darc again.
Abilities: Elemental control, and she can change her own form. However, she refuses to create herself in a human image.
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