Roleplay with friends that I was in charge of! And of course, grunties are involved >.>
[20:28] arron: *Flops On Couch*
[20:28] tilly: -Takes off beret- o: I have faith that all you are doing is drawing yourself a Grunty
[20:28] tilly: Because I saw that sly smile on your face
[20:28] lotus: *chuckles* (tee hee the couch)
[20:28] silabus: *giggles*
[20:29] lotus: *pulls fone out of pockets and starts playing with it*
[20:29] tilly: -Hands over Doodle's eraser and pencil to Sil-
[20:29] silabus: *accepts them*
[20:29] arron: FFF I can't wait until next week... *w*
[20:29] silabus: I have the POWER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[20:29] lotus: pft
[20:29] tilly: -Touches his hair- c:
[20:29] silabus: muwhahahahahaaaaaaa/coughs
[20:29] arron: ...
[20:29] lotus: ?
[20:30] tilly: c:
[20:30] silabus: *fails at evil laughs*
[20:30] tilly: -Runs around Sil-
[20:30] tilly: Meow. c:
[20:30] silabus: *meticulously draws a revision 2 style grunty....*
[20:30] arron: *Presses A Button On Wrist Plate & Gloves Become Armour Plated*
[20:30] silabus: *that looks like arron*
[20:30] lotus: ???
[20:30] arron: =o=
[20:30] silabus: *cracks up*
[20:30] arron: Don't mind me...
[20:31] silabus: It's holding a big wrench too!
[20:31] lotus: *stares at him* =_=
[20:31] tilly: :V Test your rockect tank?
[20:31] silabus: >.>
[20:31] silabus: *the arron grunty does not look amused*
[20:31] arron: ...
[20:31] silabus: uhh
[20:31] lotus: *looks at drawing* KAWAII!!!
[20:31] silabus: *his Silabus on the foot with the big wrench*
[20:31] tilly: :V
[20:31] silabus: kjhjknkjhjhjkhjkhjk!!!!!
[20:31] arron: Ya've gotta be kiddin'..?
[20:32] silabus: >.<;;;
[20:32] tilly: c: Well look at that
[20:32] silabus: *hops up and down on sore foot*
[20:32] guest-11672 entered the room
[20:32] silabus: stupid pig...>.<
[20:32] lotus: that wasnt Konos was it?
[20:32] silabus: *glares at the grunty*
[20:32] tilly: o: Could always erase the grunty
[20:33] silabus: *it waddles over to arron and sits next to him on the couch*
[20:33] silabus: . . .
[20:33] lotus: *pulls out sudoku and pencil from pockets*
[20:33] arron: *Look At Grunty*
[20:33] arron: Uh...
[20:33] silabus: *it looks back at arron*
[20:33] lotus: ?
[20:33] silabus: You gots a prob boyo?
[20:34] silabus: it says*
[20:34] lotus: PFT!!!!
[20:34] silabus: *craks up*
[20:34] tilly: o: Draw me a Tilly Grunty!
[20:34] arron: KELLLVASO!!!! *Falls Off Couch*
[20:34] lotus: O_O
[20:34] arron: IT-IT TALKS?
[20:34] silabus: *has to sit on floor*
[20:34] tilly: o: All Gruntys do
[20:34] silabus: y-yeah, they tend to so that
[20:35] lotus: Wow....that was interesting
[20:35] silabus: *it stares at arron quizzically*
[20:35] arron: *Waves At Grunty* Uh... Hi..?
[20:36] silabus: *the grunty pulls its goggles over its eyes and fiddles with a gameboy*
[20:36] tilly: c: Well look at that
[20:36] silabus: 'Yo.'
[20:36] lotus: *stares at it* nanda kore??
[20:36] tilly: <3
[20:36] silabus: XD
[20:36] silabus: Okay!
[20:36] tilly: o: The Arron G is like a typical teenager
[20:36] lotus:
[20:36] silabus: *drawsa Till grunty*
[20:37] arron: ...
[20:37] tilly: - u- Ahhh yeah
[20:37] silabus: take care of her tilly!
[20:37] tilly: c: Of course
[20:37] arron: Tha's just way ta shiny...
[20:37] arron: OnOuuu
[20:37] silabus: *grunty Arr stares at big Arr*
[20:37] tilly: -Gets on Tilly Grunty- Okay, I hope you can make rainbows come out of your backside
[20:37] silabus: *draws Silas grunty* I missed you friend!
[20:38] tilly: -Tilly Grunty walks and bumps into a wall- o no Oh little one
[20:38] silabus: *Silas grunt copies my every movement for hilarity's sake*
[20:39] silabus: *grunty arr puts gameboy away and rases goggles*
[20:39] tilly: []
[20:39] silabus changed nickname to silgruntymaster
[20:40] tilly: -Redirects Tilly Grunty- Okay, let's try this again. CHARGE!
[20:40] silgruntymaster: *Grunty Arr jumps onto Arron's head*
[20:40] tilly: -Tilly Grunty pumps into another wall-
[20:40] tilly: *bumps
[20:40] arron: Uh...
[20:40] silgruntymaster: *laughs* so cute
[20:40] arron: *Looks Up* H-Hello..?
[20:40] silgruntymaster: *it looks down* Heya boyo.
[20:40] guest-11741 entered the room
[20:41] guest-11757 entered the room
[20:42] silgruntymaster: *It pokes a button on a bangle its wearing and jumps onto a hoverboard*
[20:42] silgruntymaster: o.o;
[20:42] silgruntymaster: who knew?
[20:42] lotus:'s a chibi Arron
[20:42] arron: *Grins*
[20:42] roseprince: Great
[20:42] lotus: n_n
[20:42] silgruntymaster: *its tail twitches* Who ya callin' chibi, girlie?
[20:43] silgruntymaster: *it stares at lotus*
[20:43] lotus: *stares at it* Who you calling girly chibi?
[20:43] silgruntymaster: *hovers over to lotus and hits her on the head with a wrench*
[20:44] tilly: o: Oh snaps
[20:44] silgruntymaster: *silas and sil*: o.o;;
[20:44] lotus: =_o oi!!!!
[20:44] silgruntymaster: *It retreats behind real Arron*
[20:44] lotus: *stops short of bringing out scythe* a**....better retreat...
[20:44] silgruntymaster: awwww.......she didn't mean that! *the sil crew in unison*
[20:45] lotus: ...tch.,..yet another lump thank you...
[20:45] silgruntymaster: Silas grunty jumps and grabs the pencill*
[20:45] lotus: O_O
[20:45] silgruntymaster: w-what? hey!
[20:45] tilly: o: Oh noes!
[20:46] silgruntymaster: *it draws a RosePrince grunty*
[20:46] arron: OnO?
[20:46] lotus: oh dear lucy
[20:46] silgruntymaster: o.o;;;;;
[20:46] tilly: Go Tilly Grunty!
[20:46] arron: *Both Arron's Facepalm* Stars
[20:46] silgruntymaster: *rpgruntys strikes a sexy pose*
[20:46] lotus: Yare yare.....
[20:46] tilly: Tilly Grunty: oink! -Follows after Sil Grunty-
[20:47] silgruntymaster: *sil grunty climbs up Sil's ponytail and puts pencil back*
[20:47] silgruntymaster: o.o;;;;
[20:47] silgruntymaster: this just got out of hand.....
[20:47] guest-11812 entered the room
[20:47] tilly: -Tilly's Grunty bumps into Sil's legs.- Oink!
[20:47] arron: *Picks Up Own Grunty & Sits On Couch*
[20:47] silgruntymaster: *RPgrunt walks up to SGrunty and starts to hit on it*
[20:47] tilly: c: D'aww she's making friends
[20:47] lotus: *watches the little ones* Yare yare...
[20:47] silgruntymaster: o.0;;;;;;
[20:48] silgruntymaster: *sgrunty panics and starts to run in a circle, RPgrunty follows*
[20:48] tilly: [xD That little bugger would make so much trouble]
[20:48] silgruntymaster: h-hi tilly grunty
[20:48] silgruntymaster: *pets it while the two are running in circles*
[20:49] tilly: Tilly Grunty: Do you have any Grunty food for me? Oink!
[20:49] silgruntymaster: *AGrunty: not amused*
[20:49] silgruntymaster: come on you two.....
[20:49] lotus: so what now Grunty Mistress?
[20:49] silgruntymaster: *RPgrunty tackles S grunty and starts to make out with it*
[20:49] silgruntymaster: 0/////0;;;;;;;;
[20:49] lotus: O_O >////////<
[20:49] silgruntymaster: GAH!!!!!!!
[20:50] silgruntymaster: *whips out eraser&
[20:50] tilly: o: Aigoo!
[20:50] silgruntymaster: *starts to erase RPgrunty*
[20:50] arron: ...
[20:50] lotus: ... *just watches*
[20:50] silgruntymaster: *RPgrunty disappears*
[20:50] arron: *Coughs*
[20:50] silgruntymaster: g-gosh.....
[20:50] arron: Nice goin' there...
[20:51] lotus: ok...
[20:51] silgruntymaster: *Agrunty parts arron on his back* yeah ponytail good job!
[20:51] silgruntymaster: . . .
[20:51] tilly: -Picks up S Grunty- c: <3
[20:51] lotus: hehehehe
[20:51] silgruntymaster: *silas grunty starts to cry out of shock of the previous incident*
[20:51] silgruntymaster: o.o;;;
[20:51] lotus: *pokes it*
[20:51] arron: Uh...
[20:51] tilly: ; A; It's okay!
[20:51] silgruntymaster: I....didn;t think that one through
[20:51] tilly: -Cuddles S Grunty-
[20:51] silgruntymaster: ^^;;
[20:52] arron: No you didn't. *Deadpans*
[20:52] lotus: yare yare yareyare
[20:52] silgruntymaster: *Sgrunts calms down a bit, its big ponytail swooshing*
[20:52] silgruntymaster: . . .
[20:52] silgruntymaster: *hangs his head*
[20:52] tilly: :c Why you no feed Tilly Grunty, Sil?
[20:52] lotus: *avoids a face hit from tail*
[20:52] silgruntymaster: o.o;;;
[20:52] silgruntymaster: o-oh.....
[20:53] silgruntymaster: *draws a crudload of OhNoMellons and Pineyapples*
[20:53] tilly: -Tilly Grunty bumps into his legs constantly-
[20:53] lotus: *pulls book out of pocket*
[20:53] silgruntymaster: here ya go Tilly-G!
[20:54] silgruntymaster: *feeds her one*
[20:54] tilly: Tilly Grunty: c: Why thank you. <3
[20:54] guest-11894 entered the room
[20:54] silgruntymaster: welcome! the pile is all yours!
[20:54] silgruntymaster: *sgrunty hops down and brushes its hair*
[20:54] tilly: Tilly Grunty eats food rapidly.
[20:55] tilly: Tilly Grunty rolls around
[20:55] silgruntymaster: *blinks*
[20:55] tilly: c: Oh she is just like me. <3
[20:55] lotus: meh...Arron's was like Arron i'd suppose..
[20:55] silgruntymaster: *ArronGrunty pulls out gameboy and starts to play with it*
[20:55] silgruntymaster: Agrunty:mmph...
[20:55] lotus: *still ready book*
[20:56] guest-11913 entered the room
[20:56] silgruntymaster: *silas grunty runs over to ArrGrunty*
[20:56] silgruntymaster: *SGrunty swooshes its ponytail and AGrunty watches amazed*
[20:57] silgruntymaster: t-that's probably not gonna end...*AGrunty passes out*
[20:57] silgruntymaster: ....well
[20:57] silgruntymaster: . . .
[20:57] lotus: Pft!!! yep, deffinitely like Arron
[20:57] silgruntymaster: *SGrunty panics and starts fanning AGrunty with its tail*
[20:58] silgruntymaster: o.o;;;
[20:58] lotus: *watches slightly amused*
[20:58] silgruntymaster: t-this is looking a bit familiar.....
[20:58] lotus: oposite roles me thinks.....
[20:58] silgruntymaster: *Agrunty pops up and hits SGrunty in the head*
[20:58] silgruntymaster: o.0;;
[20:58] lotus: PFT!!!!
[20:59] silgruntymaster: *both begin to cry*
[20:59] guest-11947 entered the room
[20:59] lotus: =_=
[20:59] silgruntymaster: awww......
[20:59] silgruntymaster: *walks to both*
[20:59] silgruntymaster: you two o-k
[20:59] silgruntymaster: a
[20:59] silgruntymaster: y
[20:59] silgruntymaster: . . .
[20:59] silgruntymaster: c-crap!!!!!
[20:59] lotus: ?
[21:00] silgruntymaster: *Agrunty gets up, cursing like a sailor, half its head blue*
[21:00] silgruntymaster: o.0;
[21:00] guest-11967 entered the room
[21:00] lotus: *starts laughing a** off* nice job there
[21:00] silgruntymaster: I-I'm too good an artist me-think
[21:00] lotus: Are they supposed to be that simillar?
[21:01] tilly: c: -Rolls with Tilly Grunty-
[21:01] silgruntymaster: Agrunty:Arg! ya flippin llil idjit! I'mma kill ya! *chases sgrunty*
[21:01] silgruntymaster: o.o;;
[21:01] lotus: Oi! behave chibi!
[21:01] lotus: *brings out scythe* or else
[21:01] silgruntymaster: t-the grunties typically take on characteristics of their owners...
[21:02] lotus: oh...I see
[21:02] silgruntymaster: *watches as the two run in circles around the couch*
[21:03] silgruntymaster: *SGrunty trips on its ponytail and Lgrunty stops/towers over him*
[21:03] lotus: *just stares at them*
[21:03] silgruntymaster: u-uhhhhhhhhhhhhh
[21:03] lotus: (Lgrunty?) be glad you didnt do me then
[21:03] silgruntymaster: *Sgrunty starts to hilariously beg for its like and forgiveness*
[21:04] silgruntymaster: o.o;;;;;
[21:04] lotus: =_= eh?
[21:04] tilly: :V
[21:04] silgruntymaster: "don;t hurt me Lyth grunty! ~hoink!!! I didn't mean it!~hoink!!!"
[21:05] silgruntymaster: 'f-forgive me!~hoink!!!!!'*Sgrunty squirms on the floor*
[21:05] silgruntymaster: a-am I really like that? o.o;;;;
[21:05] lotus: ??? *goes over and grabs them both* OI!!
[21:06] silgruntymaster: *lyth grunty=not amuzed*
[21:06] silgruntymaster: Sgrunty: t-thanky you oh firey one!
[21:06] lotus: *glowers at him* Behave little one...or else!
[21:06] lotus: =_o firey one??
[21:06] silgruntymaster: Sgrunty:hoink~!!!!!s-sorry!!!!!
[21:07] silgruntymaster: Lgrunty:tch, wha'ver, girlie
[21:07] silgruntymaster: o.0
[21:07] lotus: *draging lyth grunty away* I'll ignore that
[21:07] lotus: =_O who yo callin girly assol??!?!
[21:07] silgruntymaster: Lgrunty:you, ya bleedin flame'ead!
[21:08] silgruntymaster: Sgrunty: uhh...hoink.....d-draw an antidote, Silabus?
[21:08] lotus: =_= *getting more and more pissed by the minute* oh really? ye blue litte icecle??
[21:08] lotus: I'll give you bleeding in a minute!
[21:08] guest-12068 entered the room
[21:08] silgruntymaster: *draws an antodite*
[21:09] lotus: *throws lyth grunty across room*
[21:09] silgruntymaster: Lgrunty;*crashes into wall*gah! low class asteroid!!!*explatives*
[21:10] guest-12084 entered the room
[21:10] silgruntymaster: u-uhhhh.......*walks over to L grunty and forces the antidote down its throat*
[21:10] lotus: =_= *now has scythe out* Oh raelly? little snow drift?
[21:10] shy: Hello~
[21:10] silgruntymaster: *Lgrunty:mkhkjgugjkghhujgj *back to Arron grunty and passes out*
[21:10] tilly: c: Hi Shy
[21:10] silgruntymaster: h-hi shy
[21:11] shy: Haaai~ C:
[21:11] lotus: *glowers at him and sighs* tch...If real Assol is like that we'll really get along
[21:11] guest-12096 entered the room
[21:11] silgruntymaster: *silasgrunty and sil stare at the passed out Arron grunty*
[21:11] silgruntymaster: >.> uhhh....
[21:11] silgruntymaster: yeah.....
[21:11] silgruntymaster: to let you know shy...
[21:12] lotus: *picks up the passed out grunty by goggles and puts on couch* baka...
[21:12] silgruntymaster: I kinda bartered with tilly for doodle's pencil and eraser
[21:12] silgruntymaster: and I drew grunties ^^;;
[21:12] silgruntymaster: *Arron grunty flops onto couch*@~@
[21:12] lotus: she was smart enough not to draw me
[21:12] silgruntymaster: -.-;
[21:13] lotus: *sits next to it with a book*
[21:13] silgruntymaster: I know the ponytail's huge but come on!!!!
[21:13] lotus: ?
[21:13] silgruntymaster: =3=
[21:13] lotus: maybe thats your drunk characteristics? *trying to be helpful*
[21:14] silgruntymaster: . . .
[21:14] tilly: :c Lotus, Sil is a boy
[21:14] lotus: yeah....and?
[21:14] silgruntymaster: *not amused look on both Sil's faces*
[21:14] silgruntymaster: *watches as Tilly gruntys rolls by*
[21:15] silgruntymaster: o-okay
[21:15] tilly: -Squiggle arms on the floor- o uo
[21:15] lotus: * raises feet to allow pass*
[21:15] tilly: -Rolls-
[21:15] tilly: -Bumps into Sill- c: A teehee
[21:15] silgruntymaster: *grunty Arron wakes up* ugh..wha' happn'?
[21:15] tilly: -Tilly Grunty bumps into her- c: <3
[21:15] guest-12151 entered the room
[21:15] silgruntymaster: *laughs*
[21:15] lotus: *looks at him* Nothing. feeling better?
[21:16] silgruntymaster: *AGrunty: hoof holding head* ugh...m' 'ead.......
[21:16] lotus: hm...sorry about that...
[21:16] silgruntymaster: *silasgrunty:jumps onto couch and stares at Arron grunty*
[21:16] lotus: ?
[21:16] silgruntymaster: . . .
[21:17] silgruntymaster: *SilasGrunty: holds out something* Gum?
[21:17] silgruntymaster: . . .
[21:17] silgruntymaster: *silabus falls on floor*
[21:17] tilly: -Clings Onto Sil- o uo <3
[21:17] lotus: ?? Oi, sil!
[21:17] tilly: We're laying on the floor together
[21:17] silgruntymaster: what the heck did I draw?!?!!!!
[21:18] silgruntymaster: *looks over at tilly* >///>;;
[21:18] lotus: grunty?
[21:18] tilly: -Tilly Grunty sits on Sil- c:
[21:18] silgruntymaster: *arron Grunty accepts the gum*
[21:18] silgruntymaster: ooph!
[21:18] lotus: *just watches*
[21:18] silgruntymaster: *arron grunty: 0x0;;;;;
[21:19] lotus: ? what's wrong?
[21:19] silgruntymaster: *silas grunty: *nomsa piece* mmmmmm!!!!!! Wasabi and oulled pork!
[21:19] tilly: -Cuddles Sil- >:3
[21:19] silgruntymaster: *arron grunty: 1hit ko
[21:19] lotus: Ouch...those arent fun
[21:19] silgruntymaster: *is cuddled and on floor*
[21:20] tilly: Tilly Grunty rolls on Sil
[21:21] silgruntymaster: SilasGrunty: Jumps off couch and starts to run in circles panicing* I've killed him ~hoink
[21:21] lotus: What? no you didnt
[21:21] silgruntymaster: gah!!*is rolled on*o.<
[21:21] lotus: *pokes sil* see? he alive
[21:21] silgruntymaster: *silas: still running and panicing*
[21:22] lotus: *picks silas up by pony tail* Ne, miteru, he not dead
[21:22] silgruntymaster: *silasgrunty: stops and watches as Arron Grunty makes a'hiiinnnnkkkkk' sound*
[21:22] lotus: *stares at Arro grunty* ?
[21:22] silgruntymaster: *silasgrunty: from air* r-really? *teary eyedU
[21:23] lotus: yes. *pokes Sil* NE, Okiru!
[21:23] silgruntymaster: *arrongrunty wakes up groggy and unpleasant*
[21:23] tilly: -Tilly Grunty rolls off Sil and rolls away-
[21:23] arron: (Back)
[21:23] silgruntymaster: o.o;;ugh...*sits up*
[21:23] lotus: see?
[21:23] tilly: -Still clung onto Sil- c: <3
[21:23] silgruntymaster: o//o;;
[21:25] silgruntymaster: *Arrongrunty: ugh.........I 'ink I'm 'onna be....urp.....sick.......
[21:25] silgruntymaster: *Arrgrunty: runs to garbage can and upchucks*
[21:25] silgruntymaster: *Silas grunty cries*
[21:25] lotus: !! ok?
[21:26] silgruntymaster: Arron grunty:urp~......
[21:26] lotus: *bends and hands Arron grunty a water bottle* ne,
[21:26] silgruntymaster: SilasGrunty: I made him sick....I didn't mean to hoink!!!!
[21:26] lotus: No, was;nt your fault probably
[21:26] tilly: o: I don't think Gruntys have thumbs, Lotus
[21:26] silgruntymaster: Arron grunty: th-thanks....
[21:27] lotus: what am i supposed to do?
[21:27] tilly: o: How will he be able to open the bottle?
[21:27] lotus: (is aklready open)
[21:27] lotus: uh....
[21:27] tilly: :V Oh I see you opened it for him
[21:27] silgruntymaster: Arron grunty: sips from open bottle*
[21:28] lotus: better?
[21:28] silgruntymaster: *Silas grunty runs over and hugs Arr grunty*
[21:28] silgruntymaster: ArronGrunty:y-yeah...o////o;;
[21:28] lotus: careful silas....
[21:28] lotus: Wanna go back on the couch?
[21:29] silgruntymaster: Arrongrunty;y-yeah....
[21:29] lotus: *carefully tries picking him up
[21:29] silgruntymaster: Arron grunty:is like jello and deadweight in your arms*
[21:30] tilly: -Tilly Grunty rolls and bumps into Arron's legs- c:
[21:30] silgruntymaster: Silas grunty: *follows teary eyed*
[21:30] lotus: *sits back on couch and sighs with Arron gurnty in lap* Yare yare
[21:30] silgruntymaster: Arron grunty: o///////o
[23:10] silgruntymaster: arron grunty *not amused*
[23:10] lotus: ^_^
[23:10] arron: *Stands There A Bit Shocked*
[23:11] tilly: c: Just look at his hair. <3
[23:11] silgruntymaster: *looks like a girl with hair released*
[23:11] tilly: -Petpet-
[23:11] lotus: rapunzel rapunzel (lol)
[23:11] silgruntymaster: o///o;;
[23:11] thorn: 'looks at lotus' im sure if your the one kickking it you firy little heart throb
[23:11] tilly: [Sil with loose hair = Bishie]
[23:11] silgruntymaster: arron grunty* .....>.<
[23:11] lotus: =_= *twitches* ......
[23:11] arron: ...
[23:11] thorn: 'looks at sil' hello there princess how might i assit you this day?
[23:11] arron: Uh...
[23:11] silgruntymaster: uh......whwat?!
[23:12] lotus: hehe
[23:12] tilly: [xD It's like Ping from Mulan]
[23:12] silgruntymaster: *eyebrow twitches in shock*
[23:12] arron: Where'd the clip g-go..?
[23:12] lotus:
[23:12] silgruntymaster: *shrinks into fetal position*
[23:12] lotus: *takes one from pocket* here
[23:13] thorn: ....
[23:13] arron: ...
[23:13] silgruntymaster: *tries to tie it back but it snaps*
[23:13] silgruntymaster: o.o''
[23:13] lotus: ...
[23:13] tilly: -Snuggles Sil- c: <3
[23:13] thorn: 'grins' awww come on sil. it looks better down
[23:13] lotus: do we need to get hell chains for that?
[23:13] silgruntymaster: *blushes*
[23:14] thorn: well if your hair realy bugs you thats much.... we could always cut it
[23:14] tilly: -Brushes Sil's hair- c:
[23:14] silgruntymaster: *big eyes*w-w-wha?!
[23:14] lotus: sure..donate to those little bald guys for cancer
[23:14] tilly: I'll just braid it
[23:14] tilly: -Braids- c: <3
[23:14] arron: ...
[23:15] lotus: *needs to learn how to do braids*
[23:15] thorn: 'watches' still looks like a princess
[23:15] silgruntymaster: *fidgets and hair keeps falling out of braid*
[23:15] lotus: stop moving
[23:15] arron: Hold on... Try this... *Taks Off His Wrist Plate * Clamps It Around Sil's Hair*
[23:15] tilly: c: <3
[23:15] lotus: carefull....if it snaps...
[23:15] silgruntymaster: arron grunty: that clip was probly special metal or somethin'
[23:15] thorn: or slips
[23:15] lotus: even so
[23:16] silgruntymaster: o//.//o;
[23:16] arron: Lil' Arrie's right.
[23:16] lotus: ne, what did it look like?
[23:16] silgruntymaster: *its holding for now*
[23:16] thorn: awwww..... so much for having a little princess in here...
[23:16] tilly: -Snuggles- c: <3
[23:16] silgruntymaster: dark green w-with light green stripes
[23:16] silgruntymaster: kinda circular
[23:16] tilly: D:< Aren't I already a princess?!
[23:16] lotus: meh,...he's close enough isnt he?
[23:17] silgruntymaster: o///o;;
[23:17] arron: ...
[23:17] silgruntymaster: arron grunty* wiggles free and starts to look for clasp*
[23:17] thorn: .... 'is wordless'
[23:18] thorn: well tilly your um.... 'looks about for help'
[23:18] silgruntymaster: *seems to shrink in his seat*
[23:18] arron: *Starts Looking For The Clasp Also*
[23:18] tilly: >:[ -Glares-
[23:18] lotus: Hm....*looks around.. uses scythe to feel under things*
[23:18] thorn: your darling... sil how ever.... well the hair you know?
[23:18] silgruntymaster: arron grunty:*shouts from somewhere* Its not in th' closet
[23:19] arron: Wait...
[23:19] tilly: >:[
[23:19] thorn: 'sweat drop' so um weres that clip... 'looks about'
[23:19] lotus: hehehe....
[23:19] arron: 'Ey is it metal?
[23:19] lotus: didn't chibi say so?
[23:19] silgruntymaster: y-yeah
[23:19] arron: Good!
[23:19] lotus: magnet!?
[23:19] silgruntymaster: m-mythrill
[23:19] tilly: :V Metal detector
[23:19] arron: *Pulls Down Goggles Over Eyes & Starts Looking Around*
[23:20] thorn: better one of arrons devices
[23:20] lotus: -_= mythrils a metal?
[23:20] tilly: Not all metals are magnetic
[23:20] lotus: true
[23:20] silgruntymaster: arron grunty: Its not in the pail I threw up it!
[23:20] silgruntymaster: o.0;;;
[23:20] arron: (PFT!)
[23:20] lotus: eh? I would hope not!
[23:20] thorn: ....
[23:20] arron: ...
[23:20] lotus: woudnt you?
[23:20] silgruntymaster: arron grunty: can;t be too careful 'round here
[23:20] arron: Lil' Arrie's worse than me...
[23:20] lotus: hehehehehe
[23:20] thorn: right arron i think the other you is a tad defective
[23:21] lotus: meh...he does try atleast
[23:21] thorn: true i supose
[23:21] arron: He's gonna get you fo' tha'... *Deadpans*
[23:21] tilly: >:[ All it takes is hair to make me look like a princess?
[23:21] silgruntymaster: arrongrunty: *snorts* and climbs under couch to look*
[23:21] arron: ...
[23:21] silgruntymaster: arrongrunty:hoooiiinnnkkkkkk!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
[23:21] lotus: what?
[23:21] arron: Huh?
[23:21] silgruntymaster: arrongrunty *scampers out fast*
[23:21] lotus: ??
[23:21] lotus: found?
[23:21] arron: Uh...
[23:21] thorn: ... so um that clip 'wonders away from tilly'
[23:22] tilly: c: He might have found it
[23:22] arron: ...
[23:22] silgruntymaster: arron grunty:f-found it.....a-allong with.....
[23:22] lotus: *glowers at thorn* Ne...did you see it?
[23:22] tilly: >:[ -Death glares-
[23:22] lotus: with?
[23:22] arron: Oh dear...
[23:22] lotus: what's wrong?
[23:22] thorn: 'gets the feeling hes not going to make it to the night'
[23:22] silgruntymaster: arrongrunty: o-oh stars....*passes out from the horrors of under the hq couch*
[23:22] arron: ...
[23:23] tilly: :c Oh noes
[23:23] lotus: !! oh helll (why whats under there?)
[23:23] thorn: .... 'grabs arron gruntys foot and pulls him out from under the couch'
[23:23] lotus: ....
[23:23] arron: Don't tell he saw the mutated curry sandwhich Ms. Panty left...
[23:23] lotus: what?
[23:23] silgruntymaster: *still sitting paralized with shock of the hair comming undone*
[23:23] arron: It lives under the couch.
[23:24] arron: It eats lent.
[23:24] arron: *lint
[23:24] lotus: it...LIVEs?? waht the hell?
[23:24] arron: Yeah...
[23:24] silgruntymaster: arron grunty: n-no one s-should h-have t' s-see that.....
[23:24] lotus: *tempted to look*
[23:24] thorn: take that as a yes
[23:24] tilly: c: Go Tilly Grunty!
[23:24] lotus: *pats chibi*
[23:24] tilly: -Tilly Grunty searches around-
[23:24] silgruntymaster: arron grunty: o.o;;;
[23:25] lotus: want water?
[23:25] silgruntymaster: arron grunty: y-yes........
[23:25] lotus: *hands open bottle*
[23:25] silgruntymaster: . . .
[23:26] silgruntymaster: arron grunty: takes it and drinks*
[23:26] guest-8808 entered the room
[23:26] silgruntymaster: *starts to rock back and forth*
[23:26] arron: ...
[23:26] tilly: -Tries to console Sil-
[23:26] tilly: o no He is easily rejecting me
[23:26] lotus: oh he gonna snap or something?
[23:26] arron: Uh...
[23:26] guest-8808 changed nickname to pantyface
[23:27] silgruntymaster: just keep calm...just keep calmm*rocks back and forth*
[23:27] thorn: 'looks at all' .... sometimes one should avoid the couch
[23:27] arron: At-At least what's underneath it...
[23:28] lotus: meesh
[23:28] silgruntymaster: arron grunty: *nods*
[23:28] thorn: indeed
[23:28] lotus: *pats chibi*
[23:28] arron: Lyth: HEY IT'S THE DIVINE HOTTIE!
[23:28] silgruntymaster: arron grunty: o//n//o
[23:28] pantyface: *Eyebrow raise* The ******** is going on in here?
[23:28] lotus: ?? what was htaht??
[23:28] arron: O///Xo
[23:28] thorn: 'looks at little arron grunty' coulda been worse coulda tryed to eat you
[23:28] tilly: D: Lyth is here?!
[23:28] pantyface: ...Why hello to you too.~
[23:28] arron: *Covers Mouth*
[23:28] thorn: Speekking of sexy angles
[23:29] lotus: *tries not to look at arron. pats chibi*
[23:29] lotus: dont even!
[23:29] silgruntymaster: g-great......*keeps rocking back and forth*
[23:29] arron: I-I'm so-so sorry...
[23:29] pantyface: Somethin' wrong?
[23:29] lotus: Uh....dont worry about it?
[23:29] silgruntymaster: arron grunty: GOTS TAH SAY, i AGREE WITH YE THERE BOYO!!!!
[23:29] thorn: no not realy
[23:29] silgruntymaster: arron grunty: o//o;;;
[23:30] arron: *Facepalms*
[23:30] lotus: bye TT^TT
[23:30] pantyface: ....Right. Well.
[23:30] silgruntymaster: *hair starts to break out of the makeshift clip holding it*
[23:31] silgruntymaster: o.o;;;;;;
[23:31] silgruntymaster: arron grunty turns and watches*
[23:31] arron: Oh stars... *Notices & Places Hand On Wrist Plate So It Doesn't Go Flying*
[23:32] thorn: 'sighs and gos over to hold sils hair'
[23:32] tilly: :C
[23:32] thorn: its ok arron go find his clip...
[23:32] silgruntymaster: *the poof of hair is contained but it still cascades everywhere*
[23:32] silgruntymaster: o///o;;
[23:32] thorn: sil... why in the worlds do you have so much hair
[23:33] pantyface: I think it's sexy.
[23:33] tilly: :c -Quietly sulks away-
[23:33] arron: *Walks Over & Reaches Under Couch*
[23:33] arron: : O
[23:33] silgruntymaster: arron grunty: b-be careful.....
[23:33] arron: OW!
[23:33] tilly: -Death glares- >:[
[23:33] thorn: 'looks over at arron' it bite you?
[23:34] silgruntymaster: I-its normally okay as long as its in its clip
[23:34] arron: *Pulls Hand Out & A Mutated Sandwhich Is Biting His Hand*
[23:34] arron: >o<
[23:34] thorn: ....
[23:34] silgruntymaster: arron grunty: THA'S THE THIN' THA BIT ME TAIL!
[23:35] arron: *Shakes Hand & The Sandwhich Goes Flying*
[23:35] silgruntymaster: *looks down and is ashamed*
[23:35] arron: Ms. Panty shoot it.
[23:35] pantyface: Huh?
[23:35] arron: It was your sandwhich anyway.
[23:35] pantyface: ...The ********.
[23:35] pantyface: Since when did i make one of those?
[23:35] thorn: 'still holdding sil's hair in place'
[23:35] pantyface: *Wouldn't remember.*
[23:36] silgruntymaster: arron grunty: ....please shoot it.
[23:36] arron: It was a spicy curry sandwhich...
[23:36] pantyface: ...Oh.
[23:36] arron: It HAS to be yours...
[23:36] pantyface: Huh. Guess so.
[23:36] silgruntymaster: o///o;;
[23:36] arron: *Sniffs Hand* Ew... Rotten curry...
[23:36] pantyface: You know shooting it requires me stripping. Think you can handle it, Mechanic Boy~?
[23:36] thorn: ... rank
[23:36] arron: ...
[23:36] silgruntymaster: arron grunty: . . .
[23:37] thorn: 'looks at panty' wait is that where that gun comes from?
[23:37] arron: I'l... cl-close my eyes...
[23:37] arron: <///////////////<
[23:37] silgruntymaster: *some long hair falls into his face*
[23:37] pantyface: You'd miss this?
[23:37] pantyface: Sucks to be you then.
[23:37] silgruntymaster: Arron grunty: turns around o//o/*
[23:37] thorn: 'groans and trys to grab falling hair'
[23:38] thorn: too much hair sil to much hair
[23:38] silgruntymaster: *more just pops out and he blushes*
[23:38] thorn: ....
[23:38] thorn: someone hurry up and find this man his clip
[23:38] silgruntymaster: *silently weaps to self*
[23:40] thorn: 'watchs' wow....
[23:40] tilly: -Tilly Grunty rolls around with something in her mouth- Tee hee. c:
[23:40] pantyface: *Strips off her underwear and transforming it into it's pistol form, shoots the offending
[23:40] pantyface: sandwhich.*
[23:40] pantyface: Bl
[23:40] arron: *Covers Face*
[23:40] silgruntymaster: Assron grunty looking away* >///>
[23:40] pantyface: ((LOL ASSRON))
[23:40] silgruntymaster: (XD lol)
[23:41] tilly: [xD]
[23:41] silgruntymaster: (*arron
[23:41] thorn: .... 'looks away from panty' well that was hot
[23:41] pantyface: Would you have expected any less?
[23:41] tilly: c: -Picks up Tilly Grunty- What do you have there?
[23:41] silgruntymaster: *saw what happened*
[23:41] thorn: ... never
[23:41] silgruntymaster: *is starting to wobble*
[23:41] pantyface: *Blows on the end of her gun, dispersing the smoke coming from it.*
[23:41] silgruntymaster: 0////o;;;;;
[23:42] silgruntymaster: *is sawying erratically*
[23:42] tilly: -Carries Tilly Grunty to Sil- c: Lookie
[23:42] silgruntymaster: o.o
[23:42] silgruntymaster: 0.0
[23:42] tilly: -Tilly Grunty is carrying a green ring-
[23:42] silgruntymaster: *grabs the clip and nuzzles it*
[23:42] thorn: ...
[23:42] arron: *Reaches Hand Under Couch Again Throwing Out Various Objects*
[23:43] arron: : o
[23:43] tilly: Tilly Grunty: Oink. c: Tee hee
[23:43] arron: *Pulls Out The Clasp* FOUND IT.
[23:43] thorn: 'looks at arron grunty' dont think the little guy can handle that much sexy
[23:43] tilly: o: Duplicates?!
[23:43] silgruntymaster: o.0;;;
[23:43] arron: Maybye it was... Sil's Grunty..?
[23:43] thorn: oh thank goodness... get it over here so i dont have to hold sils hair anymore
[23:43] silgruntymaster: Arron grunty*passed out sitting up*
[23:44] arron: ...
[23:44] arron: Uh....
[23:44] silgruntymaster: o.o;;
[23:44] arron: Lil' Arrie..?
[23:44] tilly: >W> -Looks at Tilly Grunty-
[23:44] pantyface: *You shouldn't feed her ego. Smiiiirrkkksss and stares at Arron.*
[23:44] silgruntymaster: *Arron grunty falls off the couch*
[23:44] arron: ...
[23:44] thorn: ...
[23:44] silgruntymaster: o.o;;;;
[23:44] tilly: ...
[23:45] arron: Oh... *Gets It* >////////<
[23:45] tilly: D:< Put the clasp in your hair already
[23:45] silgruntymaster: *hair bursts out of thorns hands, cascading everywhere*
[23:45] silgruntymaster: o.o;
[23:45] silgruntymaster: GAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[23:46] tilly: :V
[23:46] silgruntymaster: *reaches back and corralls it in the clip*
[23:46] thorn: ... 'backs away from sil'
[23:46] tilly: c: Yay!
[23:46] silgruntymaster: *snaps clip shut and the mess goes into its perfect curl with a sparkle*
[23:46] thorn: 'sihg' too much hair
[23:46] thorn: ....
[23:46] silgruntymaster: =.=;
[23:46] tilly: * o * Pretty! Like a Bishie!
[23:46] thorn: so muhc for princess sil
[23:46] pantyface: *Eyeing Sil's hair.*
[23:47] arron: My... Wrist plate..?
[23:47] arron: D:
[23:47] silgruntymaster: arron grunty*still passedout*
[23:47] silgruntymaster: o///o;;;
[23:47] tilly: -Holds Tilly Grunty to Sil- c: You should thank her
[23:47] silgruntymaster: *pats tilly's head*0x0;;
[23:47] thorn: 'walks away and sits on the cough'
[23:48] thorn: 'couch***'
[23:48] tilly: :V
[23:48] silgruntymaster: *reaches behind him and grabs arron;s wristplate*
[23:48] pantyface: *Starts getting a few ideas of her own.*
[23:48] tilly: -Puts Tilly Grunty down and lets her roll off-
[23:48] silgruntymaster: uh...uhhh......*blushes cherry red*
[23:48] pantyface: So. Anything else you want me to shoot?
[23:48] pantyface: Or was that it?
[23:48] arron: No...
[23:49] arron: If... we-we find another sandwich though...
[23:49] silgruntymaster changed nickname to sil_an_lil_arr
[23:49] sil_an_lil_arr: arron grunty: *has a nosebleed*
[23:49] tilly: D: Ahhh!!!!!!
[23:50] arron: ...
[23:50] thorn: no panty i dont think theres need for you to shoot anythign else
[23:50] arron: This lil' g-guy... he;s worse than me...
[23:50] sil_an_lil_arr: arron grunty: @~@
[23:50] tilly: -Takes off beret and gets Doodle's pencil-
[23:50] tilly: :c
[23:50] arron: *On
[23:51] pantyface: Good. Too lazy to do much else.
[23:51] sil_an_lil_arr: . . .*sits silently in embarassment*
[23:51] tilly: -Draws tissues and blots away the blood from Arron Grunty-
[23:51] arron: Hey... Lil' Arrie...
[23:51] pantyface: *Transforms Backlace back into it's underwear form and slips them on again.*
[23:51] arron: *Nudges The Grunty*
[23:51] sil_an_lil_arr: arron grunty: *slowly revives*
[23:52] sil_an_lil_arr: arron grunty: w-wha' 'appened?
[23:52] arron: Uh...
[23:52] arron: *Coughs*
[23:52] pantyface: > 3 >~
[23:52] arron: >//////////////>
[23:52] sil_an_lil_arr: arron grunty: o/////////o
[23:53] sil_an_lil_arr: arron grunty:*climbs onto Arron's head*
[23:53] arron: *Walks Over To Sil* Whispers* WE-WE REALLY don't need another me running around...
[23:53] pantyface: *Flops on the couch and crosses her legs, staring off into space.*
[23:53] thorn: cant you just kill it?
[23:53] arron: ...
[23:53] sil_an_lil_arr: *nods quickly hair bouncing*
[23:54] tilly: -Puts pencil away into beret-
[23:54] tilly: c: Meow
[23:54] sil_an_lil_arr: t-the eraser tilly
[23:54] tilly: -Climbs up cat tree and hides-
[23:54] arron: Ya wanna go see Sil..?
[23:54] thorn: do we also need another tilly?
[23:54] sil_an_lil_arr: arron grunty:*hits a button on hoof and hops on hoverboard*
[23:55] sil_an_lil_arr: arron grunty: ...y-yeah......I s-should
[23:55] arron: ...
[23:55] sil_an_lil_arr: . . .*looks at his feet*
[23:55] arron: Ms. T-Till!
[23:55] tilly: -Tilly Grunty- : What do you mean by that?! >:[
[23:55] arron: Th-The eraser please..?
[23:56] thorn: im saying that one of one people should be enough of them right?
[23:56] sil_an_lil_arr: arron grunty: hovers quietly*
[23:56] tilly: -Tosses eraser to Arron- c:
[23:56] arron: *Catches*
[23:57] sil_an_lil_arr: arron grunty: I-I'm ready *nods*
[23:57] tilly: -Death glares- >:[ There is nothing wrong with my mini me
[23:57] arron: It's was fun ya know! I'll see ya again, promise.
[23:57] sil_an_lil_arr: arron grunty: *nods*yeah. I know ya'll keep it.
[23:57] arron: *Eraser The Grunty*
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