S e b a s t i o nxxxY a t s o b a s h i

► " S e b a s t i o n " or "M r . Y a t o b a s h i"
► 2 4
► M a l e
► H o m o S e x u a l
►L i k e s :
⊲ D a r k C o f f e e
⊲ T e a c h i n g E n g l i s h
⊲ M e n
⊲ S u s h i
► P e r s o n a l i t y :
Sebastion is a teacher, of course, which also makes him a tutor. He teaches english to teenagers, and quite frankly, is very strict when teaching. Its his job. He doesnt mind a joke here and there, but other than that, he is straight forwards strict. "Never let those teenagers find your weakness. Otherwise, your screwed." He says that alot to his coeworkers, and they do end up looking up to him for that. When he is at home or out of the school, he tends to keep his lover all to his self. Yes, he does get very jealous at times. Sometimes a good thing, and sometimes, a really bad thing. Some would say he is "Lazy" and "unwilling" when at home, which was true. He had a tiring job, along with tutoring few teens, then to top it off, he writes books. Yep. And of course, he knows how to procrasinate very well.
You would think that a teacher would have a healthy life style, but he doesnt even know how to cook, which usually means he lives off of instant ramen or some take out from a fast food joint. Otherwise, he usually passes out before he can even make it to the kitchen.
►A p p e a r a n c e :
Sebastion has blond hair that covers most of his forehead. along with that, he had dark mischievous eyes that can sometimes display humor or amusement. He has a deep voice, and is about 6'' or so.

► B i o g r a p h y :
Sebastion was born into a family where the father was the CEO of a large company, and his mother was some famous talk show person. He has a younger brother and older sister.He was they rebelious type of person who never really cared about his future or what ever, and being the oldest male in the family, he was the one who would have to inherit the family buisness. He got into many fights through his middle school, and half of his high school life. It wasnt untill he was in his second year of high school did he realize what he was doing wrong: he thought he had found the love of his life. What happened? He fell in love with his english teacher. At first, he was very unsure of his feelings, and had a feeling that she didnt feel the same for him aswell. It wasnt untill a month did they both confess to eachother.
The teen had confessed to his family that he was having an relationship with his English teacher. Of course, his father was furious. He hated the idea of Sebastion having a relationship with a teacher, let alone someone who was a good five to seven years older than him. Sebastion was angry at the fact that his father couldnt accept his feelings. So, the next day, Sebastion left from home and moved into an apartment, using money from his family's wealth. He thought his relationship with his teacher would get better, but however, it didnt. When he went to go see his teacher, one day, he found her kissing and touching another one of the teachers at the school.
It felt like it was the end for him. He gave up his love for the lady, a slight glimmer of affection still in his heart. That continued for a few years, and eventually, he found him self learning how to become an english teacher. During those few years, how ever, he was having many different relationships with other men, finding that he felt a stronger affection for men than women. And now, here he is, an English teacher, falling in love with one of his students. De Ja Vu?