Howdy again, 'tis me, Lazurkri!
Currently, at less than 24 hours to go till launch, Battlefield 3 is, in my books, gonna kick MW3's a**, big time. Several reasons for this come to mind.
1) DICE and EA have been going all out in their advertising campaign to advertise BF3 for months, MW3 just started.
2) Despite it launching in a little over 2 weeks, we still know next to nothing about MW3; not story, not what new weapons/gameplay/ etc etc will be going in, nothing at all.
3) Infinity Wards making MW3, and the last time they made a game, MW2, they ended up loosing a large chunk of their gamers due to poor gameplay; stupidly predictable spawnpoints and overly skilled player, anyone?
4) Basic Gameplay Tenants: MW2 and Black Ops, having played both extensively, are, no matter what the designers say, Lone Wold games. In team based matches this couldn't be clearer, as I've had endless teammates completely ignore the concept of "capture the point" over and over again in favor of killing the enemy.
On the OTHER hand, Battlefield has ALWAYS encouraged, or even FORCED people to work together; you get shot, you want a medic to revive you, usually. Well, if you're not working with a team, good luck jackass, I ain't booking it across the map to save your dumb a**.
Furthermore, with the plethora of Choppers and other multipeople vehicles, you NEED teammates to keep you alive and killin' the enemy; a chopper with no gunner is a easily shot down chopper.
In short, Infinity Wards boasts of "the game of the year" for MW3 are false; as far back as E3, BF3 has been taking the spotlight again and again.
The Days of COD are numbered. Long Live Battlfield!
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