So sleep positions first:
For the record, my scanner broke so I'm sketching with photoshop. Also, forgive the varying sizes, I was playing with the resize option on photobucket.

So this is basically the position I sleep in. the blue thing is my Black Rock Shooter plushie. It's blue here since it blends in with me if I keep it black. So depending on how I'm feeling when I go to sleep it's either near my head or in my arms.
I sleep with my right arm straight off the bed and my left arm bent as shown. If I'm closer to the edge of the bed (which I usually am) my left arm will hang right off the bed while my right arm stays straight.
My right leg will stay straight as well while my left leg is bent.
Btw in case you couldn't tell, I sleep on my side. I tend to twist around so my upper half is on its side and my lower half is face down. Since I bend my leg it prevents it from being face down, it keeps me on my side like a pedestal. If that makes anysense.

This is something I often do to my pillow, no matter what mood I'm in. I just need something to cuddle with every now and then (Embarassing to admit: I sometimes pretend I'm hugging a person... I'm such a romantic Q~Q )
Anyways, I sleep with two pillows, the first one I can't stand anyone besides me using. I will kill you if you even touch it. The second one is one that's been put in the washing machine and died. The insides are uneven, like a wedge. I personally like it that way. it gives it the feel like I sleep with a folded pillow as well as a nice comfy one.
So my legs stay the same as they always do when I sleep like this and my arms are generally the same except when I'm like this my left hand clings onto my right arm.

I hate light. I can't sleep with light. So I've adapted.
At night I sleep facing the wall/window. I sleep facing the wall since someone will be in the living room with the lights on or the hallways lights will be on and it all comes seeping under my door so I face away from it. My legs are the same, just switched. Both my arms will be bent (I'd have on straight, but my wall is textured and I've cut myself plenty of times on it to know better).
At some point during the night I'll either turn on my own or wake up for a split second to face the door. Since my morning the sun is out and light comes in through the window.
I'll be up at 5 in the morning since this is when my mom turns on the kitchen lights and hallway lights. But since I was just sleeping I can tolerate it and I'm awake, but in some sort of a sleep like trance until someone opens the door.
This methods fails when the moon is full or when the neighbors have their backyard lights on. When this happens I put my blanket over my eyes, but not my nose and mouth and stop moving.

Lastly this when I'm forced to sleep on the couch.
I can only take so much stuff with me ; o ; I take something to cuddle with (Rock-chan), my awesome pillow, and my winter blanket.
First: I used to sleep with my pillow folded and my legs straight
My arms would vary positions, but eventually I'd put on arm in between my pillow or above my head and the other arm could go where ever the hell it wanted.
Second: I tried changing it up two days ago and sleeping differently, so it'd feel more like my bed.
I put my folded pillow in the middle of the couch and slept as the picture shows. (I ACTUALLY GOT DECENT SLEEP DOING THAT YAY)
So yeah my right arm will be straight. My left arm will be bent or hanging off the couch. My legs will be straight but they will be elevated since I placed them on the arm rest.
I can't sleep with light as mentioned above. I can't sleep when it's too hot. That sucks for me since I'm a warm person and quickly heat up what ever I'm sleeping on, so I'm constantly turning to have a cooler spot (And Alex asked me why I toss and turn, hah). Even when I'm tired as hell, it takes me a very long time to fall asleep. I don't nap. The only time I ever nap is if I feel like I'm dying of some sickness (like when I had appendicitis, bronchitis [twice], and pneumonia). Unless it's for the quick second to change positions, if I wake up at night I probably wont be able to sleep again. If I don't get enough sleep or good sleep when I'm a b***h who wants to murder everyone.
Since it's kind of on topic I'll just say it.
Nightmares also put me in a bad mood when I wake up. Most of them Wake me up immediatly anyways.
There are some things I can't stand in my dreams (Note: I tend to lucid dream but I can't control them) One of those things I can't stand is being touched. Touch leads to me waking up.
Also my bed is... funky... I don't know if it's just me or if it's really just my bed. But it seems to me that my bed takes motion and magnitizes it. Like if there's an earthquake and I'm on my bed I feel it stronger than if I were anywhere else. Point being: I hate falling in a dream.
In my dreams, a fall will lead to the most violent awakening I know of. It's strange. I'll wake up feeling as if I was literally floating a foot above my bed then was dropped.
Last time I had a dream where I fell, I was chasing someone. Someone else tripped me while saying they never wanted to see me again. And so I feel. I woke up to the falling feeling and feeling like I was dropped onto my bed and I thought an earthquake happened... It didn't.
I hate falling.