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Name: spacie[ Henry Allen Rothschild ] Age: spaceiiiii[ Twenty-seven ] Gender: spaii[ Male ] E-Mail: space[ ] Country: spa[ England ]
What are you looking for in a pen pal? [ A meaningful relationship, not necessarily romantic, but we'll see how it goes.. ]
Hobbies/Interests: + [ Outdoor activities. Sports, hiking, trips to the seaside. ] + [ Cooking. I'm a fair hand at baking. ] + [ My kids. My students and nephews and niece. ] + [ America. The history and culture to be specific. ]
Short Introduction [ Hi. Well, I'm Henry, the Year Four Primary English teacher. That's fourth grade to any Americans out there. English Major, Teaching Minor from UCLA, which is where I got my first taste of American culture. Or Californian culture, maybe. I have custody of my sister's three children, 15 year old Elisse, 4 year old Quitman, and 18 month old David. That's your warning, because I'll probably talk about them quite often. If that doesn't scare you off, then I'm sure we'll get along brilliantly. ]
SavingPollyOliver · Wed May 25, 2011 @ 08:53pm · 0 Comments |