Even though my real name is Bennu Marie Tera
I’ve been around for If I were to put a numerical value....28?
Truly, I am a woman
And I chase the I am married to Alexi Valentin Savonheimo
But don’t judge me for being {Judge me all you want}, I still weigh 163 and stand at 5'9
Because I live on The Flying Dutchman
And I am, A doctor {None the less}
I am armed with, Myself,Her Scythe
Although I can also my newly acquired Ectoplasmic powers.
Give me My Daughter,My Love, My Father, My Brother, My old Crew.
However, I can’t stand Anyone who tries to harm those who are precious to me, anything else I've grown indifferent to.
I’ll never forget how it all began… Born and raised at the Azure Line, amongst The People's Line was were Bennu's life was begun.Her mother and father were respectable in their own ways ,but her father was not her ideal type of being. Her mother being one with an extreme sense of the land and the people, used this gift to aide her with her medicine and healing, a trait now passed down to Bennu,whic drew much attention to their already slightly wealthier lifestyle.Her father was a possessive and darker being, and in tuned with the darker aspects of the island.
Renka, the name of her father and the position he held, Tribe Leader. Though darker in his ways he was a great leader in Bennu's eyes.As a child she never saw her father much for he was always dealing with the talk of on going wars and of mysterious beings. It wasn't until she was slightly older did she truly venture out to see what her father was actually doing, talks of a strange man soon traveled amongst her people and her curiosity spiked, that was when she first put eyes with the strange being, James. Unknowing of his ways and customs, she had watched each and every night he went to fight. Her father holding her like a sort of trophy upon his lap she watched and viewed this strange being and how he soon earned the usually impossible trust of her father.
Years went by and as James The Foreigner, as she came to call him, learned her people's language and customs she learned his, all was peaceful while James was there but soon turned to rubble. Shortly after his departure,The Navy came by and raided her village, her mother slaughtered and Bennu taken captive only to escape shortly after and take refuge upon The Sad Executioner as their Doctor.......
Events occured and a lost love reunited. A new found mother hood and now she belongs to the Flying Dutchman. But one dilemma is one such as this; how will she tell her dearly beloved husband that she has a child, and with Davy Jone's himself?
It made me the way I am… Quiet yet polite. She has a strong sense of morals but what they are is up for you to decide. Loyal to those whom she trusts, so if you get upon her bad side you best make sure that she can trust you, or else be prepared for a ride. She can have her wise moments.
Think of me with this World biggrin ragon Crisis
Did I mention? “Revenge is an act of passion; vengeance of justice. Injuries are revenged; crimes are avenged.”
~Lucunda Somina~