Also known as: Consuela Maria Hibari
Gender: Female
Age: 23
Weight: 139
Nation: Mantius
Rank: Civilian
Weapon(s): Her Parasol (indicated in the picture) and the weapons from her parent's Smithery.
Shards of Man:
Shard of Linguistics
-Shard of Insanity
-Shard of Stealth
Shard of Power:
- Shard of Energy
Shard of the Wild:
- Wolverine
Bio: Not much can be said for our dear Consuela. Unable to remember much of her childhood and even so, she questions if what she remembers is even factual or should be trusted. As of now she is seemingly the Queen's head maid, but also takes care of her parent's smithery.
Personality: She is incapable of distinguishing between what's seemingly right and wrong and has no sense of reasoning. But along with that she is indebtedly loyal to royal family so much so that she took their name for her own and will do anything to ensure their safety and well being.
What I look like:

Controlled by: Lucunda Somina