where'd time go?
and where did all this homework come from?
overnighter in The Cities was pretty fun, lotsa piccys on someone else's camera lol.
going to be a very busy week, actually looking forward to having stuff to occupy me :]
speaker tomorrow, vocal recital, comm test and FIRST DAY AT THE RADIO STATION tuesday (whoop whoop!), meeting with the small group for lit and a movie with the comm club wednesday (either shawshank redemption or king's speech... awesomesauce~), thursday is blah as usual, friday make-up piano lesson.
huge stuff coming up.
registration for next semester starts tuesday; pretty excited.
maccy d's documentary. xD quite fascinating, actually...
speaking of gaining weight *ahem*, i haven't the slightest idea how I'm doing. but i think for next semester i'll downgrade meal plans to the 15/week instead of 21. seriously, i don't eat that much.... i think?
*counts* *shrugs*
homework time.
not going to GIFT because I'd like to take a break from sitting with the same people and in the same (uncomfortably close to the front) spot every time...
one homework assignment done; another halfway through the oven.
plus six other things to do. *le sigh*
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