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trinka's journal thingie
Lalala.... la.
What a day
Boy, today was weird. It started when I woke up sick and had to go to school. I went to my bus stop in freezing tepteratures and waited for 20 or so minutes. Finally, everyone at my bus stop decided it was time to go home since the bus looked like it wasn't coming. I get into my house and call my mom, as I'm calling her I see my bus arrive... *twitch* gonk My mom is not very happy with me even though it's not my fault I missed the bus.... So, I'm getting ready for a day at home when one of the people at my bus stop asks if I need a ride and I accepted because my mom was so.... upset.

So, the day moves along and I'm in PE. Fun class. [/sarcasm] So we're playing volleyball and I can't hit the ball over the net... to put in blantly... I suck at volleyball. Then the day finally ends with some good news. I get to go to a party next friday. I'm excited. whee But of course evil forces have to take my happiness away. I was walking to my bus to go home and I slide and fell on my a** from the ice. scream gonk It still hurts. People just laughed at me... it was funny but still.... Only one person asked if I was ok... What has the world come to... ? *shrugs* But overall I'd have to say my day was good. xp

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7th Sin
Community Member
commentCommented on: Thu Dec 02, 2004 @ 10:27pm
[massages your a**] sad Poor thing. xd

commentCommented on: Fri Dec 03, 2004 @ 12:12am
I know, it hurt so bad. xp

Community Member
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