Birthday: July 30th
Age: 18
Kitten is a sweet and kind hearted girl who would do anything to make other people happy, but at the same time there is a very sad past she would never talk about and that is the death of her mother and father who risked their own life saving her from the human world.
Kitten is a S rank fighter who has secretly and quietly quited her special school for fighters due to the fact she doesn’t want to become a weapond but at the same time she couldn’t help but wanted a normal life.
As a spell bounder you have to go into battle with different people and your sacrfice would be the person who would take all the attack as the spell bounder has to find a way to protect other people.
Sadly none of her sacrfice agree with the way how Kitten want to make peace with the human spell casters as well as they where the one who destoryed her life to have no one to stay by her side beside her teacher who is a beautiful young man name Soubi, he disliked butterflys and yet he found his bond with this child once he found out his best friend died from the human who attacked them.
Kitten’s mother was a teacher at a normal human high school were everyone respected her as a teacher because of her kindness and love for the life that was around her, but at the same time no one knew the fact that she was a neko also due to the fact the doctors that knew her mother and father had secretly removed her tail and ears once she was born due to the fact they didn’t want their daughet to become a weapond that would bring harm to humans and nekos.
Kitten’s father was also a teacher who was a spell bounder and a fighter who had his own right to protect those that was special and close around him, but at the same time doesn’t wish to have his life mingled with the humans, because of the way they looked human… people disagree with them as a Neko.
Many neko children who was raised under the government care had become killers that is stronger and will minded than normal humans, because of this some has forgotten the fact they are neko and that they are nothing but pure human.
Kitten’s mother was choosen to be a sacrfice with this beautiful man who was called Beloved, a beautiful kind hearted man who didn’t wish to fight but fought to protect what was right.
The young couple slowly started to fall in love with each other as they started to learn about each other as the young man understood why such a beautiful women’s ear was removed during birth along with her tail due to the fact her family didn’t want her to suffer the way the government had treated their own kind, this kind of emotion he wanted to protect it.
Slowly without warning the two young couple fell in love with each other, as he learn that humans are not all that bad as he thought as not everyone knew about the fact that Neko was also a human mixed breed.
Slowly the young couple got married as they promised to stay with each other until one day a government staff member came to vist the young couple who was now carrying their first unborn child.
The young man who worked for the government wanted to pay the couple a very high price on buying their first unborn child and train her to become the world most well-known government fighter, which made the couple really sick as they knew this would bring their child no happiness.
The couple disagree on the choice the young man made for them as they wanted their only child to have a normal life like the mother who was now a teacher as well as a beautiful respected person in the human world.
the young man didn’t bother saying anything else as he felt sick to the choice on the young couple made as he noticed how they wanted to have a normal life and has nothing to do with fighting.
As the month when by the young neko women’s belly grew more and more round as she wondered if their child would have a normal life or not as the worries and hate started to grow more and more around the young couple as she got scared.
Her mother was going to go to a under ground hosptial that was made specially for neko’s and vampires, but sadly this choice didn’t happen as the government took over their life and made sure their child was taken away from them once it was born so the young couple could never disagree with the choice the government had made for them.
Slowly the time was coming near for the young couples’s love to come to this world, this got the young women worried because of the government staff who wanted to do expriments and test on their child.
Just because they where neko, doesn’t mean they didn’t know anything that was human and would never understand what a human emotion would be like because they are also human but just different with the fact their ears and tail are like nekos.
one night Kitten’s mother was in labor, a few males from the government line barely cared or bothered sending her to a hosptial because she was ready to give brith as they just stood there caring less, as she scream in pain.
Kitten’s father was taken away to do missions that would be disagreeable in his own will as he got a phone call from one of the staff member that his wife was in labour and that she was ready to give birth, as he scream that his wife should be taken to a hosptial and that he would do anything for his wife safety.
it was later Kitten’s mother was sent to the hosptial as the doctor told her to relax and that everything would be in good hands as she trusted none of th government workers as the doctor and nurse check her temperture and making sure her baby was alright.
It wasn’t long Kitten was brought into this world as the government mens was waiting outside as her father was rushing himself to see his first born child, before it was taken away from them.
Sadly he couldn’t see Kitten or his wife as the workers from the human world disagree with the fact that this child doesn’t belong to them and that their child was dead once it was born which was a horrible lie to face as the young man screamed in pain as the stress and sadness lingered in his mind.
Kitten’s father started to go into a killing mode which destroyed half of the humans that was working for the government as he scream out loud questioning them why he couldn’t see his child, when he was the one who brought her into this world, and that everything was never fair for them because they had a different form and that their looked human enough to not notice the differences.
kitten’s mother was surprised that their first born child had arrived into this world as she beg the doctors to let her see it as the doctor told her that the baby was in good shape, but only different about the child which shocked them was the cat ear and tail that came with the child, as her mother relaxed a bit before the voice of the staff members from the government came into the room saying that their child must go with them as the young mother screamed begging them to let her see the child just once.
At the same time she could feel the pain that her husband was going through as she could feel him using his spell bounding the humans down to their will as he murdered them one after another as he screamed in pain, tears roll down the young women’s eyes as she got out of bed slowly and grab the child from the doctors arm and ran, as her wound slipped open as she slowly started to bleed.
This child was not going with anyone as she ran and bleeds as the nurse and doctors got worried as they chased after her, at the same time the young man was shot to death by his own kind as the spell bounder was chocked to his death as he fell to the ground.
Before his death he called his best friend Soubi that no matter what happen he had to protect their only child which he was surprised that the government had choosen.
Soubi rushed to the hospital as he questioned if a beautiful young women had arrived at that named hospital as the nurse pointed the room the women was supposed to be in, but of course the women wasn’t in that room at all due to the fact the workers from the government wanted this child and he couldn’t let anything happen on this child as he notice a long stain rolled of blood as he notice a women holding a neko baby as she was breathing heavily as she held onto the child hiding in the baby room as she cling to the baby closely.
Soubi couldn’t believe the young women was his best friend’s wife as he fell to his knee saying everything would be alright as she was losing her sight at that very moment as she gave Soubi the baby girl, as her last word was she hope the kitten would become a kind hearted women who would know what was right and what was wrong, no matter how childish or naughty she would become, she had fate that something good would come out of the child.
Soubi watched painfully as his best friend’s wife died from over bleeding as he knew that she was trying to protect the child from harm and so did the father who was murdered by their own kind because of selfish reason to stay alive.
Soubi raised Kitten with the name the mother last said before her breath as he carried the baby away and held onto the child closely.
as time when by Kitten grew up to be a kind hearted girl who barely wanted to harm anyone that was close to her, but sometime she just didn’t understand why she had to fight them when they attacked her with horrible words cause she was different.
Soubi grew a strong bond with Kitten as he held onto her one night as she walked home crying that everyone called her weird because she had cat ears, as he pulled her into his warmth saying that if she wishes to be free, he could remove the ears for her once she was older.
But as she grew she began to love herself more and more as her beauty shined like a bright star as her fighting skill and spell controlling skills got more and more stronger than others.
Until one day she told her teacher she was tired of fighting people and that she wanted a normal life as Soubi questioned her if she wanted her ears removed, as she laugh softly saying that she would remove it on her own later, as Soubi sigh… his love for her was deep like a lover, but to Kitten he was her teacher and friend so she couldn’t have those feeling with him.
As time when by, Kitten grew more and more used to her fight less life as she smiled more and was more happy talking to those who accepted her as a neko as some humans wasn’t that scary at all.
Kitten had a very childish side which caught people’s attention as she enjoyed drinking milk; no one could date her because she was found to be a little girl which was really an annoying fact as she didn’t let anyone touch her body or ears that easily.
as time when by people’s desire grew more and more stronger for Kitten as she got into a few relationship that people barely understood her need as she felt sad about the fact no one could give her the desire that she wanted.
Later Kitten met a young man named Antoine who brought her happiness for a very short time as he gave her a very special bond where she desired his body more and more as she slowly fell in love with him.
But this bond was later known as forbidden as had taken what was mostly her respected treasure when he got turn on by a little accident she caused when she was in desire to drink milk, but she mistakenly pour it on the ground as she was licking it off the floor as his body grew more and more as she purr and was turning his desire on.
He took her to the bathroom to get the milk stain off his clothing and her body as well, where their special bond became a lover’s embrace and this lasted for a very long time as she desired for him more and more as he said that she should never be embarrassed in making love, as he said she was his special and precious Kitten of his.
Later she understood their love was forbidden as her emotion broke into millions of pieces as he wanted to faithful to his love one, as she scream and whined would friends, brother or sister would have such a sexual bond with each other as she blames herself.
Later he and his brother pushed her to Frankenstein who raped and abused her body sexually as she scream for her onii-sama, as her mind had blocked most of her own memory on what he looked like.
Right now she remembers a small amount of the event on the bond she had with Antoine, besides healing and resting in the special tank liquid, as well as Antoine is burnt by her flame butterfly which she tried to use to kill herself.

In her onii-sama's eyes