---------- OC PROFILE ----------
Character Name: Ayda
ALIGNMENT: Antagonist
Race: Devil/Goatwoman
Age: 365 (appears to be 30 or so)
Personality: Ayda is a mean and sadistic woman. With the capacity to slay
whole villages without a second thought, she makes an ideal pawn for the queen.
She is very unstable and psychotic.
Appearance: Ayda is 6'5'' w/ heels, and very strong, but lightweight. Her hair
remains its natural colour-- purple, but carries a few grays here and there. Eyes are
purple, as well. She has long claws and pointed teeth. Her horns are long and black
and point past the back of her skull. She appears to be tattood but this is actually
her natural markings that she carries on her body.
Clothing: SCANTY, PLEASE! She is a warrior I suppose, but she doesn't wear
.... many clothes. XD As long as shes not naked, the more skin, the better.
Quick Bio: Many years ago, before such a union was considered socially
acceptable, Ayda was a nurse who was married to a human man, and they had
many children. However, she outlived her rich husband as well as her children
who only had a lifespan about 5O% longer than a regular human. Eventually her
sorrow manifested into more violent and angry feelings, and unable to earn money
as a devil-woman, she taken in by the antagonist group. They manipulated her mind
and amplified her anger-- causing her to go insane. She now works for the queen
and kills on not only command, but whim and even impulse.
Drawn References: xx - xx